Armed drones were quickly created.

For armed drones, Shen Yi didn't produce much, only 1,000 units.

Armed drones are different from a type of combat robot.

It is only used to target special flying creatures.

So, the quantity doesn't need to be too much.

Ordinary flying creatures can't escape the barrage of a combat robot.

Unless it is a flying creature with a life level of B-class like the Black Eclipse Dragon.

However, the Black Eclipse Dragon is already the strongest existence within these 300 kilometers.

Other creatures that reach the C-level life level are only rare within the range of these three hundred miles.

And there are even fewer powerful flying creatures.

So, there is no need for that many armed drones at all.

At this moment, the upgraded armed drone data also appeared in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

【Armed drone】

[Grading: Grade C]

[Capacity: Equipped with two 12.7mm caliber four-barrel rotary machine guns, with a maximum range of 8,000 meters and a maximum speed of Mach 1.5 per hour (1836 km/h), and the fire control radar can lock any target within 10,000 meters]

[Consumption: 30 energy points are consumed every day]


"This enhanced data is not bad!"

The data from the armed drone in front of him made Shen Yi's eyes light up.

The existence of these 1,000 armed drones directly compensated for his air combat power.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of today's armed drones in the air may not be much weaker than that of a type of combat robot.

After all, it also has a fire-control radar that a combat robot doesn't have.

The target can be locked directly from 10,000 meters away.

This undoubtedly means that armed drones can still guarantee a very high hit rate even at the longest range of 8,000 meters.

Plus that terrifying speed of 1.5 times the speed of sound.

He couldn't think of any flying creature that could escape the pursuit of armed drones.

Even a C-class flying creature can never fly so fast!

He glanced at the thousand one-type battle robots that were less than ten kilometers away from the Black Eclipse Dragon site on the map.

Shen Yi directly ordered them to stop and stand by.

Then, he turned his attention to the sky above the base at the moment.

That one is two meters in size and looks similar to DJI, but there are two armed drones with four-barrel machine guns hanging below it, and there is a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"This is your first battle, don't let me down!"


With Shen Yi's order.

A thousand armed drones were immediately above the base, shaking off white sonic boom clouds and disappearing over the base.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A thousand armed drones entered the scene of supersonic flight from the air at the same time.

This terrifying acceleration is absolutely breathtaking.

Enough to shock everyone who sees it.

It's a pity that only Shen Yi can see this scene now.

Today's armed drones seem to have become the fastest existence under his hands.

Even a type of reconnaissance robot is only close to the speed of sound.

However, it is far from reaching supersonic speed.

Speaking of which, Shen Yi didn't want to understand how this drone, which relies on four rotors, can fly at supersonic speed.

Shouldn't only jet planes be able to go supersonic?

It can only be said that the 100-fold strengthening system will always drop God!

"Next, we will launch a general attack!"

"I don't know what kind of surprise this place will bring me."

Shen Yi cast his eyes on the radar sand table in front of him.

At this moment, the black eclipse dragon, which is in the center of the radar sand table, seems to sense the approaching threat.

He was standing on the top of the building restlessly and roaring up to the sky.

The sturdy tail behind him kept slamming the ground, and the ground rumbled.

I don't know what material the building below is made of.

The black eclipse dragon's heavy body of more than ten meters is at least dozens of tons.

The tail is waving, and the lethality is at least hundreds of tons.

However, despite such a heavy blow, the buildings below were still unscathed.

The reinforced concrete structure on the earth was directly smashed into slag!

If that's not the norm for building materials on this planet.

Then, this place is likely to be a more important place.

The interest in Shen Yi's eyes became more intense.

If that's the case, he might be able to get something good out of here!

In less than five minutes, a thousand armed drones directly crossed a distance of more than 100 kilometers and appeared near the Black Eclipse Dragon.

That's just astonishingly fast!

That's the scary part of modern warfare, it's coming so fast!

"Take action!"

Shen Yi did not hesitate, and decisively let a thousand Type 1 combat robots and a thousand armed robots approach together in an encircling formation.

This kind of siege operation that integrates land and air is not an exaggeration to be compatible with the net of heaven and earth.

Let the enemy have no way to go to the sky, no way to enter the ground, and no chance to escape!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

A combat robot on the ground and an armed drone in the sky stepped into the black eclipse dragon's territory covered with black and purple phosphorous powder at the same time.

At this moment, the black eclipse dragon is restless in his lair.

The moment a combat robot and an armed drone stepped into their territory, they suddenly raised their heads.

Apparently, this is what it senses through the phosphor powder.

The face without eyes, but full of thorns, was instantly filled with violence.

The ferocious mouth full of fangs and saliva flowed open suddenly, and roared in the sky.


The terrifying dragon's roar shook the sky and the ground, and the surrounding air seemed to vibrate, causing ripples.

The next moment, its forearm with a layer of black flesh film slammed.


The terrifying force instantly pushed its body into the sky.

It actually flew three or four hundred meters directly!

"Huh? This speed is not bad!"

Shen Yi sighed.

But only got a good word from him.

The instantaneous acceleration of this black eclipse dragon is close to the speed of sound.

I am afraid that the maximum speed is definitely beyond the speed of sound.

But how can this be?

In front of his army and air force, all resistance is futile!

No matter how fast this black eclipse dragon flies, but now that the encirclement has been formed, it will definitely not be able to escape this net.

What's more, among these thousand one-type combat robots and one thousand armed drones, which one is worse than the Black Eclipse Dragon?

Shen Yi used 2000 robots of the same level to kill the Black Eclipse Dragon, which has already given enough face!

The black eclipse dragon flew in mid-air.

Uneasy and menacing growls continued towards the approaching robots.

However, Shen Yi could clearly see the horror on its face.

Obviously, the black eclipse dragon felt the threat from the surrounding.

But when Shen Yi came to this world, its fate was already doomed...

When a thousand one-type combat robots and a thousand armed robots enter the range.

The dense and scalding bullets immediately fired a saturated shot in the direction of the Black Eclipse Dragon!

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