Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 67: What kind of civilization is this fucking provoking!

What Shen Ling thought was right.

If you want to deter the opponent, you must beat the opponent hard in the first wave.

Let the other party not understand the details.

Then, slowly increasing the army to the past.

Only in this way can the other party not dare to act rashly for a while.

Although this will undoubtedly lead to the high attention of the other party.

Even, several fleets of the other party will continue to be sent over.

However, such deterrence is necessary to deal with an old star-level civilization that is about to enter the top.

Otherwise, if the other party pushes in a wave, it will be too late to say anything.

Neither Shen Yi nor Shen Ling would naively think that the other party would leave a brand new star system undeveloped.

That kind of thinking is really naive.

This is the friction between civilizations and there is no right or wrong at all.

Some are just making continuous efforts for the development of their own civilization.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of Shen Yi's side is that he has a 100-fold enhancement system, as well as this technology soaring game.

Therefore, his development speed is undoubtedly countless times faster than the opponent.

Destroying the enemy can obtain blueprints, and it only takes ten minutes to produce warships. These are not comparable to other civilizations.

Other civilizations produce warships, which are not based on months.

The more advanced the ship, the more time it will take to produce.

High-end weapons such as A-class (star-class) warships, even the Chiyang Empire, will take at least half a year to complete.

This speed is simply not comparable to Shen Yi.

And this is also the advantage Shen Yi has in the face of these civilizations that have developed for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Otherwise, he will take his head to confront these civilizations.

What's more, because it is the first to confront a stellar civilization.

He now has two perverted titles, Pioneer and Civilized God of War.

His development is bound to get faster and faster.

After Shen Ling made preparations, the Twelfth Fleet on the other side was almost finished.

The Twelfth Fleet was divided into ten squads in total.

Each squad has 50 A-class (stellar) ships, 800 B-class (stellar) ships, and 5,000 C-class (stellar) ships.

Such power is even enough to easily destroy those old-fashioned mid-level stellar civilizations.

And that's just the power of a small team.

If a whole fleet is all united.

That power can even destroy some stellar civilizations that have just stepped into the advanced level.

That's right, the gap between stellar-level civilization and stellar-level civilization is so big...

This is also why, Shen Yi and Shen Ling, will decide that shock is the main thing.

Once you really let the other party figure out the situation.

With a big army rushing over, even Shen Yi couldn't resist.

After all, he now has limited resources in his hands.

Although sitting on a star system, there is no time to develop it.

Lieutenant General Wilson glanced at the third and seventh squads that were about to arrive at their predetermined positions, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

The battle over there should be decided soon.

There are only a thousand ships of the C-class (star level) level.

If it wasn't for the stellar civilization behind the opponent, how could he have sent two teams?

Is it enough for a C-class (star-class) battleship?

He didn't care about the affairs over there, he directly started the whole fleet broadcast and began to mobilize before the battle.

For a time, his figure was projected on the screens of all the battleships.

"The warriors of the Chiyang Empire, now a brand new star system is in front of our eyes, and the opportunity to make a contribution has come, for the honor of the empire! Tell me if you want to be promoted to rank!"

Lieutenant General Wilson didn't say anything rhetorical.

Rather, it directly puts the real interests in front of everyone's eyes.

However, this can even more arouse the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

At the same time, all the battleships in the entire fleet recalled the screams of the soldiers of the Chiyang Empire.

"Think! Think! Think!

Wilson also apparently heard the sounds through the device.

There was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, and then he waved his hand directly: "Then follow me on the expedition! Step on that constant "eight seven seven" star civilization!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

For a time, tens of thousands of warships suddenly moved.

The mighty flew towards the location of the natural wormhole.

Although they don't know where the natural wormhole is for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, the goals of those warships are simply too big.

Just like a target, it stood there.

They can completely find the location of the wormhole after solving this fleet.

At this moment, the third and seventh squads of the Twelfth Fleet also came to the asteroid belt.

Their position is about to be locked 500,000 kilometers away, a fleet of suspected C-class (star-class) battleships.

