Class contradictions appear.

This is Yan Xia's goal.

All the biological consciousness of the Olive Branch civilization has been integrated, and they almost have the same thoughts. This is perfect for the manager. It only needs to control this consciousness cluster to complete the control of all creatures.

When the time of control is long enough to numb the life of the Olive Branch civilization, everything becomes "natural".

Civilization should be like this.

We should obey the will of the manager.

It's good enough now.

Everything comes from - habit.

Habit is a terrible thing. When a creature gets used to something, it is difficult to change. This habit is actually an addiction in essence.

For example, a person who is used to laziness cannot be diligent. Even if he is occasionally diligent, he will return to laziness.

For example, a person who is used to being diligent, let him be lazy, he will be very uncomfortable, he feels that there is nothing to do, and his mind is blank.

Habit becomes nature!

The Olive Branch civilization is in this habit.

Yan Xia needs to slowly break this habit and let the creatures of the Olive Branch civilization know that there are other better choices and don't be trapped in a circle by habit.

78 [changers] were slowly transformed under Ella's input of thoughts, and began to feel disgusted with their original lives.

They gradually came to believe that the current social model of the Olive Branch Civilization was extremely unadvanced, and that all this was due to the hegemony of the 椘.

Then this thought spread in the shared consciousness cluster, and everyone would have this question in their hearts.

About 32 years after the start of the plan, this thought expanded like a virus from the original 78 to 1.8 billion, which was already a considerable force.

This force was only active in the dark at the beginning, and became more rampant as time went by, letting the entire /Star City know of their existence.

They used opposition to class as a slogan, believing that the 椘 was not suitable to be a ruler, and that all lives should have the same power, rather than a certain life having all the power.

This slogan was supported by many Olive Branch Civilization lives, because most of the work and lower-level decisions of the Olive Branch Civilization itself were completed by the shared consciousness cluster, not the 椘 as a manager.

椘 was more like Yan Xia, existing as a decision maker, not an individual who resolved contradictions.

Such a class is very fragile, which means that the ability of managers is not greater than that of the managed, so why do managers still exist?

After the slogan appeared, / Star City gradually became lively.

The life of the Olive Branch civilization that still retains the original ideas and the life of the Olive Branch civilization with new ideas are in opposition to each other.

And the result is - civil strife.

The civil strife of the Olive Branch civilization has occurred, and even Yan Xia did not expect it to be so easy, because as an advanced civilization, the Olive Branch civilization should not have considered this situation.

And in the early stage, Zhuo did not show up and say anything, as if waiting for the chaos in the Olive Branch civilization.

As the manager of such a large Star City and even a warship, Zhuo's IQ is definitely not low. At the moment of the conflict, he should be able to guess that it was Yan Xia's doing.

In order not to be caught, Yan Xia stopped Ella after developing the first 78 [Changers]. They were closed in that small area and no longer went out, just waiting.

As long as there is no handle, Zhuo will not do anything to him if he considers the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two civilizations, otherwise it will be the outbreak of war.

This is the initial plan.

In the first 50 years of the civil war.

The scale of [changers] rapidly expanded from 1.8 billion to 92.9 billion. These rebels began to unite and set up a special zone in /Star City, which can only be entered by [changers].

Since a life form cannot manage such a large Star City, the real management of Star City is actually the shared consciousness cluster, which means that there is no way for [changers] to impose sanctions on these [changers] who are still in /Star City.

In the 53rd year, [changers] finally came forward and began to explain why the Olive Branch Civilization has the current form of civilization.

This is also the first time Yan Xia has heard it.

It turned out that in the early stage of the development of the Olive Branch Civilization to Level 2, the civilization had occupied dozens of star systems. The distance between these star systems is very far, which means that the management of each star system is very difficult.

The internal division of the civilization began, and each star system gave birth to an independent regime, and an unprecedented internal struggle began.

That internal struggle lasted for a full 7,600 years, an unimaginable span of time. Although civilization had made progress during this period, it was all achieved through war and death.

Finally, at this time, a leader stood up.

This leader developed a way to make the Olive Branch Civilization creatures immortal, which was to transform into mechanical ascension with a mechanical structure like the current one.


This is extremely tempting for life.

The leader used this technology to gradually make all the Olive Branch Civilization Federation creatures surrender, and since then the Olive Branch Civilization Federation has achieved a brief unification.

Because when they were transformed into life forms, their technology was too advanced and the transformation was too perfect, even their emotions were transformed into mechanical bodies.

This resulted in the desires of the Olive Branch Civilization creatures not disappearing. Having desires means that they will still split.

Sure enough, about 1,100 years later, the Olive Branch civilization once again ushered in a new split. This time, several dictators were in charge of their respective regions, and the civilizations rubbed against each other and started wars.

Since they have been converted into mechanical life, this means that the life of the Olive Branch civilization has lost the ability to reproduce at this moment.

The war caused the number of lives in the Olive Branch civilization to drop from the original 187.2 billion to 6.2 billion, which can be said to be very tragic.

In the face of such a crisis, another leader stood up. This leader was different from the first leader. This leader started from a humble beginning. He was originally just a soldier on the battlefield. He saw too many lives and deaths and was determined to change the status quo.

It climbed all the way to become the leader of a tens of millions of forces, and then began to conquer the road by combining hardness and softness.

The originally divided Olive Branch civilization began to gather together.

When it saw the Olive Branch civilization merge again, it was not happy, but fell into thought.

It can integrate civilizations. Will civilizations eventually split at some point in the future?

So it invented something, putting the consciousness of all creatures in the civilization in a container, blending with each other, so that all lives know each other's thoughts, so that there will be no contradictions between lives.

This form has been preserved until now, and the leader succeeded, so there is no chaos or contradictions within the civilization.

The reason why a manager is needed is that the shared consciousness cluster is sometimes too rational, and the result of being too rational is that the development of civilization will stagnate, so a manager who is not in the shared consciousness cluster is needed to balance and promote the progress of civilization.

Yan Xia felt very novel after listening.

But he also wondered why Zhuo said these things.

Don't the lives of other Olive Branch civilizations know these things? Why repeat history.

[Changers] will not be fooled so easily. If civilization needs a manager, why must it be Zhuo? One of the purposes of [Changers] is.

Why can't I become a manager?

This is the root of class contradictions.

Zhuo said a lot of nonsense, which is only effective for lives with original ideas, but not for [Changers].

The way it handled it made Yan Xia feel a little alert, although Yan Xia didn't know where the threat came from for the time being.

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