Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 110: Terrorist Strike, this special mother is the seven Death Star Fortress battle group?\r

At this moment, the three Death Star Fortress battle groups of the Wright Civilization are in the battle group.

The single most central Death Star Fortress battle group.

The three-star admiral Vergo, who was in charge of this clean-up mission, was sitting in the captain's position in the command room.

Look carefully at the information they have now.

"The mission this time is rather strange, it is actually a battle with civilization.

Virgo touched his chin with interest.

Before, he had always been active in the River Heart Mine, leading the Death Star Fortress battle group to fight against those monsters.

I really don't have much experience fighting other civilizations.

However, he has confidence in himself and the Wright civilization's fleet, and doesn't think he will fail at all.

What's more, they brought out three world-annihilating fission missiles this time.

Theoretically, even if the other party is really ruthless and sends a large fleet to attack them, he is sure to calm down the situation.

The Destruction Fission Missile is a terrifying weapon capable of easily destroying a Death Star Bastion battle group.

"Admiral, if you successfully complete your mission this time, you will be able to go one step closer to being promoted to a four-star general!

The confidant adjutant on the side glanced at the information on the screen with disdain, and said with a complimenting smile.

There was a smile on Vergo's face: "Well, this time is the test of the leaders and the elders, but with the current conditions, how much strength can an advanced arm-spinning civilization fighting across the river system show?"

"Even those old-fashioned advanced arm rotation-level civilizations have to pay a huge price to fight across the river system."

"Unless the opponent is a top-level arm-spinning civilization, it's about the same. 35

He didn't think that the opponent who appeared this time would be a top-level arm rotation-level civilization.

The top arm-spin-class civilization has S-class (arm-spin class) battleships, and even mastered the existence of light-speed flight.

As for why they would know the news...

That's because, as the overlords of the Horton River System, they naturally want to explore other river systems.

Although they explored several river systems.

The strongest civilizations are only equal to them.

However, from the mouths of these civilizations, they knew that there was an incomparably powerful top-level arm-spinning civilization in a place five or six rivers away from them.

The basic performance of the S-class (arm-spin-class) warships is also obtained from this top arm-spin-class civilization.

However, as long as he didn't reach the S-rank (arm-spin-rank), Navigo wouldn't be too worried at all.

How much power can a mere high-level arm rotation-level civilization play in away battles?

Just like their Wright civilization, although several river systems have been discovered.

Moreover, there are also several advanced arm-spinning civilizations whose strength is far inferior to theirs.

However, it is because the cost of crossing the river system is too high.

Therefore, the Wright civilization cannot launch foreign wars at all.

Of course, the Wright Civilization has not even completed the development of the Horton River System, and there is no need to expand outward in 903.

And just as Vergo was thinking about it, a harsh siren suddenly sounded in the battleship.

"Alarm alert! Wormhole energy fluctuation detected, suspected artificial wormhole is opening!""

Virgo frowned immediately: "Artificial wormhole? Where is the location! 35

Naturally, it is impossible for them to have no solution for artificial wormholes.

After all, they have this means themselves.

However, he did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to attack!

However, he was not particularly worried, given the presence of the three Death Star Fortress battle groups.

They are even strong enough to unite to block the world-destroying fission missile.

"Report, the artificial wormhole fluctuation appeared 120 million kilometers away!"

A soldier in charge of the radar reported immediately!

"What! 120 million kilometers? So close?"

This time Vergo was indeed a little surprised.

Although the distance of 120 million kilometers is not particularly close.

But they are not without means of guarding against artificial wormholes, what is the difference between directly shoving the gun barrels into their faces!

This proves that the other party's artificial wormhole technology has crushed them far!

"What direction is the enemy in, have you caught it!

Vergo asked hastily.

At this moment, he also began to pay attention to this enemy.

Although the other party is absolutely impossible to send too many advanced warships because of the supply.

But after all, it is not a monster without any brains, and he still needs to pay attention to it.

He didn't want him to fail the star promotion test this time.

The soldiers in charge of the radar immediately turned on the radar power of the Death Star Fortress to the highest level, and the surrounding information suddenly gathered here.

"Report, no trace of the enemy has been detected within 2 light-years!

"Report, no trace of the enemy detected within 5 light-years! 95

"Report, no trace of the enemy has been detected within 10 light-years!"

"Report, no trace of the enemy detected within 50 light-years!

At 50 light-years, the radar detection range of the Death Star Fortress is at its limit.

Although Death Star Fortress is A-level (arm-spinning) level technology.

However, the distance of 50 light-years is already the limit for them.

Vergo's face became extremely ugly.

No enemy was found 50 light-years away, which means that the enemy was a wormhole that was torn directly from 50 light-years away.

This Nima's, the other party's artificial wormhole technology is so outrageous?