Of course, this distance is actually the range that a C-class (stellar-class) warship can lock on.

The commanders of the third and seventh squads did not think that to deal with a group of C-class (stellar-class) warships, they also needed B-class (star-class) or even A-class (star-class warships).

It really doesn't cost money to hit a cannonball!

The price of a B-class (star-class) warship is hundreds of times higher than that of a C-class (star-class) warship.

A-class (star-class) warships fired a shot, and the cost was several hundred times that of B-class (star-class) warships.

Using this kind of high-level warships to fight low-level warships is really no different from cannons fighting mosquitoes.

They would rather have a C-class (stellar-class) ship to fire a few more rounds.

I am also reluctant to let the B-level (stellar level) and A-level (stellar level) move.

What's more, in their opinion, 10,000 C-class (stellar-class) warships against a mere 1,000 C-class (star-class) warships, it is completely a matter of hand.

It's a pity that they don't know that there is a hundred times stronger system in this world.

It can directly strengthen low-level warships into high-level warships.

And this kind of information asymmetry, the consequences are very serious.

The other party didn't even take special precautions against Shen Yi's fleet.

"It has already begun to lock, and the other party will not continue to approach?"

Shen Ling sighed regretfully.

She also intends to let the other party get closer, so that he can collect the wreckage of the battleship!

However, since the other party is ready to do it, she doesn't need to be polite.

"Freely lock on target and fire!

Under Shen Ling's order, a thousand Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships.

Immediately they showed their hideous side.

That terrifyingly high-performance radar instantly locked on the opposing warship.

Those who focus on the fire first are those A-class star-class battleships.

If it wasn't to shorten the distance and facilitate the subsequent cleaning of the battlefield, Shen Ling didn't need to put the opponent so close at all.

The capabilities of the Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleship at the A-class (stellar) level.

They are even capable of locking onto enemies 8 million kilometers away.

This distance is already as far as twenty Earth to the moon.

However, this is not a particularly exaggerated thing for A-class (star-class) warships.

On the other side, the commanders of the third and seventh squads.

At this moment, they also heard the alarm sound from the battleship, and their faces suddenly became horrified.

"Alarm alert, the warship has been locked by A-class (star-class) warships, please pay attention to defense! Please pay attention to defense!

"Alarm alert, the warship has been locked by A-class (star-class) warships, please pay attention to defense! Please pay attention to defense!"

"Alarm alert, the battleship has been locked by A-class (star-class) battleships, please pay attention to defense! Please pay attention to defense!"5

Every sound of the alarm means that an A-class (star-class) battleship has locked them.

But what does it mean that the treadmill has rang 10 times?

All the A-class (star-class) battleships on the opposite side are all locked to the battleship he is in?

He has never been locked by so many A-class (star-class) warships in his life.

"What the hell is going on here! Are all the A-class (star-class) battleships on the opposite side hidden in the team?"

The commanders of both squads were a little crazy.

Even if they are surrounded by battleships at the moment.

But being locked by so many A-class (star-class) battleships at the same time, they are also panicking!

A-class (star-class) warships are simply not what those low-level warships can resist.

Even B-class (star-class) warships are vulnerable in front of A-class (star-class) warships.

If it weren't for the fact that there were not so many resources to build A-class (star-class) warships, who the hell would be willing to produce low-level warships.

Being locked by so many battleships of the same level at the same time, he may not be able to withstand it.

It's just, how can the other party lock their command ship position?

You must know that in order to prevent them from being discovered by the enemy, the command ships they ride are exactly the same as the surrounding warships.

After all, if you are independent, it is simply courting death on the battlefield.

"Sir, that's not the case, all A-class (star-class) battleships are locked on the opposite side... Moreover, each A-class (battleship) is simultaneously attacked by 10 A-class (battleships). Stellar) battleship locked..."

"The other party... The thousand ships of the other party are all A-class (star-class) battleships!"

When he said this, the adjutant's lips trembled.

His eyes were full of fear.

A thousand A-class (star-class) battleships are not too many for the Chiyang Empire.

