Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 498 I don’t understand (first update)

Yang Bo's actions completely angered the people of the Justice Gang. Yang Bo's move was no longer a provocation, but a naked insult.

The people of the Justice Gang occupy the moral high ground and win over a large number of people in online games.

In the current harsh free environment in the league, many people believe what these people say.

Who is Yang Bo? He suffered a lot in his last life, and he often looked for a sense of presence on the Internet.

That is to say, the keyboard warrior, troll, and troll mentioned in the Internet on earth. The more angry Yang Bo sees others, the happier he feels. This is mainly because he is angry in real life, so he likes to find a sense of presence on the Internet.

As for Yang Bo who traveled through time, he didn't know how he got to where he is today, and the things he did were basically shady.

Not to mention that in the game, Yang Bo uses these body movements to insult others, but in reality, if Yang Bo meets these people from the Justice Gang, he will give them two big blows.

Let’s see who is stronger. The worst thing is to run away anyway.

In other words, Yang Bo is lawless in the league, let alone a game.

Of course, Yang Bo is actually very low-key on the Internet. After all, who is willing to run away unless it is absolutely necessary? Such a good foundation has been laid.

Yang Bo didn't even care about the various comments made by Brother Zhanniao on the Internet when the Justice Gang faced him. He was indispensable anyway.

The purpose of Yang Bo's doing this is actually to cultivate the Tieniu tribe. Although Tieniu is said to be smart, he is not very smart, but he is not stupid either. At least he still has a good relationship with him.

Anyone who has raised a dog in a previous life knows that you cannot raise a dog that is too smart, and you cannot raise a dog that is too stupid.

A dog that is too smart will assess the situation and may not necessarily help its owner when encountering problems. A dog that is too smart will sometimes even bite the owner himself. It is the kind of dog that is neither smart nor stupid and loyal to protect its owner.

In his previous life, Yang Bo had heard of someone raising a Bian Collie at home, along with other dogs. However, the Bian Collie took the other dogs out and threw them away.

People like Tieniu who are smart but not smart are the best.

While Yang Bo was controlling the characters in the game to run away, he could also find time to watch the live broadcast on the forum.

"There is a reward of 200 million for anyone who has the identity information of Brother Zhanniao." The live broadcast room of the Justice Gang on the forum directly posted this.

Yang Bo smiled and made a report. In the league, personal privacy is a very serious matter.

Less than three seconds after Yang Bo reported it, the live broadcast room in the forum was blocked.

The Justice Gang was so angry that they quickly changed their accounts and started a live broadcast in the forum again, but this time they did not dare to post a reward.

"Haha, the Justice Gang has been banned again!"

"Last time, my account was banned on a large scale too!"

"Didn't they sue the game official last time? Why didn't they get any action?"

"This broken game has a rich background at first glance. When this game first came out, many gamers lost money. These gamers went to lawyers to sue the game officials, but without exception, they all ended up in jail."

"A lot of the first batch of people who played this mecha game did suffer. They went bankrupt playing the game. This is the first game, except for gambling games of course."

"The main focus of this game is reality. Although this game has one of the worst ratings, the people who make money in it do make money."

"That was before. Since the last update of this crappy game, many maps have become neutral areas."

"The game official estimates that a competitive match will be held before restricting this PVE mode."

"Brother Zhanniao is so fast, and his operations are smooth and smooth. These cool operations are all free operations, not in a game mode?"

"I used the software to measure Brother Zhanniao's operational data. The lowest level at this level is a senior mecha master."

"You're talking nonsense. Look at the small environment of the underground world, and look at his current speed. If it weren't for this game and there's no way to use plug-ins, I would have suspected that he was an intelligent program."

"The brother upstairs is right. Regardless of whether you are convinced or not, you have time to personally come to Zhanniao to run in this section of the underground world. If you can run at his speed and then react like this, you will know how difficult it is. How old is it?”

"According to my assessment, it should have reached the level of a master."

"I think it's about the same. After all, this is the lowest level of mecha. Advanced mechas have many auxiliary modes and braking modes. This lowest level of mecha has all manual modes."

"Look at this bunch of trash from the Justice Gang. They are still getting farther and farther away from chasing other people's third-generation mechas with their 11th-generation mechas."

"The members of the Justice Gang are good at talking nonsense. On the surface, they rely on the powerful performance of mechas to defeat others."


