The chat bar just opened.

A large amount of information suddenly rolled up.

"Fuck, has more than 100 million people been eliminated? This game is too cruel..."

"Brother die, in the second you speak, thousands of people are burping."

"I'm already dead, and my head is numb, and there are many brothers who committed suicide... Alas, this game is really too difficult."

"Then what can we do! Now in this environment, we must rely on teamwork, but across the Internet, who knows whether the person on the other side is a ghost, and the only person who can be trusted is his own family."

"My family can't be trusted... I was cheated of 1,000 energy points by my brother's beast. Damn, that's my brother!"

"Anyway, everyone be careful, there are too many liars here... Who is not trying their best to survive..."


"Good guy, I'm a good guy! And I was deceived by my own family?"

Looking at the players' discussion, Shen Yi's expression became extremely strange.

It's nothing to deceive outsiders, after all, you can only do anything you can to survive.

But lying to the family is a bit outrageous!

In this situation, family members are at least more reliable than outsiders.

If players want to get through the predicament quickly, it is undoubtedly the best choice to join forces with their families.

Just like the Li Luoxi family, it hasn't been long since the game started.

He actually already had the capital to trade with him.

This is obviously the strength of uniting the family, which is obviously much stronger than fighting alone.

Even the Ou Huang who started the game is definitely not comparable.

And if you offend your family, what if you make a fortune at the time?

In the follow-up, without the help of family members, the development will inevitably be much slower.

In the future, it will definitely be separated from the player's large army.

"However, at this stage, there should be many players who have joined forces. In this case, the leeks should have grown a little fatter!"

Shen Yi licked his lips, and there was a trace of greed belonging to capital in his eyes.

He continued to read, wanting more information.

Sure enough, it did not exceed his expectations, the player has begun to enter the family-style small group mode.

"I can only say that now whoever has more family members can do whatever they want! Except for the big family of course! (Funny)"

"Of course, ordinary small families are ecstatic, as long as they are not stupid enough to have a particularly tense relationship with their family members, they can basically pass the early stage easily."

"Tsk tsk, before this game was called, those big clans who showed off their power and might not be able to get up now! After all, the intrigues of the big clan can only be understood by everyone who understands it!"

"I've collected enough resources for Mr. Shen Yi now. When will Mr. Shen Yi sell a few more C-level Type 1 combat robots, so that I can take down one of the mines that I was interested in before."

"Also looking forward to it, Mr. Shen Yi is really selling too little! It's dry!"

"That is estimated to have to wait for the big boss Shen Yi to develop. Although I am curious about how the big boss Shen Yi did it, right now I just want a C-level Type 1 combat robot to survive!"


"It seems that after a few hours, the players have calmed down a lot."

This makes Shen Yi very satisfied.

What he hates most are those who are morally kidnapped.

When you move your mouth, you want others to take out your good things.

Where in the world is there such a good thing?

Of course, it may also be because the number of their chats has reached.

However, no matter what.

The chat bar now makes Shen Yi much more comfortable.

He doesn't care about the mentality of the players who trade with him, he only needs the result.

After all, at such a long distance, those players couldn't interfere with him.

Next, Shen Yi intends to sell 100 Type 1 combat robots.

This is the maximum amount that Xia Guo players can eat in his estimation.

For Xia Guo players, he still intends to have a limited supply.

As for foreign players, let them grow and develop first, this leek will be cut later.

After all... even if you sell it to them now, they may not be able to afford it.

Shen Yi did not intend to treat foreign players as kindly as he did to Xia Guo players.

With so little resources, he wants to buy his C-class Type-1 combat robot?

How can it reflect the value of a fighting robot without raising the price tenfold?

As for whether this price will exceed the value of the C-level Type-1 combat robot.

Shen Yi wasn't worried at all.

C-Class robots are simply not something that should appear in the early stages.

This thing is an artifact in the early stage, okay!

Isn't it normal to sell a little more expensive?

As long as the player can't build a C-class robot, he will never lower the price!

Soon, one hundred Type 1 combat robots were put up for sale.

[Sales: Type 1 Battle Robot X100]

【Seller: Shen Yi】

[Item Rating: Grade C]

[Seller's needs: Unit price: 5000 units of iron, 3000 units of copper and 500 units of psionic crystals or 5000 energy points, and there are special types of blueprints for private chat]

[Purchase Restriction: Only Xia Kingdom players can purchase]

This time, Shen Yi also added an option for energy purchases.

However, it is directly 200 times the cost price.

At the current stage, energy is much more precious than those materials.

At least, the current rudimentary robots only need energy to produce.

This is also to let him return a mouthful of blood, and he is also currently lacking energy.

A type of working robot, a type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle, and a type of combat robot all require a lot of energy to make.

Base upgrades and facility upgrades also require energy.

Even hunting monsters and using a multi-purpose energy harvester, Shen Yi can get a lot of energy.

However, this is still far from enough for him.

And after Shen Yi hung up a fighting robot.

Almost at the same time, everyone was staring at Shen Yi.

They have all seen 100 Type 1 combat robots listed on the trading line.


"Huh? Hundreds of units were put up directly? It's such a big deal!"

A dignified middle-aged man with a calm appearance and an air of superiority on his body raised his brows slightly.

However, his hand speed was extremely fast, and he quickly clicked the order button.

In an instant, five C-level Type 1 combat robots were directly subdued by him.

Unfortunately, the development time is really too short.

He and his family tried their best, but only managed to scrape together the resources to buy five units.

"However, the price remains the same..."

"It seems that it is really the same as those people guessed before."

"This Mr. Shen Yi is doing his best to help other Xia Kingdom players."

The middle-aged man sighed, and his majestic face was full of admiration and emotion: "It seems that I am also a gentleman with the heart of a villain, Mr. Shen is righteous."

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