But that damn is for the Chiyang Empire.

Such a terrifying fleet is a huge threat even to the Twelfth Fleet!

When the third and seventh squad leaders heard this, their hearts suddenly jumped.

But at this moment, they simply didn't have time to think about it that much.

If they don't respond now, they will die!

"Counterattack! Immediately organize a counterattack for me! The shield of the battleship will be opened to the maximum for me! 35

"In addition, the frigates are all driven to the front of the fleet, the maximum power output of the energy shield! Be sure to block it for me!

The two roared and gave orders, and their voices became a little hoarse.

This is the first time such a gaffe since they have commanded so many battles.

But there is no way, they are really desperate at this moment!

In the face of a thousand A-class (star-class) battleships, they didn't even have the capital to resist.

The gap between the two sides is as big as the gap between a primary school student and a boxing champion.

Unless you are Conan, no matter how awesome the elementary school students are, they will definitely not be able to withstand the fist of the boxing champion.

A fleet of a thousand A-class (star-class) battleships.

Not to mention their mere two squads, even if the entire Twelfth Fleet went up together, it would be useless.

In the face of absolute strength, the other party may pay a certain price.

But none of them want to stay.

However, their orders were well given though.

But unfortunately, their response was too slow.

Shen Ling had already recharged the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

How can these frivolous people be able to compare.

Not to mention those B-class (star-class) battleships, even those A-class (star-class) battleships couldn't react.

As for those C-tier (stellar) ships... hey, just getting into range!

Moreover, even if they did open fire, how could it possibly hurt the A-class (star-class) battleship.

One of the biggest features of the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship is that it has an electromagnetic stand.

When it is only C-class, it has been able to resist the attack of certain C-class (star-class) warships.

And now it has been strengthened to A-level (stellar level).

That can naturally withstand the attack of a small number of A-class (star-class) battleships.

As for the attacks below A-level (star level), it basically doesn't have any effect on them.


A streak of blue electric arcs directly cut through the pitch-black space.

Quickly flew towards the opposing fleet.

Even if the opponent has a full 2,000 C-class (stellar-class) frigates, and 600 B-class (stellar-class) frigates.

However, in this case, it is still of no use.

The incomparably thick blue streamer beams slammed into the energy shield almost in an instant.

Violent ripples immediately rippled across the energy shield.

The hearts of everyone who saw it suddenly burst.

"Stop it!"

Almost everyone in the third and seventh squads couldn't help shouting.

However, their cries were of no use at all.

It only lasted for less than a second, and these energy shields turned into light spots in the sky and shattered.

It's not that these frigates are weak, in fact they are already very strong.

At least, they have blocked a third of the attacks.

But what's the use of that?

The one who attacked was a full 1,000 A-class (star-class) Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships!

under such terrifying attacks.

A few C-class (stellar-class) and B-class (stellar-class) frigates also want to block the attack of a full 1,000 Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships?

Then they just want to eat shit!

In numbers alone, the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships are nearly half their size!

The remaining two-thirds of the shells were not blocked.

Directly penetrated a row of battleships that were blocked on the path.

It easily tore the opponent's hull and flew towards those A-class (star-class) battleships.

No battleship could stand in the footsteps of these shells.

Neither the C-class (stellar-class) frigates nor the B-class (stellar-class) frigates are of any use.

Under such a terrible attack, the only thing they can do is to pray that the shells don't fall on their heads...

And this wave of the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship's attack, even if it was blocked by a third.

But there are still a full 700 Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships that are effective attacks.

This is still a 7:1 ratio!

It means that an A-class (star-class) battleship of the third and seventh squads has to withstand the concentrated fire of seven A-class (star-class) battleships at the same time.

How can this be stopped!


Almost in an instant, the blue light beams shattered the defensive measures of these A-class (star-class) warships and hit the opponent's hull.

The full 1200mm caliber main gun, and the 1025mm caliber secondary gun, the power is fully reflected.

A series of shells with blue arcs left behind a series of blue channels on the opponent's hull.

