Yan Xia only had one impression of /Star City.


In addition to being big, there is nothing to see here, everything is simplified.

/Star City is not one-sided, but divided into two sides, like a thin piece of paper with buildings on both the front and back.

This is extremely difficult.

It is extremely difficult to get rid of the influence of gravity for such a huge structure, not to mention the energy considerations.

A city on Earth that accommodates millions of people requires a large number of elites to plan. For example, this 550 trillion square kilometers of land requires too many technologies just to build this Star City. It is not only the quantity that leads the Civilization Federation, but also the quality.

Yan Xia slowly flew between the buildings.

"/Star City does not focus on production, but more on life and service."

"We have very few factories here, and every building is an entertainment and living area."

Yan Xia nodded. In fact, there is nothing to appreciate specifically.

The aesthetics of the Olive Branch Civilization are too far away from humans. It is impossible to tell what is done in each place. They all feel the same, just cold pillars.

"Can I see your entertainment methods?" he asked.

You can see a lot of things about a civilization from its entertainment methods.

Zhuo did not refuse.

"Of course, come with me."

They flew close to a pillar building. All of these pillars were terribly large. The smallest length and width were more than 10,000 meters, and the largest started at 1 million meters. Not to mention the height, it was not 10,000 meters, but 10,000 miles.

When they approached the building, the smooth outer layer of the building opened a hole, and inside was a passage flashing with white light.

"White, this is the entertainment place." Zhuo introduced.

It turned out that there were still signs, but this kind of sign should be auxiliary. Since the Olive Branch Civilization is all some mechanical life, then their main means of receiving information should be the Internet.

Yan Xia guessed that although it was calm on the surface, it was very likely that there had been discussions about the Civilization Federation in another layer of the network.

After entering, the chair slowed down and flew for about a minute into a room. The main color here was very dark, and cylindrical containers could be seen.

There were already some Olive Branch Civilization lives in these containers.

"Just like your Civilization Federation, entertainment takes up too much space and resources, so we developed a virtual world."

"In the virtual world, we can create unlimited space and provide an entertainment environment."

After the virtual world is developed, it will appear as a platform, not a single scientific and technological achievement.

There is technology developed in the real field, and there must be technology to explore the virtual world, just like the simulated universe, building the virtual world exactly the same as the real world.

The benefits of doing this have been proven in the simulated universe, especially after life enters the virtual world, life can also accelerate with the acceleration of the virtual world, which means that civilization can press the fast-forward button in the virtual world.

Ming introduced to Yan Xia: "Every container here is a tool to enter the virtual world."

"Due to the different structure, I'm afraid I can't take you to visit our virtual world."

Yan Xia sighed.

"What a pity."

"Then let's go directly to that area, I'm looking forward to it."

It doesn't even take a minute for advanced civilizations to realize the function of information access. Yan Xia can take this sentence as a rejection from Ming.

Why refuse?

Just look outside and you will know that this is a cold place. As long as the life of the Olive Branch Civilization has emotions and is not a real machine, they will find a more suitable area to live.

That is the virtual world.

He guessed that the main world of this Star City is a virtual world, and everything outside is just a byproduct of the construction around the virtual world.

The Olive Branch Civilization may be a virtual civilization.

He smiled and agreed, then took Yan Xia out.

They arrived at the area prepared by the Olive Branch Civilization for the Civilization Federation. Yan Xia actually didn't want to stay here directly. Everything here belongs to the Olive Branch Civilization. As a civilization that is more advanced than them, it is very easy to monitor them in their own area.

In other words, if they stay here, they will be stripped of everything.

But Yan Xia must stay here because he wants to understand the Olive Branch Civilization, and it is undoubtedly more convenient to stay in the Star City.

After flying for more than two hours, they finally arrived at the destination.

"That's it."

As Zhuo pointed in that direction, an area that was originally integrated with the surroundings began to change. The low square pillars began to rise and formed a high wall. They flew higher and higher, and stopped when they reached 3 million kilometers from the ground. Only then could they see the whole picture of that area.

"How is it?" Zhuo asked.

It is indeed a vast area, about 40 million square kilometers. If it is placed on any planet, it is considered a huge area, but it seems too small in Star City.

The only thing that Yan Xia felt he needed to pay attention to was that this was the center of Star City, which meant that if something happened, no one would think of escaping. Even if they released information, they would most likely be intercepted.

"Very good, we have already felt the sincerity of your civilization." Yan Xia nodded.

"Regarding the exchanges between the two civilizations, we have left a large number of starry sky stations along the way. These stations can help the lives of our two civilizations communicate across a distance of 280 light years."

"In fact, I hope that our two civilizations can achieve a win-win situation in business from now on. What do you think?"

Chu did not answer Yan Xia immediately.

"This is a big problem that requires long-term planning, and we are not prepared for this."

In fact, there is no need to prepare at all. There is a high probability that you want to refuse, because the technological level of the Olive Branch Civilization far exceeds that of the Civilized Federation, so such business transactions are more beneficial to the Civilized Federation.

Yan Xia understands this.

"It doesn't matter. The distance of 280 light years is far enough. We still have a lot of time."

"In the next hundred, thousand, or even ten thousand years, I believe we will have more other cooperation."

Tsubaki made a gesture of invitation.

"Then we can continue and take a look. Other guests are probably coming here slowly under arrangement."

Suddenly at this moment, it was stunned for a moment, and then said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't accompany you."

"A lot of things are happening in Big Star City every moment, and I need a lot of time to deal with them."


As a highly developed civilization, what kind of things do leaders need to do?

I'm afraid it's not necessary for 99.99% of things. If there are so many things that require the presence of a certain person to handle them, then Yan Xia will doubt the efficiency of this civilization.

However, Yan Xia cannot be forced to stay if he wants to leave.

"It's okay. I understand that being a manager is very busy."

My gratitude is beyond words.

"Thank you for your understanding. If you have other matters later, you can call my assistant through this and it will help you solve everything."

It gave Yan Xia something similar to a Rubik's Cube, but it was very small, only as big as a thumb.

Yan Xia took it, and the thing floated and rotated in its palm. Yan Xia could feel that there was an energy hidden in it.

He had some doubts about whether this was really a communicator?


He put the things away anyway, and then watched Subaru disappear from his sight.

After the brief meeting, he could actually feel that Chu didn't want to see him, and he didn't want to have contact with Chu.

The contact between the big shots is just a formal event. It is impossible to extract a lot of important information from each other, and more detailed observation is needed.

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