"How to fight this?"

"I'm going to report you upstairs!"

"You are blind, this is the tactic used by our Justice Gang."

"That's right, we want to see how long he can run. Is it possible that he can still reach the bottom of the underground world?"

"A bunch of people who have never seen the world, so what if they catch up? They can't attack each other."

"That's right, look at the farts you are saying, we are going to force him into the underground world and let the mutated creatures kill him."

"We, the Justice Gang, have set up this post as evidence, and we must beat Brother Zhanniao, a bastard of garbage, out of business, and put him in jail."

"How do you know Brother Zhanniao is a boy?"

"Who else could do such a disgusting thing except you men? Little animals are so cute, how can you hurt them?"

"That's right, a bunch of low-ranking men have the ability to show off their mechas. Our Justice Gang has standard 11th-generation mechas, and all of them have undergone advanced modifications."

"Oh, this is a confrontation between men and women. Can you, the Justice Gang, try a different approach?"

"What else can these cerebellum-shrunk gadgets from the Justice Gang do besides being able to engage in confrontation? 30 11th-generation mechas, but they can't catch up with one third-generation mecha?"

Yang Bo looked at these comments on the Internet and smiled in his heart: "I'm afraid that the mechas of your Justice Gang are not good. If there is a total loss of 30 11th-generation mechas, one mecha will cost at least 120 million."

Yang Bo had already used his long-range photoelectric superpower to see that the mecha was indeed the eleventh generation mecha, but it was not as uniform as shown in the game, nor was it white and gold, but various other colors.

Obviously the game official only added a beautification effect to these mechas, and the Justice Gang had to pay for it. In other words, you spent a lot of money, and it was just a beautification effect, with no practical effect at all.

Of course, this is similar to a virtual game. The game you spend a lot of money to play is just a bunch of data.

"You just don't know if you can catch all these mechas this time?" Yang Bo didn't know how many of the 30 mechas would be able to escape in the end.

Yang Bo could clearly see on the mecha radar that there was a drone following closely behind.

The drone is indeed faster than the mecha in this environment because it is smaller.

This kind of technological means of the alliance is really terrifying, Yang Bo has already experienced it in the last mission.

It was on that energy stone planet that there were all kinds of drones covering the sky.

Of course, drones also have their biggest shortcoming, which is electromagnetic interference.

There are also protection methods against electromagnetic interference, the most common one being energy shield.

However, energy shields consume a lot of energy. If you want to provide the energy required for energy shields, you need a large energy system.

In other words, technological products with energy shields cannot be made small.

Moreover, the energy shield can only protect against energy attacks and is of little use against physical attacks.

As mentioned before, this is why humans can still be used to control mechas in interstellar warfare.

Electromagnetic interference is not only electromagnetic bombs, but also various electromagnetic attacks.

Earlier, mechas used intelligent AI, but unfortunately it was of no use at all under various energy attacks.

Because the mecha's intelligent judgment still relies on the sensors on the mecha to determine the current situation the mecha is encountering, energy attacks can easily destroy these sensors.

This is also why there are things like transparent portholes in front of the mecha's cockpit, so that people can observe through this when the mecha is attacked by electromagnetic and energy. Most of the mecha's various sensors are used during electronic attacks. It was scrapped, including the video system, communication system, radar system, etc.

Yang Bo controlled the third-generation mecha and ran wildly in this underground world. At the beginning, Yang Bo would also control the mecha to kill all the small animals within his range.

Now Yang Bo can no longer kill these little animals, because the people behind are chasing them closer and closer.

After all, if the mecha has to do other actions, it will waste time.

The Justice Gang who were chasing after him discovered this keenly, and announced in the live broadcast room that Brother Zhanniao had been frightened.

"Brother Zhanniao, this beast, no longer tortures and kills small animals. This is the meaning of our existence!"

"From the time we started chasing Brother Zhanniao to now, this trash bastard has hunted 365 small animals. It takes an average of two seconds to kill one small animal. And 1 minute and 30 seconds ago, Brother Zhanniao was killed by us. The pursuers can only flee in disgrace.”

"This is the meaning of our Justice Gang's existence. If anyone has any information about Brother Zhanniao, please contact us."

Yang Bo felt a little disgusted when he saw these guys from the Justice Gang bragging about themselves, but this was also a characteristic of the alliance and there was no way to change it.