They ripped apart the hull of A-class (stellar-class) battleships with ease.

It's a pity that fire can't be produced in space, otherwise this scene will definitely be exceptionally bright.

Huge holes with diameters of up to tens of meters appeared on the opponent's hull.

Although it does not say that the other party will be interrupted directly.

However, it has definitely been directly labeled as a hornet's nest.

After all, the firepower that the Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship is equipped with is terrible...

In just an instant, the 100 A-class (star-class) battleships of the third and seventh squadrons directly lost 99%.

There are only 7 A-class (stellar-class) battleships with good luck, and they are just badly damaged.

However, everyone has been desperate.

The nine A-class (star-class) battleships survived by chance.

But what's the difference between abolished and abolished?

The power system was damaged 70%, the weapon system was damaged 90%, and they couldn't even fight back!

And these two teams can be described as incomparably powerful, and the squads that have experienced countless wars have also been unable to escape.

In front of a class A (star class) warship, if there is no warship of the same class.

There was no resistance at all.

Just in terms of speed, battleships below the A-level (star level) have actually lost.

You know, A-class (star-class) warships are terrifying monsters whose slowest speed can reach Mach 5,000!

And what about the other warships?

B-class (stellar-class) warships can't go faster than Mach 2000.

C-class (stellar-class) warships can't reach Mach 800 at the fastest, so run with their heads!

The commander of the third squadron, who was lucky enough to survive, called Lieutenant General Wilson with a face full of grief.

But Lieutenant General Wilson, who was sitting on the commanding chair with a contented and contented face, also connected to the communication in a good mood. He thought it was his subordinates reporting good news to him.

However, in the picture, the command room with the red light, and the third squad commander covered in blood.

But it made his heart quiver, he sat up straight, and asked sharply, "Bai Jieduo, what's the matter with you!

The other party is one of his confidants.

Otherwise, they would not entrust important matters such as the first battle to the opponent.

Although the opponent's strength is not strong.

But if the first battle is won, the boost to morale will definitely be huge.

Moreover, if a battle of this level can be won for the first time, it will definitely enter the emperor's sight.

In the future, he may even be directly qualified for the rank of major general.

Bai Jieduo smiled bitterly: "No, it's all gone, General, you must be careful, those battleships on the other side are all A..."

However, before his words were finished, the signal was directly interrupted.

On the screen, only rustling spots remained.

At this moment, everyone in the flagship command room looked at Willson with a gloomy face, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

You must know that Bai Jieduo was on a class A (star class) battleship.

In addition, the distance between them is not more than 300 million kilometers at the moment.

There's no such thing as a hilarious signal interruption.

Then, there is only one possibility for this to happen.

That is the death of the other party...

Bai Jieduo, as a person who had high hopes by Wilson, sacrificed like this at this moment.

How could they dare to speak up.

Fortunately, Wilson, as the commander-in-chief of a fleet, was not the kind of person who would take his anger out on others.

However, he looked a little terrifying at the moment.

Dense bloodshots covered his eyeballs.

"These goddamn bastards, are you provoking us! 35

Wilson clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

Although it was the attack command he issued, Bai Jieduo was killed.

But he clearly didn't think it was his fault.

However, when the adjutant looked at his crazy appearance, he was a little panicked, for fear that Wayson would be irrational, and hurriedly said: "General, don't be impulsive, according to Brigadier General Bai Jeduo's... last words, the other party Of the thousand warships in the

The terrifying amount made his heart skip a beat.

That was more than twice the number of their Twelfth Fleet today.

Moreover, this seems to be only the advance force of the other side.

How terrifying is the civilization behind the other party?

I am afraid it is not much better than the Chiyang Empire!

That is definitely not something that a mere Twelfth Fleet can compete with!

Even, even if two imperial fleets came, it would be very difficult.

After all, this is only the advance army of the opponent, who knows how many warships will come behind the opponent.

Moreover, what worries him most is whether the other party might have an S-class (stellar-class) battleship, which is a top-level stellar-class civilization.

If the other party is really that level of existence.

