"Set a small goal first, such as taking his 100 million star system down first!

Shen Yi leaned back on the chair in the command room with a relaxed smile on his face.

Now that he knows the situation of the Horton River System, he is not so urgent.

A mere two junior arm spin level opponents.

He can be beaten even with his eyes closed.

The other party and him consume resources, and in the end it must be the other party who suffers.

After all, these D-class (arm-spinning) battleships and C-class (arm-spinning-class) battleships that he owns are at best only the A-class (stellar-class) battleships and S-class (stellar-class) battleships that have been strengthened. .

He only needs to consume stellar-level resources to pull out a huge fleet composed of D-class (arm-spinning) battleships and C-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

And what about the other side?

Not only a large amount of stellar-level material is required, but also a large amount of arm-spin-level material.

What if the other party has accumulated countless years?

Can it be better than him!

Moreover, as he takes down a star system, he will have more and more stellar-level materials in his hands.

Correspondingly, the number of D-class (arm-spinning) battleships and C-class (arm-spinning) battleships will also increase.

Under such circumstances, what can the other party do to fight him!

"Master, have we started mass production of the Boom-class warships?"

Shen Ling asked aloud.

From the main head of the Aquis-class flagship that was demolished before.

They also obtained a star map of the other civilization's second forearm, two-thirds of the star system.

This is also the territory that the other party once controlled.

Much bigger than Shen Yi had imagined before.

Even the primary arm rotation level civilization has more than four billion star systems under its hands, and it is a well-deserved behemoth.

The so-called top star-level civilization is really no different from a joke in front of the arm-spin-level civilization.

And now, through these star maps.

Shen Yi can also easily take down these star systems.

"Well, let's produce D-class (arm-spinning) level warships first, and the number is set at 50,000.

Shen Yi said after thinking for a moment.

50,000 D-class (arm-spinning) level warships are enough to easily crush any stellar-class civilization.

Even Shen Yi's S-class (stellar-class) fleet, in the case that the other party has no serious mistakes or loopholes.

There is also no way to deal with a D-class (armspin class) battleship.

The speed between the two sides has already formed a crushing situation.

In the S-class (stellar class), the fastest flying starfighter, the speed does not exceed Mach 10,000.

On the other hand, what about the D-class (arm-spin class)?

Even if it was destroyed to such an extent, the Arquis-class flagship that was reluctantly repaired by the Frost Demon civilization could easily break through the speed of Mach 20,000.

This is the huge gap between the stellar level and the arm-spin level.

Moreover, not to mention that the shield of the arm rotation level is not something that can be broken by the star level.

After all, not everyone is Shen Yi, who has an unreasonable golden finger like a hundred-fold strengthening system that can be strengthened in all directions.

And with the star map he has now, coupled with the terrifying speed of the arm rotation level.

I am afraid that it will only take at most two months for Shen Yi to achieve his small goal of 100 million star systems.

Of course, this is just a fall.

If you want to take down the opponent completely, you also need to sweep the star system and establish a Dyson sphere.

These are not things that can be accomplished in a short period of time.

Moreover, Shen Yi could be regarded as stepping on the shoulders of his predecessors, picking up a big bargain.

You must know that the primary arm-spin-level civilization that the second arm-spin once used to spend six or seven thousand years of effort to expand the star map of the second arm-spin to two-thirds.

One can imagine how terrifying the difficulty is.

After all, not every civilization can have something like a wormhole wave detector.

Moreover, the wormhole wave detector is a technological product that has reached the A-level (arm-spinning level).

Not many civilizations can possess even an advanced arm-spinning civilization.

This level of equipment is generally a configuration that can only be possessed by a top-level arm-spin-level civilization.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling agreed.

50,000 D-class (arm-spinning) warships, that is, 50,000 A-class (interstellar) warships.

Currently, the A-class (star-class) warships produced by Shen Yi are actually the Type 10 Yaoyang-class laser assault ships upgraded from the Mechanical Technology Research Laboratory.

The size of these warships is not particularly large, only about 3,000 kilometers.

However, the speed is very fast.

And the firepower is not too weak.

After being made and strengthened to D-level (arm-spin level).

The speed of the Yaoyang-class laser assault ship is enough to reach Mach 35,000.

Moreover, the attack level can also belong to the upper-middle level in the D-level (arm rotation level).

If in large-scale combat, their role may not be so obvious.

After all, these are only assault ships, and they can only play some quick-attack blitz and the like.

But if it is used to bully the weak, it is simply too suitable.

It should be said that what these assault ships are best at is attacking the weak enemy units at a terrifying speed.

At this moment, to clean up those planetary-level civilizations and stellar-level civilizations, these Yaoyang-class laser assault ships are naturally more suitable.

Moreover, with his current background, it is very easy to manufacture 50,000 Yaoyang-class laser assault ships.

The Frost Demon Civilization and the Chiyang Empire brought him a very huge benefit.

He even tripled the production.

At most, it just feels a little bit exhausting.

Moreover, if it wasn't to take down the second arm spin as soon as possible, then after 897, he would concentrate on dealing with the first arm spin and the third arm spin.

It is also impossible for him to waste resources on these low-level arm-spin battleships.