Then people from the Justice Gang started posting in the forum, making screenshots of the animals that Yang Bo killed this time and putting them on the forum, as well as the bodies of the killed animals, including the ones that were stepped on the ground. A puddle of meat.

Used to accuse Brother Zhanniao and recruit people into gangs.

While Yang Bo was reading the forum, he was curious as to why no one else had commented. Later he discovered that the Justice Gang had turned off comments and only allowed himself to speak.

Yang Bo really didn't have any more time to anger the guys behind him, because it would be a waste of time for the mecha to kill small animals, and the guys from the Justice Gang wouldn't waste time at all and chased after them.

After running for half an hour, Yang Bo deliberately slowed down. It turned out that the distance between Yang Bo and the back was about 2 kilometers, and now it was about 1.6 kilometers. However, 1.6 kilometers is still a long distance in the passage of this underground world. The other party can only be seen from the radar.

If they were on the ground, the guys from the Justice Gang behind would have definitely dropped bombs and used bombs to cause accidental damage.

Yang Bo closed the forum. It was not interesting to see other people's comments.

After running for nearly 20 minutes, the distance between the two sides was only 1.5 kilometers.

In other words, after running for almost an hour from the beginning to now, we are already about 550 kilometers away from the outpost.

Now on the third floor underground, Yang Bo quickly saw Tieniu on the radar.

Then Yang Bo flashed past an underground space. On the other side of this underground space, Tieniu was waiting here. When he saw Yang Bo's mecha flying over, he quickly turned into a golden light and disappeared.

In fact, the game players who were watching also noticed something was wrong, because the third level is considered more dangerous for many mechas because there are many mutant creatures here.

But we never saw them this time. Everyone thought they were mutant creatures and ran away after seeing so many mechas.

Yang Bo's mecha quickly entered the fourth floor, and now Yang Bo officially entered the trap area, a very small, narrow, and winding underground passage with a large drop.

This environment was very restrictive for mechas, and Yang Bo's speed suddenly dropped.

"Sisters, prepare your bombs, the guy in front is in trouble." When the people from the Justice Gang saw Yang Bo entering this environment, they also screamed like chicken blood, because in this environment, the power of the bomb will be When used to its maximum, Yang Bo's mecha can't escape even if it wants to.

The Justice Gang's tactics are very simple, which is to use bombs to destroy Yang Bo's mecha and make Yang Bo pay.

And because the passage where Yang Bo is located limits the speed of Yang Bo's mecha, the distance between Yang Bo and the pursuers behind him is only one thousand meters. For the mecha, one thousand meters only takes a few seconds.

So the people from the Justice Gang didn't even look at their surroundings and chased after them one after another. After all, these 30 mechas were not afraid of any mutant creatures.

Of course, usually people don’t use dozens of mechas to besiege mutated creatures, because everyone catches mutated creatures in exchange for money. If you use mechas to beat mutated creatures into a pile of minced meat, then you will get money. Mechas are based on algebra. Each hour of usage is different.

Tieniu had already arrived at an underground reservoir at this time. Originally, this underground reservoir had other directions to drain water, but it was blocked by Yang Bo.

The iron bull turned into a golden light and directly knocked a hole into the repaired stone wall of the reservoir.

Then he repeated the entire underground reservoir several times and was knocked out of a large hole more than ten meters wide.

Under this large hole, there are various stone balls of different sizes. The largest one is probably five or six tons, and more are one or two tons.

These stone balls have a metallic luster, and some even have an emerald luster. They are made of the hardest stone Yang Bo uses. The reason why he did not make a bigger one is because the underground passage is too narrow and might get stuck. live.

Tieniu watched as the huge water flow rumbled down with many stone balls.

Tieniu's little eyes were full of doubts. He didn't know why Yang Bo let him do this.

Looking at the huge underground reservoir, Tieniu jumped to the other side of the reservoir, and then made a sudden force in this direction. It was like a bomb was dropped in the underground reservoir, huge waves surged up, and a huge water flow crossed the gap. Rushed out.

Then Tieniu floated up to the water and felt dizzy. Tieniu didn't expect that he almost fainted because of his exertion in the water. His little head was full of confusion. The water was so soft. How could it feel worse than hitting a rock? Uncomfortable.

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