That would probably be the catastrophe of their entire Chiyang Empire.

Not only this star system will be unbearable, I am afraid that the other six star systems will also be in danger.

Fortunately, Lieutenant General Wilson is not the kind of person who easily loses his mind.

Although he was indeed burning with anger at the moment, his heart was very clear.

This is why he can become the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Fleet.

In addition to his status as the prince's companion, his own abilities are indeed very strong.

"I don't need you to remind me. Immediately inform the royal family of the matter here, and let them send all the idle fleets as soon as possible. The enemy is probably no weaker than the Chiyang Empire..."

Lieutenant General Wilson's face was extremely solemn.

In fact, his statement is still conservative.

If it wasn't for fear of speaking out and affecting morale, he would probably have said something that the other party might suspect of being a top-level stellar civilization.

However, these words are too heavy, so heavy that they cannot bear it at all.

Low-level civilization cannot resist high-level civilization, this is the iron law of the universe.

It's not a class repression by aristocrats, but a real technological repression...

Even if it's just a breakthrough of one level, it's definitely a huge difference.

The top stellar-level civilization only needs an S-class (stellar-level) battleship, which is enough to hammer them in the soil.

Because, they can't shake the defense of S-class (stellar-class) battleships at all.

And the other side can easily defeat their battleships.

Coupled with that perverted speed, the two sides almost crossed the gap of a dimension.

The so-called tactics and tactics are completely vulnerable under the absolute pressure of technology.

How big is the gap between technological levels?

In fact, it can be understood with an example.

It is like the gap between the strongest heavy cavalry iron Buddha in the history of Xia Kingdom and the tanks during World War I.

In fact, the difference between the two is just a technological level gap...

No matter how strong the heavy cavalry is, it is completely unable to compete with tanks.

The difference between the S-class (stellar-class) warships and the A-class (star-class) warships is basically the same.

As the ultimate weapon of the stellar civilization, the S-class (stellar-class) warship has the ability to crush asteroids the size of the moon.

The meaning of this is very exaggerated...

Although Lieutenant General Wilson knows that his enemy is likely to exist at this level.

However, he didn't dare to say it at all.

Because, he was afraid that after he said it, even he himself would lose the courage to resist.

The adjutant's tone also stuttered at the moment, obviously he is also a brigadier general who has seen countless big scenes.

Still looking a little nervous: "Then... what should we do now?"

The combat power possessed by the other party has already surpassed them.

In addition to the large army behind the wormhole, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

Their Chiyang Empire had never encountered such a formidable enemy.

Lieutenant General Wilson glanced at the map, and then pointed to a planet five million kilometers away from the asteroid belt: "We build a defense line here, and stick to it until the army comes to support 0...""

This place is the outermost planet in the Dyson sphere of this star system.

If you take another step back, it will be near the Dyson Sphere.

It is absolutely impossible for them to get each other close to the Dyson Sphere.

Moreover, on the Dyson sphere, they also built a lot of defensive facilities.

If the opponent wants to attack, they are not powerless to fight back.

At the very least, even if the opponent has twice as many A-class (star-class) battleships, they will never be able to enter.

"Yes, Lieutenant General!"

The adjutant's eyes suddenly lit up, and he respectfully responded.

As expected of the lieutenant general, he calmed down so quickly.

It is naturally the best to be able to not directly face the opponent's fleet.

Let's not say what level of civilization the other party is.

At least, it is absolutely impossible for their fleet to take down the other side.

Even in the best-case scenario, they would be wiped out in exchange for two-thirds of the opponent's casualties.

But when Lieutenant General Wilson's information was sent back, the upper echelons of the empire were in an uproar.

An unknown powerful enemy instantly exploded everyone's emotions.

The advance army composed of a thousand A-class (star-class) warships from the other side made the entire empire fall into a haze.

It is not that they have not encountered powerful enemies.

Even, they once destroyed an equally old high-level stellar civilization.

That battle even knocked the empire's nineteen fleets down to five.

But even that time, they had never been so nervous.

But now, they are really panicking.

