Soon the Xingming Empire took the initiative to launch an attack on Shen Er. Shen Er was very skillful in using the warships and cleverly avoided it.

Shen Yi has been unable to see the figure for a long time, and Shen Yi did not speak, which made the other party feel a little strange, and did not understand what was going on.

Why don't you want to talk to them, is it because they despise what they think a small empire has the ability to compete with such a powerful him.

"Shen Yi, why haven't you attacked us all the time, instead you are cleverly dodging here, do you mean that you don't want to reveal your strength?

"Zero One Zero" couldn't hide the fact that Shen Yi was not on the battleship.

Shen Er felt that if they didn't tell them at this time, they would misunderstand Shen Yi even more.

When things become more and more difficult, Shen Er will be caught in the middle, and I don't know how to respond to them at this time.

"Who told you that Shen Yi was on the battleship, this time it's up to me, you don't need Shen Yi to go out.

Xingming Empire did not expect that Shen Yi did not come at all, and was a little surprised, and thought that Shen Yi did not want to come because he looked down on their strength.

If you are afraid that they are too powerful, how can he assign his subordinates to come over.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he felt, and the more eager he wanted to show his strength in front of Shen Yi.

Thinking of these messy things, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, the Xingming Empire launched an attack again.

Shen Er didn't use the battleship to counterattack at first, but just wanted to test the opponent's strength.

It can be seen that the opponent is not too strong, even if the displacement speed is too fast, the attack of the battleship can be locked.

When Shen Er started fighting back, the Xingming Empire was dumbfounded.

Their attack had no effect at all on Shen Er's battleship, but instead cost them several battleships.

Seeing this situation, the people of Xingming Empire realized that they were not Shen Yi's opponents at all, and they didn't want to leave directly.

But Shen Er didn't mean to let them leave safely at all, and was entangled with them.

Seeing this situation, they suddenly became confused, all the people fled, and some people didn't even stay here too much in order to save their lives.

Soon this news also reached the ears of the alliance, and the alliance did not expect that Shen Yi did not come to trouble them first, but went directly to the Xingming Empire.

"Commander, what are we going to do next, the people who supported us couldn't defeat Shen Yi at this time.

Looking at so many people, they were all worried because of this incident, and the commander didn't know how to calm their emotions.

Because they have not contacted the Xingming Empire again so far, they think it is not very good to act rashly at this time, it is better to take a look at what is going on with the other party.

After thinking about this, I couldn't calm down for a long time, and my heart calmed down all of a sudden.

"Everyone, don't be in a mess because of this, calm down, wait until we can contact the Xingming Empire and then discuss 0......"

After all, they have decided to cooperate with each other, and naturally they have to trust each other to prevent something bad from happening.

Some panicked people calmed down after hearing these words.

No matter what decisions they make now, it will only make what they do next more difficult to control.

Shen Yi was not surprised to learn that Shen Er defeated the Xingming Empire.

Seeing that he came back safe and sound, he simply asked a few questions.

"Have you seen the opponent's strength when you played against each other? After all, they can dodge by teleporting, and attacking is not a problem.

Before Shen Er had passed, he was also worried about this matter, but when he saw everything in the past, he realized that it was he who was worrying too much.

"They can really move at a very fast speed, but they can't beat the 3.7 position attack of the battleship."

It was only then that Shen Yi remembered that his battleship had the ability to determine the position, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy.

"It was my own worry that I was superfluous, and I thought there would be some problems."

Shen Er knew that he was acting alone, and Shen Yi was completely uneasy about him doing something by himself.

Seeing him like this, Shen Er hesitated for a moment, smiled, and said nothing more.

Shen Ling looked at the awkward looks of the two of them, not knowing what to do for a while.

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