Shen Ling did not give in at all, but instead quarreled with Shen Yi.

Liu Mingming saw that the quarrel between the two of them was meaningless, since hypnotism had cost a lot of energy.

I just want to have a good rest, listening to the noise of the two, my ears are ringing.

It didn't take long for Liu Mingming to leave completely. Shen Ling saw that he had left, and directly pulled Shen Yi into the room, and woke the two of them up with electric shocks.

Shen Yi saw himself appearing here, and realized that he was controlled by Liu Mingming again.

Shen Yi himself is not in a hurry to do something to the other party, but now so many things are happening again and again.

If no action is taken, in the end all their efforts may really be ruined, or even lost because of Liu Mingming's existence.

"I didn't expect to be tricked by him again, and I thought he was really uncomfortable before I wanted to show him.


He secretly thought that no matter what the situation was in the future, he would no longer care about Liu Mingming, and Liu Mingming had nothing to sympathize with.

"The two of you quickly think of a way, is there any way to get rid of Liu Mingming without being discovered by the cloud type? 35

Shen Ling really didn't know what to do, and if there was a solution, he wouldn't have to wait until now.

The trouble for them is getting bigger and bigger and beyond their control.

"I really can't help it, otherwise it wouldn't be what it is now..."

Shen Ling's answer was very helpless, not because he didn't want to report Shen Yi, but because this matter was really too troublesome.

Shen Er on the side also felt that no matter what they did, things would become more troublesome and even be known by some people.

"It seems that there is really nothing to do, Shen Yi, you are the smartest, think about whether there is any better idea. 39

Shen Yi looked at the helpless expressions of the two and knew that they had no choice.

Suddenly I thought of the previous incident of Shen San's memory being cleared.

It can clear Shen San's memory. If Liu Mingming's previous memory is cleared, it will not continue to hurt them.

Instead, they can live a happy life with them, just like the current Shen San.

"By the way, do you know what method Shen San used to clear his memory?"

Shen Ling didn't understand why they were discussing about Liu Mingming, why they became interested in Shen San's loss of memory again. The two things seemed to have nothing to do with each other.

"We're not thinking about how to solve the hidden danger of Liu Mingming. Why did it suddenly involve Shen San? Could it be that the two of them..."

Seeing him thinking wildly there, Shen Yi smiled faintly, everything was completely different from what he imagined.

"They have nothing to do with each other. I just think that even Shen San can be erased and used on Liu Mingming. Do you know what kind of technology it is?"5

After learning that Shen Yi was only trying to clear Liu Mingming's memory, Shen Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Shen Ling really didn't know anything about this matter, so he could only investigate one or two times to see if there was any result.

"I don't know anything about this either, but I can look into it, maybe there are any traces left before that could help us.35

Seeing that Shen Ling did not reject this matter, Shen Yi put all his hopes on Shen Ling.

Shen Ling searched for a long time, but it seemed that there was no result at all about this matter, which was very strange.

No matter which aspect of the ability and technology, there should be a little record, otherwise, how can it appear for no reason.

Shen Er couldn't help 987 all the time, looking at the anxious expressions of the two of them, he didn't understand why it was difficult to get Shen Ling, he was almost omnipotent.

"Just tell him what you have found out. It's not your character to be so secretive."

"There is no record of this at all, as if it appeared out of thin air.35

This ability is the same as the cloud type person, mysterious and mysterious, leaving no trace.

Shen Er was taken aback and thought that Shen Ling did not investigate properly.

"Impossible, Shen Ling, you are investigating carefully, don't fool Shen Yi like this.

Shen Ling knew that this result was hard to believe, but what he said was true.

"This matter is very important, how could I be fooled, I really don't understand the result, and I don't know what happened, it's very strange.

Shen Ling was at a loss when he first encountered this situation.

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