Interstellar Piranha

Chapter 252: First victory

The news that the First Army and the rebels exchanged fire on the border line spread rapidly throughout the empire, and the people were in an uproar.

Although I have smelled a smell of gunpowder before, for most people, they are playing tricks on the star network. Anyway, if you say it, you don’t have to take any consequences, but I didn’t expect it to really fight, and the rebel forces would pick it up first. The flames of war started.

The people were very angry. On the Star Network, in real life, they lashed out at the shamelessness of the rebel forces. Without the need for official organizations, the people spontaneously dealt with the evil deeds done by the rebel forces headed by the Maha family. Listed them all, the empire should have eliminated such evil forces long ago.

Pang Yulin, a former rebel force, had a good reputation among the people before he took refuge in the Sori and his likes. He is a promising major general, even if his marriage was in crisis due to the initial entanglement with the princess. Except for a small discussion for a while, there is no doubt that his personal charm and military talents, but what is unacceptable to the public is that he has been entangled with the rebels and resolutely left the Third Army and went to Sori.

People who liked him once initiated a discussion on the star network. Why did Pang Yulin defected? Some people attributed part of the reason to the marshal of the Third Army, Crowder. They thought it was Crowder's selfishness that caused Pang Yulin's dissatisfaction. Angrily ran away, but is that really the case?

"I can't figure out why there are still people speaking for Pang Yulin, saying how much he has no choice but to be able to get along with the Sori and his ilk? Shamelessly, did anyone forget what happened on the planet A769? Did anyone forget the human and insect monsters transformed by Sori and his like in the laboratory? When did Sori and his like take civilians seriously? I can only say that Pang Yulin is no different from Sori and his like from the root, and he also treats civilians like a worm from the top."

"Do you know who Marshal Claude promoted after Pang Yulin left? That was Chu Lei of the military department, who is now called the devil officer by the recruits of the Third Army. How do you kiss your grandson?"

"Some people just beat them upside down. Pushing forward from the results, you can see that Pang Yulin hooked up with Sori and the like before Cloud decided to regain military power. I guess Marshal Cloud found out. Clues, suspected Pang Yulin’s intentions, so he returned to the legion to take power. Judging from the current situation, fortunately, Marshal Claude made such a wise decision, otherwise our empire is now in danger, and perhaps only left The first legion was still supporting, and Sori held the three legions and asked if there was any possibility of winning."

"Don't blame me for the conspiracy theory. At the beginning, Marshal Claude's son was also a very good soldier. He was trained by Marshal Claude as his heir, but then he had an accident during the promotion. Is this accident an accident? It's hard to say, but behind the death of this last one, there was a figure of a black owl pirate. The true face of the black owl pirate now doesn't need me to repeat it."

"Fuck, that is to say, Marshal Claude’s son was probably killed by Pang Yulin’s calculations? If this is the case, the time for him to collude with Sori and the Maha family was really early. Marshal Crowder is too miserable, and Pang Yulin's approach, is it worthy of the ancestors of the Pang family? How many epic deeds have been left in the history of the interstellar by the Pang family ancestors, a pair of SSS-class powerhouses? But the glory of Pang's family ancestor is now shamed by Pang Yulin's actions."

"It turns out that the Pang family is that Pang family."

"Is there anyone who doesn’t know now? A film made by the director a few years ago reproduced the story of the twin SSS grandchildren on Pang’s family ancestor. According to the director, he wanted to restore the original history as much as possible. I also specially visited the descendants of the Pang family and read a lot of handwritings left by the Pang family ancestors."

At this time, the news of a large number of Zergs appeared in the border area also came out, and the military also released related videos. When they saw the densely packed Zerg army in the video, the people looked terrified. Now who dares to say another word for the Zerg Good words must be beaten to death by others.

The imperial army has to fight on two fronts, both to resist the invasion of the Zergs and to resist the shameless military actions of the rebel forces. No one can see how much pressure the First Army and the Third Army are facing, and the people call for the Second Army. The Four Corps cannot stand by and actively ask to join the army to defend their homeland. Thinking about the current situation in Maha, no one wants to see this war finally won by Sori and his like.

Even the Awakening Potion dare not admit that it is unwilling to let the people use it. Instead, it has to implement reform methods with major sequelae. Such a regime cannot win the trust of the people at all.