Can the opponent's beacon ship mark such a far place?

Or, does the other party have any special means to block the signal of the beacon ship so that they cannot catch it!

However, Vergo thinks the latter is more likely.

Their artificial wormhole beacon ships, at most, mark any location within 2 light-years.

10 light years? That's impossible!

How much power is needed to directly lock such a far place!

Are the opposing warships infinite energy?

"General, there are 10 seconds left until the artificial wormhole opens! 35

At this time, the soldier in charge of detecting the fluctuation of the wormhole suddenly opened his mouth and said.

Vergo immediately put aside all the thoughts in his mind: "The entire fleet is prepared for impact prevention! In addition, start recording the enemy's attack information and confirm the enemy's information!

As an excellent general, he is also a general who has fought for thousands of years with those monsters in the Hexin mining area.

He basically has to contend with tons of monsters every day.

The abilities of these types of monsters also change almost every few days.

So, he is very aware of the importance of intelligence.

Even if it is a human being and not a monster at the moment.

"Yes! General! The entire fleet is ready for impact!"

The soldiers immediately passed Vergo's orders to the entire fleet.

The next moment, beams of light shot out from the three Death Star Fortresses, and finally turned into a light curtain, shrouding the three Death Star Fortress battle groups.

The other battleships pulled out an energy and injected it into this energy barrier.

Once they find that the enemy's attack is too violent, they can also deliver energy in time to maintain the existence of the energy barrier.

As a powerful fleet that has experienced countless battles.

These three Death Star Fortress battle groups are obviously not general.

The best decision was made the first time.

I didn't waste any of my output at all.

"Artificial Wormhole Countdown 5 Seconds...

"The artificial wormhole counts down 3 seconds...

"The artificial wormhole counts down 1 second...

Under the constant reporting of soldiers responsible for detecting artificial wormholes.

120 million kilometers away from them.

A huge artificial wormhole was torn apart immediately.

However, do not wait to see the situation on the other side.

Several sturdy beams of light, mixed with countless missiles, railguns, and lasers, were densely bombarding their fleet.

The terrifying torrent of attacks made the scalp numb.

In an instant, the three Death Star Fortress battle groups were covered in it.

What shocked Virgo even more was that these attacks didn't mean to collide and interfere with each other.

These attacks are densely packed without wasting a single available space.

"Is this a battle with civilization?

Virgo was a little confused.

I have always been fighting monsters before, basically going straight.

The opponent jumped up directly and was destroyed by them.

Although there may be some twists and turns in the process of their suppression because of the other party's special abilities.

But not once has he felt as shocked as he is now.

This intensive attack, even the most elite fleet of the Wright civilization cannot do it!

The other party simply did not waste even a trace of firepower.

Can such a perfect level of command really be achieved by humans?

However, although his heart was shocked, his response was not slow.

If you just do that, wait for the attack to hit you head on.

God knows how much energy will be lost.

It is not close to the Wright Civilization here, and it is very difficult for them to supply energy.

"Interfere with the launch of the barrage! Block the opponent's attack as much as possible!"

Vergo calmly ordered.

This is also a method they use when facing large-scale monsters in the Hexin mining area.

Sometimes they may encounter tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of monsters combined to attack.

At that time, in order to pay the least price, they will use the fire net to intercept the next part of the attack.

In this way, their energy can be conserved to the greatest extent possible.

However, this time faced such a dense attack.

I don't even know if this method works or not!

"Shoot the jamming barrage!"

"Shoot the jamming barrage! 35

Inside the battleships, the orders of their respective captains suddenly sounded.

(ahdg) Numerous jamming bombs used to reduce the attack were all fired forward at this time.

And the most prominent among them are the three Death Star Fortresses.

For a time, countless lasers and missiles took off from above, like a hornet's nest that had been stabbed.

The firepower of this moment is even enough to match the attack of all the other battleships.

This is why the Death Star Fortress is called a weapon of war across civilizations.

This firepower is too exaggerated!


A large number of attacks suddenly collided halfway.

Then, before they could bloom their own glorious moment, they were topped by the attack from the rear.

The cold sweat on Vergo's forehead had already come down.

If the other party regards it as a state of facing the wave, then the wave on his side has been crushed and pushed by the other party.

The firepower of the opponent without any gaps is really terrifying.

The fleet on the opposite side has already reached the theoretical perfect firepower, what kind of person can do this!

Anyway, even the Marshal of the Wright Civilization is in charge of the most elite Death Star Fortress battle group.

The firepower that can be used is only 80% at most.

And this is already the highest level of Wright civilization.

In the end, the opponent's attack still slammed into their energy barrier.

Even if there is a layer of energy barrier isolation, it still makes their fleet tremble violently.

The entire battleship seemed to be caught in a magnitude 7 earthquake.

If you hadn't prepared for the shock early.

