Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 469 Anger (Second update)

“Let’s first let Master Zhang see who is the real owner of the Zhang family’s visit this time.

“But what if I can’t take pictures?”

"I seem to have the ability to draw?"

"Forget it, leave the problem to Master Zhang!"

Yang Bo used the communicator to send a message to Master Zhang openly.

It was midnight at this time on the March Star. After Yang Bo sent the message, the housekeeper Niu Bo quickly knocked on Master Zhang's door.

"Master, Mr. Jiu found traces of our family members at the transportation hub. The identity information of several people sent last time has been confirmed. The other party was disguised as a tourist group." Niu Bo quickly reported after being invited in by Master Zhang.

"These bastards!" Master Zhang was very angry when he heard this. It was obvious that the person who gave him the information was either unreliable or had other tendencies.

"There are 18 people on the other side, but Mr. Jiu is not sure who is the main person now." Niu Bo continued.

"Ask him if he can take pictures?" Master Zhang asked with a cold snort when he heard that there were 18 people.

"No, it's in a public place." Niu Bo shook his head and said.

"Then what do you think we should do? Should we send him our family information?" Master Zhang frowned slightly when he heard this, and then asked.

"Isn't it a bit risky to do this?" Niu Bo hesitated and asked after hearing this.

"Uncle Niu, do you think the family is willing to hand over the management of March Star to me?"

"Why did they come here so secretly?"

"If they want me to manage this planet, they won't come secretly at all, and these are only 18 people on the surface. Who knows if there are other people from the family coming?"

"The family has contacts with many illegal organizations. Do you think that if the family has no way to deal with me in the end, will it turn to illegal organizations to take action?"

"Two mutated organisms have been discovered on this planet, and the prospects for future development are not small."

"What are the chances that the family is willing to hand over this planet to me?" Master Zhang calmly asked Uncle Niu a series of questions.

After hearing these words, Uncle Niu took a deep breath: "Master, I just know that there are almost 300 direct descendants of the Zhang family, and there is only one March Star."

There are some things that Uncle Niu cannot say in person because Uncle Niu is not from the Zhang family.

As a subordinate, Uncle Niu couldn't possibly tell the answer for the young master, otherwise he would feel a thorn in his heart if he regretted it later.

Some people say it’s impossible. Everyone gets old at some point. When you are old and think of the things you did when you were young, don’t you regret it?

Looking back at that time, maybe things that seemed fatal at the time were no longer so important.

Besides, there is only one Zhang family after all.

"Then give all the information about our family members to Mr. Jiu, especially the more than 200 people in our direct lineage."

At this moment, Uncle Niu received another message, his eyes widened, and he quickly reported: "Mr. Ninth sent news that people from the Red Earl are in contact with people from the family!"

"Bastards, these bastards, they really want to find an illegal organization to cause an accident and send me away."

"As long as I die, this planet will still belong to the Zhang family. Now the people in the council don't mind changing to someone from the Zhang family to be the master." Young Master Zhang was thinking just now that he might be accidentally eliminated by the family.

Because Master Zhang knows that March Star itself was developed by the Zhang family, and many people on this planet have a deep relationship with the Zhang family.

As long as the Zhang family promises not to move the interests of these people, then everyone on this planet will raise their hands to welcome the new master to manage this planet.

"Mr. Jiu, I wonder if this news is false?" Uncle Niu reminded kindly.

"Probably not. This matter will not do him any good, because he was originally going to deal with people from our family." Master Zhang did not doubt Mr. Jiu at all.

Because Mr. Jiu showed too much strength, others didn't know it, but Master Zhang knew that the so-called bomb brother and good guy brother were Mr. Jiu's team.

"So?" Uncle Niu asked for instructions on what to do next.

"Ignore the Red Earl's people for now. Do as I say. I want to find out who in the family is colluding with my third uncle to target me."

"When Mr. Jiu robs my third uncle's spaceship for smuggling energy metal, I will go and tell him the good news as soon as possible. I want to see with my own eyes how this old guy who plotted against me will shed tears of grief and pain."

"Then my third uncle will be hunted by the shipper." Master Zhang chuckled.

Yang Bo was finishing his meal in the airport hub and holding a drink.

To outsiders, it looked like Yang Bo was chatting with someone. He put the cup on the table and drank from a straw while chatting, thinking he was chatting with his loved one.

Yang Bo received information about the direct members of their family from Master Zhang.

“There are actually more than 260 people!”

"This generation is the eldest son, but what about the next generation?" Yang Bo was very curious and murmured to himself while watching.

As for the people from the Zhang family, it has nothing to do with the Red Earl.

It’s just that Yang Bo wants to let the Red Earl take the blame for the Zhang family.