At this moment, the ambitions of Sori and his like could no longer be concealed. The top empire, especially those conservative forces, could no longer deceive themselves. All their previous attempts had failed. Sori and his like attacked the Feng Empire. Their determination couldn't be clearer. They wanted not only the Maha star field, but also the entire star field into their territory.

Although the scale of the First Army and the Third Army has increased after the expansion, as the people said, the pressure on the two fronts is quite high. The head of the time has twice ordered the Second Army and the Fourth Army to join this military operation. However, I did not expect the Second Legion to pose a priceless posture. Only when the Empire meets the requirements of the Second Legion, they will send troops to resist the rebels of the Sori and the like together with the First Legion and the Third Legion.

The empire's senior officials were angry, and those demands made by Liu Junyi were clearly taking advantage of the fire.

"Agreeing to his request is equivalent to agreeing to the independence of his star domain. Liu Junyi's territory will no longer be under the control of the empire." Although Liu Junyi does not follow the command of the central star of the empire, he is not righteous in the end. But who would have thought that Liu Junyi would use this to blackmail the central star of the empire.

"And that Bernard was so frantic, asking prices with Liu Junyi, and they were all crazy!" At the empire's high-level meeting, someone criticized angrily, "They think they can really stay out? If we can't resist it. Live, they think Sori will really let them go? And the empire is still facing a large-scale invasion of the Zerg. Once the Zerg crosses the border, no planet can escape."

The head of the time pressed his eyebrows with a headache and said: “Continue to expand the army. We don’t know how far the war will be and when it will end. Now Liu Junyi and Bernard are just asking for prices. If they reach an agreement with Sori Agreement, what about the joint attack on the empire? Don’t say it’s impossible, we must now plan for the worst."

The expansion of the army has always been a matter of precaution by all parties. The results of the Legion’s overpowering conference have now been seen. Sori and his like established the so-called Maha Empire. The Second Army and the Fourth Army even took over local government affairs and then refused to obey the central government. The dispatch command.

However, the expansion of the army has become an imminent trend. If the army is not expanded, can it withstand the immediate crisis?

The head of the time said: "While continuing to expand the army, while strengthening the training of the reserve, because of the awakening medicine, the number of awakened people is now ten times and dozens of times more than in the past. These people are the reserve personnel of our army. These personnel are trained, and once out of control occurs, these reserves can be put on the battlefield at any time."

"Then who should be responsible? Lu Neng and Claude can no longer be in charge."

"I agree." It would be better if the power of these two people is divided up to reassure people, and it is also an excellent opportunity for the rich and powerful to intervene in military power. Military power is the most reliable backing.

The head of the time said: "Whoever has the ability will be in the position. I hope to select the truly talented person, not the wine bag and the rice bag. The lesson of the Pharmacist Association is here."

Some people here closed their mouths. The Association of Pharmacists has really set a bad example, and now the commoner awakeners are destined to rise. They account for the majority of the population. If this group of people is suppressed, it will be prone to accidents. This makes many of you present. People also think carefully.

"You can think about it."

Just after the two armies exchanged fire on the border line, the first thing the people woke up every day was to pay attention to the situation of the battle, whether our army entered or retreated, and what was the fighting situation with the Zerg on the border. Although many planets are some distance away from these two places, once the two sides can't hold back, the impact on them will soon come.

Many awakened people spontaneously strengthen their exercises. They didn’t relax after awakening, but now they only increase the intensity of exercise. No planet can escape the chaos of war, and the Zerg is even more pervasive.

Those who have not yet used the awakening potions also have a sense of urgency. They quickly buy the awakening potions to awaken as soon as possible. Even the people on Maha’s side are trying their best to get the awakening potions from the black market. It’s not for more strength and protection. , They can't take it lightly.

On the fifth day after the first artillery fire broke out, good news came from the front line. The army led by Lu Haifeng and Chu Lei cooperated with each other. Not only did they frustrate the enemy’s conspiracy, they also regained two planets from the enemy’s hands. The rebels are retreating.

"Haha, it's great. We won. Both Colonel Lu and Colonel Chu are good."

"I also think that Colonel Chu will not be worse than the one with the surname Pang, and he has not accumulated much military merit before. This rank has not been promoted, and it will definitely not be lower than the one with the surname Pang in the future."

"It's really inspiring and good news. I hope that our army will continue to pursue victories to get back more planets and rescue the people in Maha."

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