Interstellar Industrial Age

Chapter two hundred and fifty-fifth, the wind is roaring

Thinking of playing games, Qin Yi began to ponder.

His own Galaxy Technology Group is in the high-tech industry. Although the game industry is very profitable, Qin Yi does not intend to get involved in it, despite the advantages of virtual machines.

"Only provide technical support and services, and leave the rest to professionals."

"It's not just games. If this virtual world is to be perfected, it is absolutely necessary to support the large and small Internet companies across the country. They must be included first, and the virtual world must be built initially."

"It's definitely very profitable to issue virtual machines now, but for me, money is just a string of numbers now, so it's better to wait for a while."

"On the one hand, the virtual world will be initially perfected, and on the other hand, the time will be stepped up to further improve the virtual technology. Now there is still a lot of information that cannot be converted, and the user experience is too poor."

Thinking of this, Qin Yi has already decided the path he will take next.

Soon, Galaxy Technology Group took a new action, and established a new subsidiary, Galaxy Network Technology Group. The person in charge of this subsidiary is Wang Zhengyang, who is responsible for Chinese programming and Chinese operating systems in the Computer Research Institute.

The establishment of Galaxy Network Technology Group also immediately attracted the attention of those who have been paying attention to Galaxy Technology Group. Everyone is speculating that this Galaxy Technology Group is going to enter the Internet industry?

For a while, the entire Internet industry was in a state of turmoil. Everyone seemed to feel that a mountain was pressing down on them at once, especially several giant companies in the Internet field, all of which were like enemies, for fear that Galaxy Technology Group would be here. into your own field.

At that time, he will definitely have an incomparably strong opponent. After all, Galaxy Technology Group is now too rich, and it is a high-tech enterprise.

Coupled with any field and industry that Galaxy Technology Group enters, it will immediately cause tremendous changes in the entire industry. No one should be afraid.

Of course, there are also many people who are very excited. Those who are familiar with Galaxy Technology Group know that when Galaxy Technology Group enters any industry, it will bring about a subversive change to the entire industry. Under such a change, it often means that there will be an incomparably huge wealth.

From the atomic matrix battery that created the take-off of Pharaoh Biyati, to the rise of the lunar mining industry, the super-rich people in China today, every time the people who follow Galaxy Technology Group make a lot of money.

Some people are afraid, some people are looking forward to it, some people are excited...

Galaxy Technology Group just established a subsidiary, which has attracted huge attention in China. Everyone is looking forward to the next step of Galaxy Technology Group.

Everyone didn't wait too long. The newly established Galaxy Network Technology Group sent an invitation letter to Internet companies across the country, inviting everyone to work together to create a new world.

Penguin Empire Headquarters Building.

In Brother Ma's office, Brother Ma put down the invitation letter from Galaxy Network Technology Group, but thought carefully in his mind.

"Build a whole new world?"

"Could it be that the virtual technology of Galaxy Technology Group has matured?"

"Calculate it, this idea technology technology has been out for more than 2 years. With the development speed of Galaxy Technology Group, this virtual technology should have been researched."

"To create a new world,

That should be the virtual world. "

Thinking of this, Brother Ma immediately couldn't sit still and stood up directly.

As a giant in the Internet field, Penguin Empire has always been firmly seated in the top seat of the Internet industry, relying on the Internet field to start, Xiao Ma is now not only the richest man in China, but also the richest man in the world.

For a long time, he has an extraordinary sense of smell for changes in the Internet field. From QQ to mobile terminal, he has been at the forefront of the times in every step.

This time, the same is true. Thinking of the virtual world, he immediately realized the arrival of a new virtual era. If the Penguin Empire wants to maintain its current status, it must seize the opportunity and become the first batch of penguins to enter.

"The Internet industry is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

Xiaomaer knows this industry too well. Over the years, Chinese domestic Internet companies have gone up and down. I don't know how many companies have been brilliant for a while, and then they have launched the stage sadly because they did not keep up with the development of the times.

Although the penguin empire is very huge, he always has a sense of crisis, and it is this sense of crisis that makes him develop the penguin empire step by step to the present.

