Interstellar Piranha

Chapter 255: Feng Zhan secretly arrives

On the battlefield between the border and the Zerg, Feng Zhan left quietly. For everyone, it was just the warships that replenish the supplies came and went. Isn’t this normal? The only thing that is abnormal is the killing sent this time. Insect agents, the effect is beyond their imagination.

For Luo Xingzhou, he was a bit regretful. Because the schedule was too rushed, Feng Zhan stepped down to the battlefield and had to rush to add another battlefield. Therefore, the two of them didn’t even have time to be alone and talk a while, and they had made up their minds before. When I meet again next time, I will tell Feng Zhan clearly about their relationship, but it is a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and I can only wait for the next opportunity.

What Luo Xingzhou had to do now was to guard this line for Feng Zhan and the countless people behind him, and wipe out all the Zerg who had come to invade, so that Feng Zhan who went to another battlefield would have no worries.

The adjutant and He Ye blocked the news of Feng Zhan’s departure while expanding the production line to continue to produce pesticides. In addition to the high-level control, the pesticides produced were distributed to everyone who was going to the battlefield, including the addition of insecticides. The mercenaries of the sub-team, when you encounter the Zerg, throw insecticide first. The low-level insects are killed directly, and the middle-level insects can reduce their strength and delay the action. As for the high-level insects, if they are not strong enough, they will encounter Then run quickly and send out a signal for help.

At the same time, the base promotes insecticides. Insecticides only work on insects. The impact on humans, especially those with abilities, is very low and negligible. So when using insecticides on the battlefield, you don’t have to worry about getting caught. Trick, rest assured and use it boldly.

Just five days after Fengzhan left, another wave of Zergs greeted the border. Luo Xingzhou also wondered where these Zergs were originally hidden. Of course, the most important thing is to eliminate this wave of Zergs and explore the stars ahead. The domain is something to do in the future, Luo Xingzhou did not forget that the last planet Luo Xuzhen went to was in the star domain in front.

This time, the adjutant took the command of the battle instead of Feng Zhan, and the preparations for putting the insecticide were better than last time. Last time, it could only be sent out by the wind-type superpower, but this time it was helped by the machine. , One after another jars were dropped over the Zerg, and then burst open, and the insecticide inside escaped with the explosion.

This time, everyone’s mentality was very peaceful, waiting quietly for the Zerg rain to fall. No one was worried about the effect of the insecticide anymore. Sure enough, the sky squirmed down and the insect rain fell straight down. Not long after, the ground was covered. A thick layer of insect corpses.


The soldiers and the mercenaries who had been prepared for the war once again screamed and called to kill the Zerg race. Luo Xingzhou also participated in the battle and sent He Ye out to solve the high-level Zerg and relieve the pressure on others.

This time, it took a shorter time for everyone to wipe out the Zerg who came to invade. Some of the Zerg who wanted to escape were also chased out and solved by He Ye. It can be said that this time there was even one Zerg attack. The Zerg couldn't escape back, this was still in the case of not chasing far.

Feng Zhan handed over the base to the adjutant. There is no way for them to chase people too far, so as to avoid any accidents, but everything went so well that the adjutant and others felt a little weird. Of course, all of this is Brought by high-efficiency insecticides, maybe next time you can wipe out the insects in a shorter time, they may be able to counterattack after a few more visits.

After a break, Luo Xingzhou occupied the laboratory of the base and used the limited time to continue researching insecticides, hoping to develop insecticides that are also effective for higher-order zergs.

On the other side of the battlefield, the defeat in the first battle dealt a big blow to Maha’s army. This is what the top of the Maha army never expected. When they first came, they even despised the Feng's empire because they were here. It is only two young juniors who are directing the battle, one Lu Haifeng and Chu Lei, which are not important to them.

But reality slapped them severely, relying on the command of these two young commanders, he forced them to retreat from a long distance, and also gave up two planets, and the battle was over.

The commander of Maha’s side was not someone else but Yuros, who had dealt with Feng Zhan and Chu Lei, the eldest son of Emperor Sori, was one of the members of the investigation young lady who had been set up to target the five major legions.

