Shen Yi and Tang Jie were very shocked. They didn't expect that under the background of such magnetic interference, there would still exist forests. They thought that such forests would only exist in this world of human beings, but in this world There is actually a place suitable for plants to grow on the interstellar, wouldn't it mean that there will be another kind of higher creatures.

The two people opened their minds and came up with countless possibilities, but before they saw it with their own eyes, everything was just speculation, and they still had certain expectations in their hearts.

"Shen Yi, you said that after we enter this forest, will we find the existence of other human beings, or alien astronauts with similar structures or attributes to us humans, I think I am excited, but still a little scared. 99

Tang Jie could no longer control his broken mouth and his infinite imagination. He told Shen Yi what would they do if they encountered a creature similar to them in the forest. Now Tang Jie Not only curiosity, but also fear, a kind of uncertainty about the unknown.

"Don't think about it so much, things are not as complicated as we imagined, let's hurry into the woods to find out, otherwise our guesses here are just our imaginations, only when you really see them can you Say that there are those things in there.

Shen Yi has always been a very rational person. He felt that only what he saw with his own eyes could convince him. Everything else was just fiction and suspicion, so he took him into the woods, and Tang Jie followed him nervously. .

"Don't say it, Shen Yi, I found that you are not only infinitely intelligent, but also very courageous. We haven't done any pre-examination in this kind of place, so you dare to rush in with me directly, even though I have The weapon that controls brain waves, if the next thing that comes out has no thoughts, how can we control him?

After entering the woods, they felt that the environment of the woods was no different from the woods they had experienced on Earth. Tang Jie was even more frightened. He was there with the brain wave control weapon that Shen Yi had upgraded to him. Speaking to himself, these words seemed to be said to Shen Yi, but in fact Tang Jie himself didn't know what he was doing.

"Don't be nervous, we haven't encountered anything at all now, wait a minute, it seems that there is indeed something there."

Shen Yi originally wanted to say something to comfort Tang Jie and let him not be nervous. After all, nothing realistic has appeared yet, but who knew that at this moment, his (ahdh) detector made different sounds.

"Shen Yi, the detector in your hand shows that there are creatures in front of you. What do you do with this? It's just the two of us who agreed, we won't just accompany them here, and we managed to avoid the interstellar monsters. Finally something new came along.

Tang Jie saw the biological detector held by Shen Yi and found that there was an abnormal noise on it, so he asked Shen Yi whether they would experience different enemies here.

"Calm down first, but you're right, if the detector shows like this, it proves that there must be other creatures in this forest, and they are very close to us, maybe I can meet them after a while. "

Shen Yi explained to Tang Jie that this was indeed what he had doubted in his heart. He never thought that other creatures could exist in this place. After this point was finished, Tang Jie's three views were completely broken. It is possible to meet other creatures in such a place.

"It's too exaggerated, how can it be like this, the two of us simply can't stop. I hope I can control it with the weapon in my hand, can you give me a chance? 35

Tang Jie felt very helpless. He didn't expect to encounter new challenges wherever he was hiding. Although he wasn't particularly afraid of challenges, he felt that he should always give himself time to rest.

"Okay, don't say it anymore, the world is full of wonders, of course everything exists, let's quickly adjust your mentality and accept what will appear later.

Shen Yi comforted Tang Jie, and Tang Jie also felt that there was nothing to fear. If he was always so timid, he would be looked down upon by Shen Yi. So Tang Jie made up his mind this time to impress Shen Yi this time.

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