Because, they have never seen a civilization that can directly send 1,000 A-class (star-class) warships as an advance force.

Don't they need low-level warships?

Or is it that A-class (star-class) warships are just low-level warships to the other side?

This terrifying guess made all the high-level empires feel panic.

For a time, in addition to leaving a fleet stationed in each of the remaining six star systems.

The remaining 12 fleets were all rushed to the star system where Vice Admiral Wilson was located.

A full thirteen fleets, nearly 6,500 A-class (star-class) warships, 104,000 B-class (star-class) warships and 650,000 C-class (star-class) warships...

And this is only less than two-thirds of the Chiyang Empire's power.

It can be seen how powerful this old-fashioned advanced stellar civilization that is about to enter the top stellar civilization is.

If Shen Yi and Shen Ling had planned, they would not have been deceived.

What was waiting for Shen Yi was definitely a wave of lateral pushes, without any accident.

Because this power is too huge.

No matter how unwilling he is, he can only abandon the star system he owns.

But now, in fact, the most dangerous time has not yet come.

Long ago, Shen Yi had already guessed the current situation and made plans for the future.

In fact, the current situation is not difficult to guess.

Speaking of which, I have to thank the Earl of Wainwright.

If it wasn't for the fleet sent by the other side.

Shen Yi probably didn't know the situation on the other side, nor did he have the resources to build this Dawn-class magnetic rail battleship.

But it happened that the other party provided information, which gave him the possibility of calculating.

That's right, even if Shen Yi intends to fight to support the war, he will gradually increase the number of fleets he sends to buy himself time.

He really needs time to develop.

On the one hand, it is the mining of this planet, and on the other hand, it is the excavation of the star system.

Today, he already has the ability to explore the star system.

Just find some stellar-level materials from above, and he will take off directly!

The mere Chiyang Empire hit the ground on the spot!

As for those technologies at the base, they also need to be upgraded, although at present, even the Type-5 Tornado-class destroyer is only A-class.

But, if nothing else, the six-type battleship should be the S-class.

And the seventh-type battleship will break through to the star level.

Such a level can already play a big role in him.

What's more, there will be eight types of battleships that are comparable to the C-class (stellar class) in the follow-up.

If this is strengthened, it can also be comparable to A-level (star level) existence.

After owning the S-class (star-level) blueprint and the Apocalypse-class Dyson sphere, he doesn't need to worry about his lack of technical support at all.

Because the S-class (star-level) blueprint alone is enough for the Mechanical Technology Research Laboratory to upgrade all the way to a ten-type battleship that is comparable to the A-class (star-level).

Of course, in the absence of sufficient resources.

Shen Yi naturally couldn't waste resources doing this kind of thing.

Even if it is really made, but there are no resources to produce, then can't you just be in a hurry!

However, this still gave Shen Yi a way.

A road that is enough to easily crush the Chiyang civilization.

Of course, these all take time to support.

Now, the biggest crisis he needs to face is that the Chiyang Empire may directly launch a general attack on him.

Therefore, the countermeasure he and Shen Ling discussed was to directly attract some of the other battleships.

No matter how much they attract, they will be destroyed directly.

Then, with this batch of resources, the frantic production of Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships began.

After that, 3-500 ships were dispatched at a time, and the troops were gradually increased.

Let the other party think that their side has been gathering strength all the time.

Of course, on the one hand, this approach is to put pressure on the other side.

On the one hand, it is also to let the other party not understand the situation on his side, and dare not act rashly.

After all, if it is facing the top stellar civilization, the Chiyang Empire is simply not enough to watch.

On the contrary, if they knew their opponents, the Chiyang Empire would definitely choose to retreat as soon as possible and hand over the sixth star system to others.

Then, directly hide another natural wormhole that can lead to other star systems.

These are the information Shen Yi analyzed through the intelligence at hand.

This kind of thing was not done when the Chiyang Empire was weak.

Then after they were strong, they regained the lost star system as soon as possible.

The reason why Shen Yi knew about this.

It is entirely because the other party has carried forward this matter everywhere, and even compiled it into textbooks.

