Shen Yi has already dealt with it. Regarding the spaceship, the most important thing now is to quickly find out the location of the spar, and Tang Jie feels that he doesn't know what to do, so Shen Yi wakes up if he is still loose. Tang Jie suddenly realized the task of the fruit.

"You're right, I should hurry up to train Pinecone and let him learn human language quickly, so that the three of us can chat normally when we are together? You have told me that there are infinite alien creatures. Possibly, I always feel that he must be able to speak our human words."

After Shen Yi's suggestion, Tang Jie suddenly became interested. He at least knew what he was going to do. Tang Jie never gave up on letting Songguo learn human language from beginning to end, even better than learning it himself. They are all serious about teaching Songuo to practice human language, but so far, Songuo's progress has not been particularly obvious, but he seems to be able to understand Tang Jie's words.

"That's right, I'm not joking about the tasks I gave you, and one day if you can really make him speak human words, it will be very convenient for us to communicate and communicate throughout the interstellar space."

Shen Yi said this, in fact, there is no particularly rigorous scientific basis. He just thinks that he should find some tasks for Tang Jie to do. In addition, the pinecone is an alien creature, so he also has infinite possibilities. Humans have no way to do it. Than.

"However, Shen Yi, what do you mean by this sentence? I still don't quite understand it, does it mean that Songuo can do anything successfully, so didn't I find a little lucky general?

Tang Jie was a little confused by what Shen Yi said, and he always felt that his life seemed to be omnipotent. He wanted to ask Shen Yi, where is the limit of pine cones, and he had a good idea in his heart.

"Don't think about it so much now, I mean, the pinecone is an alien creature after all, and nothing may be too strange to him, and I have also conducted a short-term investigation on him before. 99

Shen Yi very seriously explained to Tang Jie what they had experienced before. Although Tang Jie stayed with Songuo, he also entrusted Shen Yi to do scientific investigations.

"What was the investigation before? What was the result? Don't give a shit, hurry up and say it, it's about time, if I can do something to help, wouldn't it also make our team a little easier-?"

Tang Jie was nervous about what Shen Yi said. He didn't know what Shen Yi was trying to express. He only knew what he said. He might be a little depressed when he heard it. Tang Jie didn't know what to do. , so hurriedly asked him to say what he wanted to say.

"Do you remember what he looked like when we first saw Pine Cone, he made a voice like a baby, that proves that he has a strong ability to imitate, and I found out through my investigation , He also has the ability to speak, so it is very likely that he does have this language talent.

0...・・ Flowers・

Shen Yi told Tang Jie his thoughts very seriously, and Tang Jie was very convinced after receiving this information. I don't think the sounds the pine cones made in the woods last time were from the same creature. Even if Pinecone had seen humans before, he had to learn such a voice before he could make such a voice.


"I see, why didn't I think about this? I'm still a little too superficial. I always feel that the ability to speak is innate, or that we don't need to worry about it at all. It is also a good thing for us to say that we can really cut in from this aspect and let him master one more ability.

Tang Jie was very convinced by Shen Yi's statement, and he also understood, Shen Yi felt that the pine cones were very malleable, and if they cultivated a very good state, it would be beneficial for their next tasks. The two of them can't focus on a certain point now, but should look at the overall situation and include the whole thing in their own plan, so as to be able to develop things better. Tang Jie also agreed with the idea proposed by Shen Yi.

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