"Help me make an appointment with Galaxy Technology Group. I hope to meet Qin Yi as soon as possible, and organize personnel to go to Galaxy Technology Group to participate in the conference of Galaxy Network Technology Group."

Soon, the little brother had already made a decision, and began to give instructions to his secretary.

At the same time, at the headquarters of a certain treasure, the old Marco, who has retired to the second line, came to the headquarters of the group again, and went directly to the office of CEO Zhang Yong.

"What do you think of this invitation letter from Galaxy Network Technology Group?"

Old Ma seems to be in a hurry. Although he has stepped back to the second line, he is no longer in charge of the daily operation and management of the company. Although Old Ma's biggest asset is no longer the shares of this company.

But this company condensed his hard work and made him famous. When everyone thinks of a certain treasure, they immediately think of Lao Ma, and when they think of Lao Ma, they immediately think of a certain treasure. separated from each other, inseparable.

"It must be that Galaxy Technology Group has already researched virtual technology, and we must not fall behind."

Zhang Yong can be selected as the successor by the old horse, which is naturally very powerful, and also has a very keen sense of smell.

He also paid great attention to the newly established subsidiary of Galaxy Technology Group, which still had Internet-related words, and he had already guessed it.

"New changes have come, a whole new era is coming, and we must not miss it."

The old man nodded and said in a firm tone.

"Make arrangements. Let's go to Qin Yi in the afternoon to see if we can get some information and content from him in advance."

After thinking about it, Brother Ma still decided to go out in person. He and Qin Yi have met many times, and they have a good relationship with each other. They are also old acquaintances, but Zhang Yong has never met Qin Yi.

At this critical moment, Brother Ma still decided to go out on his own, and nothing could go wrong.


With an invitation letter from Galaxy Network Technology Group, the entire Internet industry in China felt like a huge earthquake had occurred.

Smart people would have guessed it long ago. This idea machine is already very magical. After more than two years of technological development, it is reasonable for Galaxy Technology Group to launch the legendary virtual machine.

As for those who haven't figured out the situation, they dare not ignore the brand of Galaxy Technology Group. No matter how big a storm the Galaxy Technology Group wants to create in the Internet industry, everyone is ready to go and see it in person.

Even people outside the Internet industry have begun to pay great attention. Galaxy Technology Group is so motivated to send hero posts to the world. Everyone knows that Qin Yi will definitely have a big move next.

Wanting to make a fortune with Qin Yi, this is almost a consensus in the circle. Many people who are not Internet companies also come uninvited and rush towards Huangjing Town, where Galaxy Technology Group is located.

The news soon spread abroad, and for a while, foreign Internet companies were also in trouble.

Today's China's influence on the world is too great and too great, and its every move is related to all aspects of the entire planet.

Galaxy Technology Group, as the most popular technology company, its influence is not only limited to China, but also has a huge influence on a global scale, and it has also received countless attention.

The industry that Galaxy Technology Group has entered will inevitably be accompanied by the weakening of international giants, starting from the atomic matrix battery industry that Galaxy Technology Group first entered.

It has directly peaked the entire automobile industry, reshuffled the global automobile manufacturing industry, and companies that have obtained atomic matrix batteries have skyrocketed.

In the field of idea technology, many domestic enterprises in Huaxia are the first to gather with idea technology, and idea technology is very popular. Countless Huaxia enterprises have conquered the city in the international market and directly kill their international counterparts.

Now, Galaxy Technology Group has established a subsidiary in the Internet field, and has widely distributed invitation letters. Everyone knows with their toes that this Galaxy Technology Group will definitely make a big move, which will inevitably bring about great changes in the entire Internet industry.

For a while, the stocks and valuations of related companies in the international Internet field also began to dive off a cliff, as if the cold winter was approaching, and everyone was in danger.

At the same time, the international Internet giants are also desperately running to China one by one, uninvited.

PS: Come on, if you want to enter the virtual world, you can learn Chinese first and then learn abacus~~ Gaga

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