Interstellar Piranha

Chapter 228: Amos caught

"I dare not say, but whoever hates Luo Xingzhou in this empire is the Pharmacist Association. It is not the first time that Luo Xingzhou has confronted the Association. The Chaoyang Potion of that time is not in the end. This time, the Awakening Pharmacy hit the Pharmacists Association even more. As an industry insider, I can say publicly that the Pharmacist Association is becoming more and more unable to control the entire pharmacy world. Even the pharmacists in the Association have left most of the time. "

"Haha, that means that the Pharmacists Association now has a title left, but is it actually a bad name?"

"What kind of ghost association is this, help. It is a transportation company closely related to the Pharmacist Association that quietly transported the Zerg into our planet Tula. To say that there is no instigation from the association behind this, I dare to take off my head and kick the ball. !"

"Hehe, now the president of the association was stimulated by the advent of the awakening medicine to vomit blood into the hospital, so how can the people in this association stop attacking Luo Xingzhou, but the set that used to engage in public opinion does not work now? , So I changed to this kind of obscure means, and wanted to kill Luo Xingzhou. If Luo Xingzhou was gone, maybe the Pharmacist Association could take the opportunity to turn over again."

"Pull it down, the Association of Pharmacists will disband early."

Even if netizens can’t produce direct evidence, anyone with a discerning eye can see this chain of interest. The final conspiracy is undoubtedly the Association of Pharmacists. This makes the situation of the Association of Pharmacists even worse, but for the general public No one who sympathizes, can't wait for the relevant departments to turn the association upside down to see what evil they have done.

Now this association has long forgotten the original intention of its establishment. It violated the responsibilities of the Pharmacists Association and has no fear of life. They brought the A-class Zerg to Tula, a planet with a high density of inhabitants. What the public sees is only an association whose morality is extremely degraded, and the association has also fallen from a superior position to a situation where everyone is now clamoring for it.

From this day on, including the General Association of Pharmacists of Central Star, as well as various branches, every day, people will find that many stink bombs have been thrown at the door. Some people have been caught and fined in the name of littering. I was very happy to be punished, and took the opportunity to throw a few more stink bombs.

Those with clever brains also took the opportunity to sell stinky bombs outside the association. They earned a lot of stars by relying on the stinky bombs. Even if the association called the police, it was useless, because after driving away this wave and the next wave of people, this This behavior does not reach the severity of arresting them.

In the end, the outside branch was closed and only the Central Star Association was left. The Central Star Association also hired a lot of bodyguards to patrol around the clock. This did not allow the Association of Pharmacists to soak in the stench again. However, after a long time, people in the association still feel that their office space is full of an unpleasant smell.

"Is the Association of Pharmacists? Just this one?" After busying for several days, Luo Xingzhou finally saw Feng Zhan, but Luo Xingzhou has not dared to disturb Feng Zhan these days. of.

Feng Zhan hugged Luo Xingzhou, his drooping eyes concealed the urge to kill, Luo Xingzhou habitually rubbed his neck to comfort him.

Feng Zhan said in this posture: "Only the Pharmacist Association has direct evidence, and there are other forces behind the scenes, but there is no direct evidence to tell them what to do, but this time it is impossible to let Amos go. Maybe Grandpa’s account should be settled."

Luo Xingzhou's hand paused, and then continued to massage: "Thank you, A Zhan, thank you for still thinking about Grandpa. When I interrogate Ames, I want to see him in person. I always want to speak from him. I figured out what forces had intervened in the grandfather’s accident, and to what extent, I just wanted to hear the person say it with my own ears."

"Okay," Feng Zhan raised his head and gently touched Luo Xingzhou's hair, "I will arrange it, and I will go with you then. This old guy was probably driven to the end by you, so he didn't care about any means. I just want to get rid of you quickly, so we can catch the evidence. Don’t worry, this old guy can’t escape. Now many people are staring at you. Zhouzhou, you are very valuable, even if those people want to please. You will also stare for you."

"And I also arranged for someone, and I must not let him go before Aimos has done those things. At this time, someone may be eager to kill him."

Luo Xingzhou thought about it, and smiled: "Thank you, A Zhan, for thinking more thoroughly than me."

"It should be." Because Zhouzhou's business is his business.

No matter how cunning the assassin was, he had to confess the truth in the face of various torture methods. Therefore, Feng Zhan obtained the most direct evidence that Ames initiated the attack and handed the evidence to the head of the Central Star Shikun. Shi Kun was shocked. , Quickly let people arrest the prime criminal Aimos, no matter which of the crimes involved is enough to make Aimos sit in prison.

