Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter 107, barely able to see people

Qin Yi is very busy, unprecedentedly busy.

If the ordinary working dog is 996, then Qin Yi now has the 6107 system every day.

I get up at 6 am every day and leave work at 10 pm every day, 7 days a week, without any day off.

There are too many things to be busy with.

There are too many, too many things to be busy with the reorganization of the company, the two new companies, Galaxy Aerospace and Galaxy Bio.

Xinghe Aerospace is a matter that the superiors have explained, and the superiors are in a hurry, so Qin Yi naturally does not dare to neglect.

Lin Ye is busy with things such as the company's site, but Qin Yi is really busy with setting up a research team for Galaxy Aerospace.

Even with the help of Liu Peiqiang and Lu Qingwei, Qin Yi still takes half a day every day to teach the newly established Galaxy Aerospace research team and arrange researchers.

Time does not wait for me. Although the venues, equipment, research laboratories, etc. of Galaxy Aerospace are all under construction, the construction of the R\u0026D team is the top priority.

Scientific research is different from everything else. The most important thing is people, and things like assets, equipment, etc. are relatively unimportant.

Without a strong research team, even money is in vain.

Although there is no money in this world is absolutely impossible, but sometimes money is not everything.

Otherwise, the local tyrants in the Middle East would have been arrogant.

Although they have money, they can't use it at all when it comes to scientific and technological strength, and they can't train excellent scientists if they have money.

It can be seen from this alone that in the field of technology, although money is very important, it is people who are really important.

Qin Yi is very aware of this, so in the construction of the research team, Qin Yi has always worked hard, painstakingly, and spent a lot of effort.

They tried their best to poach people, recruited a large number of outstanding college graduates, and personally trained them. Every day, they were like a teacher who gave lectures until their throats were sore.

Galaxy Aerospace will give lectures, Galaxy Bio and Galaxy Electronics will also give lectures.

Bio-sensing technology involves the two major fields of biotechnology and electronic technology. It is also what Qin Yi hopes to bring down the American electronics industry, and it has also been studied to a certain extent.

It is naturally impossible for Qin Yi to stop halfway, so he has to set aside half a day every day to attend classes and lead the team to conduct experimental research.

The affairs of these two subsidiaries alone have taken up Qin Yi's day, but Qin Yi is not only busy with these, but also on the quantum research side, Professor Qiu Feng and Professor Shen Gongbao also often look for Qin Yi, a quantum scientist. Research also seems to have entered a period of explosion.

Everyone has a lot of things and doubts. There is no corresponding laboratory yet, so we can only ask Qin Yi to discuss with each other and continue to demonstrate. Who is Qin Yi who fooled Professor Qiu Feng and Professor Shen Gongbao.

In addition to being busy with the company, Qin Yi has to take time every day to exercise his body, and he also takes time to kiss me and his girlfriend Wen Xueying. More importantly, he has to learn new knowledge from the old man in the technology tower.

It can be said that Qin Yi is extremely busy every day, so busy that Wen Xueying has protested to Qin Yi many times.

When you are busy, time always goes by very fast.

In the blink of an eye, April 2021 has passed, and May has already passed halfway.

On this day, the laboratory on the 6th floor of the Galaxy Science and Technology Headquarters Building is here.

Qin Yi, Jiang Haohan, and Yin Xiao wore white lab coats and looked at the two monitors in front of them with piercing eyes. All are covered with special bio-sensing devices.

"The 2355th experiment of the biosensing experiment begins~"

As a voice sounded, everyone in the laboratory became nervous.

Since the beginning of last year, the research on biosensing has been carried out for several months, and thousands of experiments have been carried out.

With the in-depth research and more and more experiments, everyone has a more and more in-depth understanding of bio-sensing technology.

It's just that no breakthrough has been made in everyone's experiments. The biosensors that have been developed are still very low in accuracy when reading human brain waves, and they can only interpret some relatively simple information.

The human brain is simply too complex and too miraculous.