Yuros was originally trained as an heir in the Fifth Army. Now Sori has become Emperor Sori, and Yuros is in the position of crown prince invisibly. The reason Sori let Yuros come to lead the army is also believed to be this one. Fighting Maha's side concentrated the greatest advantage to attack the Feng Empire, and it is impossible to lose the battle. You must know that the Feng Empire is now fighting on two fronts, and the frontier and the Zerg battlefield contain a lot of the Feng Empire.

According to the plan of Sori and Yuros, they wanted to quickly defeat the joint defense line of the First and Third Army in the form of a blitzkrieg, and quickly push the border defense line forward by a big step. Through this war, the Maha Empire can quickly turn the situation around and let all When people see the strength of the Maha Empire, they also accumulate military merits for Uros and better consolidate his position.

However, if you lose, you lose. There is no reason to find. In this first battle, Uros was frustrated. Especially the two guys on the opposite side were very insignificant to Uros. One was Lu Haifeng’s grandson, Lu Haifeng. , Is much younger than Yuros, one is Chu Lei. Thinking of Chu Lei's attitude in the investigation team at the beginning, Yuros was filled with fire, and he unexpectedly lost to these two guys!

Especially because he lost the first battle, his good brothers all jumped up one by one, and with the help of their in-laws, they finally sent Pang Yulin this guy over and seized his command.

Who is Pang Yulin? He is of the same generation as Yuros, and Lu Haifeng is considered to be their junior. When Pang Yulin entered the Third Army without any background and relied on his own efforts to get ahead in the Third Army, especially Luos, a peer who climbed to high positions by relying on his father's shadow, often became Pang Yulin's comparison object, and was often stepped on by Pang Yulin, which made Yuros boss upset.

When Pang Yulin took refuge in his father, Yuros was still smug in his heart. What is the difference between being his father's subordinate and his subordinate? This Maha Empire is destined to be him in the future. By then, he will be the emperor Pang Yulin, his courtier, and his status. The difference made Pang Yulin can only follow orders.

But now he was only the prince of the Maha Empire, and Pang Yulin was about to seize his command, which made Yuros look ugly.

"His Royal Highness, General Pang is here."

Yuros snorted in his heart, "Call General Pang in."

Pang Yulin strode in from the outside and saluted Uros first, as Uros said, he is a prince, and Pang Yulin is a courtier. This is the difference between a monarch and a courtier. See Pang Yulin's heart to salute him sincerely. I feel more comfortable.

But the words that came out were still yin and yang strange: "Next, the prince will listen to General Pang's command. General Pang is a great talent, and he will surely let the prince see a beautiful victory."

Pang Yulin didn't seem to have heard of the displeasure in Yuros's words, and replied respectfully: "Everything is as your Highness wishes."

"You go." Yuros waved his hand, too lazy to say anything to Pang.

Pang Yulin saluted again and then turned and walked out. Yuros sneered when the people were gone, pretending to be serious, and got together with Feng Meng's woman. If it weren't for this, he would really think Pang Yulin was a serious person. It turned out that it was just pretending, so his father couldn't see his true face.

But this guy was ruthless enough that he didn't even want his own children, and he still stayed in the central star of the Feng Clan Empire.

Pang Yulin didn’t say anything about Yuros’s attitude, but the adjutant who followed him was upset for him: “What kind of attitude is your Highness? The army will come and clean up the situation for him."

Pang Yulin couldn't see the slightest unpleasantness, and he hooked his mouth and said: "Okay, your Highness must be in a bad mood. No matter what, that is also your Highness. The Maha Empire is different from the Feng Empire. You have to keep Good sense."

The adjutant suddenly shut up and said nothing. It is true. In the Feng Empire, even if they mocked the prince face to face, those princes could not help them because the prince had no power at all. Even the emperor was a mascot, but in Maha The empire is different. Emperor Sori is the real emperor with real power, and Yuros is the invisible crown prince and holds the real power of the army.

Of course, the adjutant still holds the pitfall for Pang Yulin in his heart. It is clear that General Ming’s background is not bad. The Pang family is a family of thousands of years. Compared with the inheritance of the Maha family, the Feng family is not as good as it is. He was suppressed by Claude before, and now he was looked down upon by the prince Yuros, but the general was inferior to the prince Yuros.

Pang Yulin didn't care what Yuros thought, just after meeting Yuros, he called all the officers to a meeting to discuss the next battle plan.