That's why I lied to Master Zhang.

"It looks like these guys used disguise potions." Yang Bo compared the information and found no one in the information sent by Master Zhang. Then Yang Bo came to his senses.

Then Yang Bo checked the flight to March Star and found that it would be 29 hours later.

"Do these guys want to stay?" Yang Bo muttered in his heart.

Then Yang Bo carefully observed these 18 people, and soon Yang Bo discovered that something was wrong with two of them.

"The disguise ability is still useful." Yang Bo took a closer look and found two middle-aged men, two middle-aged handsome guys to be precise.

This is normal in interstellar society. No one with superpowers knows the age of the other person.

The physical appearance of the two people can be disguised, but their movements and habits cannot be disguised.

These two middle-aged handsome guys who looked very ordinary, their tiny movements while eating made a very small difference from the other 16 people around them.

At this moment, the man from Red Earl who was reading closed the book and walked out of the restaurant.

Yang Bo saw that the other 18 people couldn't leave for a while, so he packed up his things and followed them.

The Red Earl saw this man walking into a supermarket.

Yang Bo also followed him while holding a drink cup and drinking from a straw.

Moreover, Yang Bo's movements were wider and his strides were faster. Soon Yang Bo was close to the target.

Yang Bo's dynamic vision can see the movement trajectories of everyone in the supermarket and make predictions.

Just when Yang Bo was about to make contact with the opponent, the opponent's trajectory veered in front of Yang Bo.

It turned out that a smart shopping cart came to the target person.

"You are blind!" The other party collided with Yang Bo directly, and the cup in Yang Bo's hand fell to the ground.

It can be simply understood that the guy holding the book in Red Earl changed lanes and then collided with Yang Bo, who was driving normally.

Then Yang Bo drove normally and cursed at the guy who changed lanes.

"I'm sorry!" That's what the Red Earl is like. On the surface, he looks polite. After Yang Bo finished scolding him, he turned around with a smile and bowed slightly to apologize.

"Keep your eyes open when you walk, you are such a big man." Yang Bo lowered his head to pick up the drink cup that fell on the ground and said harshly.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I'll give you a drink as compensation." The member of the Red Earl holding the book said sincerely.

"Go away, I'm the one who sent you a drink." Yang Bo left without saying a word.

Originally, Yang Bo planned to obtain biological samples from this guy, and then use his identity to target the Zhang family.

But then I thought that the Red Earl's people might not be that easy to deal with, so Yang Bo wanted to use this method to anger the other party.

Of course Yang Bo knew what kind of character the Red Earl was. Yang Bo felt that the other person's heart must be like a volcano now.

"Brother, don't run away." Yang Bo hoped that the other party would find an opportunity to mess with him.

Yang Bo bought some snacks, and then went to a place outside to sit down and eat snacks, as if waiting for the spaceship.

Yang Bo didn't pay special attention to the Red Earl. How could a person like the Red Earl stand this kind of anger?

Yang Bo is concerned about the Zhang family.

The eighteen people from the Zhang family walked towards a high-end hotel in the distance after eating.

This kind of aviation hub has many supporting facilities, including many high-end hotel chains, bars and other places.

Yang Bo got up and went to the restroom next to him, then disappeared out of the restroom and followed the Zhang family to the hotel urgently.

After entering the hotel, they found that the 18 people from the Zhang family were entering the elevator.

Yang Bo did not enter the elevator, but took the stairs next to him and hurried up to the second floor. He heard no movement at the stairwell of the second floor. Then he hurried up to the third floor. He also heard no movement from the third floor.

Finally, I heard movement on the 10th floor and found that all 18 people got off the elevator on the 10th floor.

Although Yang Bo is invisible and cannot use his superpowers, his physical strength and agility will not be reduced.

"These guys are very smart!" 18 people were divided into 18 rooms. Among them, Yang Bo suspected that the two disguised people lived in two rooms with diagonally opposite doors, and the others were scattered around the two rooms.

Then Yang Bo hurried downstairs and hurried back to the bathroom.

But in a shop not far from the restroom, I saw a member of the Red Count holding a book.

"This kid must be furious. The calmer he looks now, the more he's going to explode inside." Yang Bo came out of the bathroom and pretended not to see the Red Earl members in the store.

Next, Yang Bo felt a little bit pained. He definitely couldn't stay in the hotel. The hotel needed identity information.

"Where should we find a place for the Red Earl's men to take action?"

"Go to the bar!" Yang Bo was going to the bar because no identity information was required there.

"Familiar smell!" After Yang Bo entered the bar, he found that the place gave him a very familiar feeling. In his last life, he was in a state of confusion. Even if he had some money, he would come to KTV to relax.

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