At the same time, the basic physique of the warriors of the Wright civilization has been greatly improved because of the genetic medicine.

I'm afraid there will be a lot of casualties in this wave...

Even if the energy barrier is not attacked.

This wave of attacks lasted for 3 minutes. After the violent vibration ended, even Vergo felt a little weak in his legs and feet.

It's not that I was scared, it's just that the frequency of the vibration is too high.

It gave him a direct shock.

If you change to some low-level civilization people.

I am afraid that even the internal organs will be shattered directly by this violent vibration.

"Report the casualties!

Vergo held the chair, quickly stabilized himself, and asked.

This question is his main concern.

Although he is confident in the defense of the Death Star Fortress battle group, who knows if there will be accidents.

After waiting for half a minute, the casualty information was counted.

The dizzy soldiers who were shocked immediately reported in a strong spirit: "General, we have 2,700 C-class (arm-spinning) warships damaged, 123 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships damaged, A-class (arm-spinning) battleships damaged, and A-class (armswing) warships damaged. Class) warships were not damaged, as for casualties, 12,000 people were slightly injured, 300 people were seriously injured, and no one died!

This data made Vergo frown.

Although they blocked this wave of attacks, no battleship was damaged, and no one was killed.

But this data still made him feel a little uneasy.

And, more importantly, in those previous attacks, there were five particularly thick beams of light, which made him particularly concerned.

The thickness of these light beams does not seem to be large.

But the power seems to be extremely powerful.

It's almost like they push the jamming attack horizontally.

Moreover, there are ten slightly thinner beams of light. Although they are not as thick as the five beams, their performance is also very dazzling.

"How is the fleet's energy consumption?

Vergo followed suit.

The data on the other end was quickly integrated as well.

"Report, Death Star Fortress consumes 10% of energy, other A-class (arm-spinning) battleships consume 30% energy, B-class (arm-spinning) battleships consume 50% energy, and C-class (arm-spinning) battleships consume 70% energy !35

This data made Vergo even more uneasy.

This wave of Nima's attack knocked them down so much energy?

Especially the C-class (arm-spinning) battleship, the remaining energy is not even enough to continue a battle!

And the B-class (arm-spin class) and A-class (arm-spin class) battleships are not doing so well.

Although this also has the enemy's attack too sudden.

At the same time, the position of the artificial wormholes is too close, so that they have almost no relationship with the reaction time.

But this still can't erase the strength of the opponent's strength.

Not to mention the ability to use firepower 100%.

This firepower alone is enough to make them vigilant.

It was no different than seven full Death Star Fortress battlegroups attacking them.

Could it be that the other party really sent seven full Death Star Fortress battle groups?

Or is it that the other party is just bluffing and using some means to hit such a high attack, trying to deter them and buy himself time?

For a time, a lot of information made Vergo feel a little dizzy.

"Report back the previous encounter, let's slow down for a while, wait for the supply ship to keep up, and supply the warship!

Vergo quickly issued an order.

No matter what the other party's goal is, he can't let the fleet with such a huge loss to attack the other party.

Otherwise, what's the difference between making fun of soldiers' lives!

On the other hand, Shen Yi, who had been attacked before, had a splendid expression on his face.

"So the effect of this title is so mysterious?""

Shen Yi said strangely.

Just before he launched the attack, the War Madman effect was actually activated.

Then, these battleships were suddenly enveloped by a red light.

The next moment, the charging speed of the battleship was greatly increased, and after the attack was launched, the shells and beams of light that were launched were directly enlarged by 30%.

I am afraid that at that moment, the power exerted by the five Death Star Fortress battle groups.

It is even comparable to the firepower of the seven Death Star Fortress battle groups.

He couldn't understand this way of increasing.

It can only be blamed on the perversion of the producer behind the soaring technology game.

It can easily play with the technology of arm rotation-level civilization between applause.

One can imagine how perverted the other party's civilization is.

However, this is a good thing for him, and it is naturally impossible for him to think about some things.

At least, in terms of the level of technology that the other party has shown so far.

At present, he has no ability to resist the opponent at all.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, you can only implement and think about it after you touch the other party's level.

"However, the opponent's strength is really astonishing, and it is too amazing to have not destroyed a single battleship.

Shen Yi couldn't help sighing.

You must know that the previous attack on the five Death Star Fortress battle groups did not hold back at all.

Those penetrating shells also failed to tear apart that layer of energy barrier.

Otherwise, this wave of opponents will definitely not lose at all.

"Master, this is actually normal. As a weapon of war, the Death Star Fortress is not only in terms of attack."

“A huge size means more energy and more equipment. 35

"You can think of the energy barrier of the Death Star Fortress as an energy barrier composed of 50 A-class (arm-spinning) frigates.""

Shen Er explained aloud.

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