At this time, Feng Zhan also came to the border defense line secretly with the supply ship, and saw Chu Lei and Lu Haifeng. Lu Haifeng was greatly relieved to see Feng Zhan. Although he won a battle, he was under too much pressure. Now, it's all right, and the sky is falling and there is a high support.

"Brother Feng, Brother Zhan, you are so good, the guy opposite Pang Yulin has already come, this guy is the most insidious, I'm afraid I can't get him, but fortunately, Brother Feng is here to help."

This appearance of Lu Haifeng was called Chu Lei. He didn’t know how Marshal Lu Neng could teach such a nonchalant grandson. No wonder he would not be trained as the successor of the First Army, otherwise he would be like this. The marshal will take the first legion into the ditch.

Chu Lei murmured silently in his heart, and then nodded to greet Feng Zhan. He was in a good mood to work with Feng Zhan again. In terms of leading the war, he believed that he lacked a lot compared to Feng Zhan.

After saying hello to Chu Lei, Feng Zhan unbearably tore Lu Haifeng from him: "Okay, don't make any trouble, otherwise I will throw you into the bug pile next time."

Lu Haifeng quickly stood up, and then asked with concern about the fighting with the Zerg on the border. Feng Zhan's visit this time will not have any impact.

Feng Zhan thought of the scene caused by the spraying of pesticides and saw how many people were left, he couldn't help but raised his mouth and said, "Don't worry, compared to this, the battle with the Zerg is easier now."

"Really?" Not only Lu Haifeng couldn't believe it, but Chu Lei was also surprised.

Feng Zhan is now inconvenient to disclose to them, saying: "You will know after a while. In short, the Zerg will not pose too much threat to interstellar humans in the future. In any case, this interstellar will not return to the pattern of a thousand years ago. The more important task is to maimed Sori and his like."

Feng Zhan was murderous when he spoke of the word "Da Can", but it made Lu Haifeng's blood boil. Feng Zhan has never said big words. Since he said that, it means that Feng Zhan is sure to do this. of.

Feng Zhan did not gossip with them any more, but carefully analyzed the current situation and the strength of the opponent, especially when they obtained reliable information. Pang Yulin came with a group of secret weapons. Now the information on both sides is actually It's hard to hide from the other party, so Pang Yulin learned of the main situation here.

That is to say, Feng Zhan came with the supply ship, and there was no large army to follow, otherwise the news of his appearance would be sent to the opposite person early in the morning, but now even his own person does not know, how can the other party obtain such important information? .

"Secret weapon?"

"Yes," Chu Lei said calmly, "Pang Yulin has a team composed entirely of reformers. According to reliable information, this team is quite strong. Pang Yulin wants to rely on this team. Surprisingly win. Before Major General Feng came, the countermeasure we discussed was to fight roundabouts as much as possible to avoid confrontation with those reformers, otherwise we would suffer a big loss."

This period of time was long enough for Chu Lei to obtain a lot of information about transforming people through pervasive manpower. Of course, there were sacrifices. According to the intelligence, some reformers were not only strong, but also not afraid of pain. They were completely war machines, even if With the last breath remaining, they will still fight to the death. The characteristics of this group of transformed people are actually more biased towards the Zerg but they are under control.

"From the current results, Pang Yulin should have participated a lot in the original transformation experiment. This guy is really dishonest. He has been hooked up with Sori and his like a long time ago. It was a little bit close. The entire Third Army was in his hands. Inside." Lu Haifeng was also very serious when talking about business.

Chu Lei looked at Feng Zhan: "What do you think of this team?"

Feng Zhan said that he was not afraid that Pang Yulin would send this team. He was also worried that Pang Yulin would not send those monsters out. He asked: "In addition to this team, how many people in the opposing army have received reforms? of?"

Chu Lei said calmly: "Judging from the response of the current Zerg detectors, at least a quarter of the people in the opposing army can detect the Zerg pheromone."

When talking about this Lu Haifeng, he shuddered: "Fighting with them, it feels like fighting a Zerg, maybe when it will become a bug den."

Feng Zhan sneered at the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm not afraid that they will be few, so I will deal with this group of people. There is no need to avoid them."

Author's gossip: two more

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