Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter two hundred and seventy-eighth Taiwan monitoring Liu Mingming\r

Seeing that Shen San had no intention of secretly looking for Liu Mingming, he thought that maybe he suspected the wrong object.

What Shen Yi said was correct, but this thought quickly disappeared.

He still had to observe Shen San carefully for a while to make sure he didn't have any problems before he could rest assured.

"Recently, Shen Yi doesn't go there for a while, and I'm a little bored in other places. I don't know if you would mind the two of us practicing together to improve our strength.

Shen San didn't understand why he was suddenly so enthusiastic about him, and he was full of doubts, hoping that someone could accompany him to improve his abilities.

Otherwise, you will have to take a lot of detours to improve blindly by yourself.

I don't know what happened to Shen Yi, and now I don't seem to have time to accompany me and give me advice.

"If you don't mind wasting some time on me, I naturally welcome you to accompany me to improve my strength every day, and you can help Shen Yi as soon as possible.

Shen San and Liu Mingming have completely different attitudes, he seems to be all about helping Shen Yi.

But Liu Mingming stayed in his room every day, and he didn't know what to do, and he didn't intend to get close to other people at all.

Shen Yi replied, thinking that Liu Mingming was also a cloud type person and controlled himself, and he was very scared.

In order not to reveal any clues, let the other party's plan be destroyed in the end, calm down as much as possible, and behave the same as before.

Shen Yi still wanted Shen Ling to strengthen the surveillance of Liu Mingming in case they made any omissions.

Perhaps the purpose of cloud-type people is not only these, but also other arrangements.

They didn't realize it until now. When the night fell, no one noticed Shen Yi and secretly asked Shen Ling to come to find them.

"Why did you let me come here again, did Liu Mingming do something again?"

Ever since they guessed that Liu Mingming is a cloud type person, they have been worried every day, for fear of some omissions. Now that Shen Yi came to find him, Shen Ling was not relieved.

"I want you to strengthen your surveillance on Liu Mingming, I think Liu Mingming will definitely take action recently, he just stopped me from going to that place, there must be other things to do.

Shen Yi firmly believes that Liu Mingming must not only do these things, but may also have other purposes.

"Don't worry, I've been monitoring Liu Mingming recently to prevent him from doing bad things to the point where he can't control it."

After Shen Yi left, Shen Ling never let up at all, monitoring Liu Mingming's every move every day, for fear of any omissions.

"That's it!

The next day, Shen Ling saw Liu Mingming, panicked and didn't know what to do, so he deliberately blocked the other party's way.

Liu Mingming watched Shen Ling suddenly stop him, full of hostility, and did not understand where the problem was.

"Why are you panicking? Did you discover some secret, or did you do something unseen?"

Seeing the other party targeting him, Liu Mingming smiled awkwardly.

He was indeed going to do other things, but how could he tell Shen Ling about these things, he smiled awkwardly, and found a reason to try to put it off.

"Don't be kidding, I just suddenly smelled the fragrance from the kitchen and wanted to rush over to see what it was."

Seeing Liu Mingming deal with himself so calmly, Shen Ling was not surprised.

"It turns out that it happens that I also want to go to the kitchen, it is better for the two of us to walk together and appear lonely on the road.

Shen Ling pulled Liu Mingming, regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, and quickly came to the kitchen.

The chef was also shocked to see the appearance of the two of them. The two of them were tit for tat on weekdays and would not support each other at all.


This time at the same time, the chef was really surprised.

"Whatever you prepare in the kitchen today can attract Liu Mingming. Is there any special food prepared?"

Liu Mingming watched Shen Ling deliberately slander himself, and was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do for a while.

"No, it's Shen Ling who insists..."

Watching the two of them push and shove, the chef didn't know what to do.

At this time, Shen Ling's attitude suddenly changed drastically, and even the tone of the conversation with him was much worse.

"It's obvious that you want to come to the kitchen yourself, and now you don't admit it, do you mean that you were riding a bike just now to do other things.


Liu Mingming clearly felt his hostility towards him, and without saying anything, watched him leave.

Realizing that Shen Ling's hostility towards him is getting bigger and bigger, he can't continue like this.

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