"Shen Ling, don't act too rashly. I know that you want to kill Liu Mingming to avoid future troubles. In order to help me, have you thought about anything else?"

I thought that when I did these things, Shen Yi would strongly support it, after all, Shen Yi did not need to come forward in person.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yi blurted out such words, which caught Shen Ling by surprise.

"Anything else, I just hope that there will be no more hidden dangers in your life.

Shen Ling didn't understand the meaning of Shen Yi's words, what was there for them to worry about.

The only way to ensure their safety is to make a clean break as soon as possible now.

"Have you forgotten that Liu Mingming has the ability to control people, in case he controls me to hurt you..."

Seeing that every word he said was for his own safety, Shen Ling lowered his head in embarrassment.

Shen Yi didn't know what to do for a while, no matter what he did~ there would be risks.

Shen Ling looked at Shen Yi because he didn't want to let him do this, and realized that he was too excited just now.

In doing so, not only will there be a great risk, but maybe Shen Yi will be completely controlled by Liu Mingming in the future.

Thinking of these, Shen Ling didn't know what to do for a while.

"But I don't know why I approached Liu Mingming so many times, but I was not controlled by him, my attitude towards him was the same from beginning to end, and he didn't do anything to me.

Shen Ling couldn't understand why Liu Mingming didn't control himself. After all, he had the most say in Shen Yi's side, and he could control Shen Yi and Shen Er.

Shen Yi didn't know what was going on, but this matter had to be considered in the long run.

Worrying for a while will not solve the problem, it will only make things worse.

"I don't know what's going on in this matter, but it's really a good thing that you are not under Liu Mingming's control. At least you can still do some things."5

Shen Yi couldn't get rid of Liu Mingming's control. Every time he was alone with him, Shen Yi couldn't control himself at all.

Shen Ling saw how Shen Yi was happy because he was not under Liu Mingming's control, and knew how he felt.

"I'm really sorry, I can't help with this matter at all, I can only slowly see what kind of trend the matter develops, and finally there will be a solution."

As he spoke, Shen Ling couldn't help lowering his head, and for a while he didn't know how to raise his head to look at Shen Yi in front of him.

Instead, Shen Yi calmly looked at this matter a lot, thinking that since some things can't be changed, then don't bother.

"It doesn't matter, although we can't kill Liu Mingming for the time being, there must be a way to solve these difficulties in the future. Now there is something I hope you can help me do. 99

Seeing that he did not get angry because of his inability to do anything, but instead chose to believe in himself, Shen Ling felt warm in his heart.

"Don't worry, as long as it is something I can do, whether you open it or not, I will do it according to my own consciousness. 99

...... ask for flowers.....

Seeing his sworn expression, Shen Yi smiled and didn't say a word.

"I hope that if I am controlled by Liu Mingming again in the future, you must wake me up in time.

Seeing that Shen Yi actually asked himself to help him get rid of Liu Mingming's control every time, he lowered his head and couldn't speak, and for a while he didn't know how to respond.

"Every time when Liu Mingming controls you, I'm alone with you, and I can't wake you up at all, unless you can come to me first after he controls you. 99


Once Shen Yi is not looking for Shen Ling first, the next thing will become more and more out of control.

"As long as you meet Liu Mingming in the future, I will take it with you, don't worry, but I will trouble you to wake me up in time.

Seeing Shen Yi agree with his own intentions, Shen Ling could no longer find a reason to shirk.

After all, no matter what Shen Yi does, as long as Shen Ling accompanies him, it is absolutely guaranteed that Shen Yi will not be controlled by Liu Mingming.

"Don't worry, once Liu Mingming controls you, I will wake you up in time and won't make things worse."

Shen Ling agreed to himself, Shen Yi let out a long sigh of relief, the stone in his heart fell to the ground at once, without any psychological pressure.

But Shen Ling couldn't help worrying about the next thing, afraid that there would be problems, and there was no way he could solve Wan by himself.

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