The way the brain processes something is far, far more powerful than existing computers.

This is the biggest difficulty of bio-sensing technology, and it is also a place that no one has overcome all the time.

However, not long ago, under the leadership of Qin Yi, everyone finally figured out a way to overcome it and developed a new bio-sensing technology, and this time the experiment was when the new bio-sensing technology was shown.

With the sound of the experiment starting.

In front of Lin Dong, some pictures began to appear on the monitor, starting from simple numbers, slowly moving to animals, and then to some dynamic pictures, and the pictures were constantly changing.

Outside, Qin Yi, Yin Xiao, Jiang Haohai and others were looking at the two monitors, and there was a huge monitor beside it. The monitor was automatically comparing the information on the two monitors to analyze the existence of difference.


An Arabic numeral 1 appears on the left display, and the same number appears on the right display at the same time.





Numbers kept appearing, the numbers on the two monitors were exactly the same, and there was no trace of error. In terms of digital information interpretation, it has now been able to achieve 100% accuracy.

Soon, the picture on the left began to change again, this time with pictures of orientation, size, and animals.

A cute black cat appeared on the monitor on the left. This black cat was completely black, without a trace of miscellaneous hair, curled its tail, and was lazily basking in the sun.

On the monitor on the right, the same picture appeared. It was also pitch black, without a trace of stray hair, with its tail curled and lazily basking in the sun.

However, there are still differences between the two pictures, which can be seen at a glance.

The image on the left has shadows under the cat's body, while the image on the right has no shadows, and on top of the background image, there are some subtle differences.

The accuracy rate of the two pictures is only 95%, which means that the newly developed biosensor can only interpret 95% of the content, and the remaining 5% of the content cannot be perfectly and accurately answered.

Although there is a 5% difference, it is not perfect.

But when Qin Yi, Jiang Haohai, Yin Xiao and others saw the result, they couldn't help showing excited expressions on their faces, and some even cried out in excitement.


"We succeeded~"

"Haha~ huh~ Finally, the emperor pays off. After researching it day and night for several months, I can finally get it."

Jiang Haohai laughed happily and couldn't help sighing a long time.

Don't look at just 95% accuracy, there is no way to make it 100% bigger, but this is already a terrible improvement.

In the past, when biosensors interpret computer brainwave information, the accuracy rate was less than 50%, and now it can achieve 95% accuracy, which is definitely a huge improvement, which can be called a leap forward.

"Finally, we can meet people."

Even Qin Yi, who has always been very demanding, couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

This bio-sensing technology is basically mature. Of course, it is only in the aspect of interpreting information. As for the information technology that converts information into brain wave information that can be read by the brain, it is still blank.

The entire research on biosensing technology is divided into two steps. The first step is to interpret the information of brain waves, and the second step is to convert the information into brain waves for the brain to read.

Now it is only one step that has made significant progress, and the technical aspect of the first step is mature.

The experiment continued, pictures kept appearing, and the accuracy of the biosensor remained above 90%.

However, as the displayed pictures become more and more complex, and there are more and more content, things, colors, etc. in the pictures, the accuracy rate also begins to decline.

When playing video movies and the like, if the original video on the left is a color TV, then the right one becomes a black and white TV, the left one is a super sci-fi blockbuster, and the right one becomes a fifty-cent special effect movie.

Accuracy has come a lot, a lot, and even less than half of it all at once.

Despite this, many scientists and researchers present were still very excited. Compared with the previous biosensors, the current biosensors have made great progress.

Everyone is confident that with the deepening of research, they can use biosensing technology to interpret even complex information in the future.

"Although it is a semi-finished product, its commercial value should also be huge, and it should be no problem at all to control computers and mobile phones~"

"Hey~ the company will soon have another project to make money."

"Well~ it's time to make more money. The money is always not enough."

As for Qin Yi, he was touching his chin at this time, looking for using the current technology to make money,

PS: Ask for collections, clicks, and recommendation tickets~~

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