This has even become an inspirational chicken soup in the hearts of many Chiyang Empire people, even if he doesn't want to see it.

And at this moment, everything is indeed developing according to Shen Yi's plan.

This time the Chiyang Empire's army is assembled, no matter how fast it is, it will take at least half a month.

This is the time Shen Yi and Shen Ling bought for themselves.

Then, if you want to buy more time, you need to look at the follow-up acting skills.

If the acting is good enough, it can even take this time to a month.

And a month is enough for him to do a lot of things.

At least, destroying a mere high-level stellar civilization is not difficult at all.

Just like that, time 3.6 passed quickly.

Half a month passed quickly.

In the sixth star system, the last fleet of the Chiyang Empire also arrived here.

At this time and place, almost two-thirds of the Chiyang Empire's power has been gathered here.

Except for the six fleets that stayed to guard the other six star systems.

All the fleets of the Chiyang Empire have come, and there are even many private armies under the hands of nobles.

At this moment, the top executives of the Chiyang Empire were obviously panicked.

Even these aristocratic private armies, who were completely disdainful of them, also called over.

Of course, they did not reveal the intelligence of the enemy they were about to face.

All they say is that the Empire has discovered a whole new star system that now needs people to develop together.

These nobles swarmed like sharks who had smelled blood.

Of course, these high-level empires are more willing to call these nobles flies that have seen shit.

Although this is a bit unsightly for them.

Of course, they did not dare to let these nobles know what kind of existence the enemy was about to face.

After all, even they themselves felt a little scared.

What's more, these nobles, if they know the news, these people will definitely be the first to run away.

At this moment, there are 6,400 A-class (star-class) warships gathered in the sixth star system.

There are 115,000 B-class (star-class) warships, 2.13 million C-class (star-class) warships, and 3.12 million D-class (star-class) warships.

Such a force will shock even many old-fashioned advanced stellar civilizations.

Even destroying it directly is definitely a force that is terrifying to the extreme.

However, the faces of the commanders-in-chief of the fleet sitting in the highest command room at the moment were not good-looking.

The entire command room was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

"We can't drag it any longer. If we continue to drag it, the number of other ships will only increase."

The commander-in-chief of the Third Fleet took the lead in breaking the silence, and said with an angry face: "I said earlier that I would destroy the fleet sent by the other party, but you have to agree, now it's alright!"

The other fleet commanders did not speak.

However, the expression on his face was a bit bitter.

Who would have thought that the other party would be so outrageous.

In just half a month, they have assembled at the fastest speed.

But who would have thought that the other party was faster than their support.

Today, there are more than 5,000 A-class (star-class) warships on the opposite side.

This has almost caught up with them.

Moreover, this number does not seem to be the whole of the other party.

The other side will still have 300-500 warships flying over from the other side of the wormhole every day.

God knows how many A-class (stellar-class) battleships are there.

Even, so far, they have not seen less than A-class (stellar) warships.

The most outrageous thing is that the other party seems to have only such a type of battleship.

It's like the cheapest troops on their side.

It is for this reason that they have never dared to act rashly.

Just relying on the defense of the Dyson Sphere to confront the opponent far away.

"It's too late to say anything, the important thing is to solve the problem."9

Lieutenant General Wilson narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

If anyone wants to tear the opponent apart the most, it must be him.

After all, the opposite side killed his most important subordinate.

It's a pity that the person who dares to do it the most is also him.

Because, he witnessed the vulnerability of his own fleet.

How long has it been since his third and seventh squads?

I'm afraid I just got there!

As a result, those A-class (stellar-class) battleships were gone in an instant!

The A-class (star-class) battleship that Baijiedo was on.

Even before the news could be finished, it was destroyed by the other party.

The whole process doesn't even take more than 30 seconds...

This means that the opponent's fleet has extremely powerful attack capabilities.

This has even far exceeded the firepower on their side.

Therefore, when the commander-in-chief of the Third Fleet wanted to act before the fleet was completely assembled, it was also his strongest objection.

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