Many people were arrested on the planet Tula. These people did not achieve a good result on the planet Tula, including their businesses and families, they were scolded by all the residents of Tula, and there were people who helped the outsiders. Transporting the Zerg to the planet Tula, these people really have clubbing in their brains. If they are not well controlled, how many people will be killed in the mouth of the Zerg?

Especially those people involved in the family business, many of them left Tulaxing on the spacecraft before the accident. This clearly knew what would happen to Tulaxing, so they left as early as possible to avoid disasters, so these people are not. Do you know what the Zerg will bring? No, they know it very well, so they ran away in advance, and this kind of person should be more guilty.

Officials on the planet Tula have also been cleaned from top to bottom. After verification, many people have been deprived of the right to live on the planet Tula. Since they cannot share the fate with the planet Tula, ignoring the Zerg’s entry into the planet Tula will be There is no need to continue to live on the planet of Tula because of the crisis that arises. The planet of Tula does not welcome them.

To this result, the people of Tulaxing applauded, these people should have been expelled long ago, and those who should be held accountable have to be held accountable.

"Extra nickname! The news from Central Star, the president of the Pharmacist Association named Amos, was taken from the association today and arrested. The imperial prosecutors will prosecute this named Amos on several counts. Old guy."

"So this old guy was really instigating the killing of Luo Xingzhou. Damn, I said it was not a good thing. I have seen this old guy a few times, and I always feel gloomy and have another look. Arrogant and lofty."

"The Association of Pharmacists is usually praised so high that I forget who I am. I really think that everyone in this empire will listen to their Association of Pharmacists. What they say is what they say. Now I finally fell from the heights. You fell badly."

"Catch it so well. Quickly review and find out what evil things have been done. This old guy must have done more than one bad thing this time."

"I remembered that when Luo Xingzhou's grandfather wrecked, was it really a simple spacecraft accident? Today, Luo Xingzhou's grandfather still sees no people or corpses."

"I also suspect that the relationship between the Pharmacist Association and the Pharmacist of Luo Da was not harmonious at the beginning. It is difficult to believe that they did not act on the Pharmacist of Luo Da with the current gangster style of the Pharmacist Association."

Amos was taken away directly by someone breaking into the Pharmacist Association. This is probably a result that no one in the Empire had expected. Now it is even more enthusiastic to see the public opinion outside. Only then did the opposing forces realize the general trend. Now the Empire The situation is no longer under their control. If you continue to fight against this general trend, perhaps the final result will only be the same as Amos.

Why is there such a result, it is because Amos has acted on Luo Xingzhou, which aroused the anger of the whole people of the empire, and this anger burned and could not be resisted.

The arrest warrant was issued by Shi Kun himself, and some people protested in front of Shi Kun. However, Shi Kun asked them to look at the spontaneous petitions of the people on Star. It is easy to say that Luo Xingzhou was attacked and killed by Ames in broad daylight? Or maybe Amos instructs people to send the Zerg to a planet with extremely dense inhabitants, can they not be held accountable?

"You can talk to the hundreds of millions of people, you can talk to the First Army and the Third Army, and you can talk to His Royal Highness Feng Zhan, the eldest prince." Shi Kun said at last.

When did Feng Zhan become so important, Shi Kun still carried it out alone, but when they checked carefully, they found that they underestimated Feng Zhan, and Feng Zhan’s status in the minds of the imperial people is not to be mentioned. For the First Army, Lu Neng relied more and more on Feng Zhan, paying more attention to it than his grandson Lu Haifeng, which made people incomprehensible. Does Lu Neng want to hand over the First Army to Feng Zhan?

The royal family is weak, and these people can suppress the royal family any way they want, but now this set can't be used on Feng Zhan, because Feng Zhan has a good image and a senior officer in the legion with real power, rather than a vain eldest son.

The arrest of Amos, the cleansing of Tula Star’s officialdom, and the timely actions of all parties did not cause Tula Star to suffer a serious disaster. This incident made the people affirm and praise the official handling, unlike before. There are always all kinds of excuses, and they will not stop until the end.

The crisis of Tulaxing was lifted and Feng Zhan and Luo Xingzhou should also leave. The leader of the ball and many high-level officials personally sent them away. Originally the people did not know it, and it spread because of such a move. Feng Zhan and Luo Xingzhou were leaving. Many people spontaneously ran out to see Luo Xingzhou and his party farewell.

Although Tula’s initial crisis rushed towards Luo Xingzhou and dragged many people into danger, Luo Xingzhou took decisive action shortly after he arrived, drawing out the enemy hiding in the dark by committing personal danger. Then a large number of killers were pulled out. After vigorous action and rectification, the crisis on the planet Tula was completely resolved. No more Zerg appeared, and no more hidden saboteurs to destroy the Zerg detectors. Now everyone You can safely walk out of the house.

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