Of course, these low-level arm-spin battleships are not without any effect.

Even among the primary arm-spin-class civilization, the D-class (arm-spin class) can definitely be regarded as the main battleship.

Even the old primary arm-spinning civilization.

The number of D-class (arm-spinning) battleships will definitely not be too many.

This is the information he got based on the fallen primary arm-spinning civilization.

When the opponent was at the peak, he had fully mastered two-thirds of the second forearm spin.

Although in the primary arm rotation level civilization, it can only be regarded as not bad, belonging to the middle and upper level.

It belongs to the group that is second only to the old-fashioned primary arm-spinning civilization.

However, the opponent only has about 30,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

The number of C-class (arm-spinning) warships is not more than 500.

However, according to that civilization, this is already a very staggering number.

Because, the resources on each arm are limited.

Even with deeper development, 1 billion star systems can supply up to 5,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships and less than 100 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

Of course, Shen Yi doesn't know whether this algorithm is accurate or not.

However, only this possibility can explain why those big arm spinners look down on the civilization on the small arm spinner.

As for wanting accurate information.

Then he may have to solve the two primary arm-spinning civilizations on the first and third forearms before he can figure it out.

50,000 D-class (arm-spinning) Yaoyang-class laser assault ships were soon produced.

The mighty arrangement in the cosmic starry sky outside the main star system is extremely spectacular.

Although the size of these warships is only 3000 kilometers.

Compared to other arm-spin-class battleships, which travel 10,000 kilometers, it is not worth mentioning.

However, in terms of lethality, these warships are not bad at all.

This is the 100-fold enhancement system is more abnormal.

It is only the size of a group of A-class (star-class) warships, but it can exert the strength of D-class (arm-spinning) warships.

If you don't know the situation, you will definitely suffer a huge loss.

"Take action!"

Shen Yi sighed, and then ordered.

"Master, the fleet has been dispatched successfully, and it is estimated that within three months, 1 billion star systems can be captured!

An icy female voice with a taste of iron and blood sounded in the command room.

"Well, I know, I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

Shen Yi responded, then turned his head slightly and looked beside him.

Beside him is a female officer who is about 1.8 meters tall, has two slender thighs, and is wearing a black military uniform.

This female officer is very beautiful, with a face that combines the advantages of both the East and the West.

Wine red long hair, long ponytail tied at the back of his head at will, coupled with that glamorous appearance.

She is definitely a beauty with a perfect score.

However, the incomparably cold look in the other's eyes, which seemed like ten thousand years of ice, was enough to scare 99% of the males away.

If you carefully observe the depths of the other person's eyes.

You can even see a stream of light flashing from time to time.

Obviously, this beautiful female officer is not a real person.

It is the Star Combat Commander that Shen Yi produced before.

Although, the star combat commander can choose the appearance arbitrarily.

There's nothing wrong with choosing a male look.

It's just that Shen Yi is too lazy to see a big man always appearing and dangling in front of him.

So, it was changed to look like a woman.

"It's you, Queen of Blades!

Shen Yi sighed in his heart.

When he was making each other, he thought of the Queen of Blades.

Therefore, the other party also has what it is now.

Of course, this is what the Queen of Blades looked like before she was transformed into a Zerg.

After the transformation of the Queen of Blades, he really couldn't eat it.

What a weird XP to like that look.

Moreover, the Queen of Blades in the setting is also an excellent female commander.

The existence that led the Zerg and the Protoss to fight, and had the upper hand many times.

However, the ability of the current interstellar combat commander is also not weak.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi glanced at the other party's panel at the moment.

【Star Wars Battle Commander】

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Ability: Possess extremely powerful command ability, and can independently command and complete 500,000 large-scale and intermediate-level arm-spinning civilized wars]

[Consumption: 50 trillion energy is consumed every day]

This is the ability of the Star Wars Battle Commander after being enhanced.

Originally, it could only command small and medium-sized primary arm-spin-level civilization battles, and the upper limit was only 5,000 interstellar combat commanders.

After being strengthened by a hundred times strengthening system.

It has been able to handle large-scale wars of intermediate-level arm-spinning civilizations within 500,000 ships.

This improvement can be described as very huge.

It perfectly fills the weakness of Shen Yi's lack of understanding of arm-spin-level warfare.

Arm-level wars, though on some levels.

It's really not much different from before.

In essence, they still use warships to attack each other.

However, the battlefield at the arm rotation level is not limited to just one star system.

In other words, a star system has been unable to accommodate this level of battle.

Those so-called planets, in the face of this level of war.

It's just a slightly larger stone, and it can be wiped off with a wave of your hand.

Even (ahdg) even stars, in the face of this level of attack, may also be greatly affected.

Even if it is directly blown up, it is not surprising.

Of course, it wasn't like a planet, it was smashed directly, but it was detonated.

After all, stars are much bigger than planets.

The composition is also very different from the planets.

Therefore, for this level of war, the battle is generally selected in the endless starry sky.

The province accidentally blew up the stars, causing huge losses.

The power of the star explosion, even A-class (arm-spinning) level warships, may not be able to withstand it.

"However, taking 1 billion star systems in three months... what a terrifying efficiency! 35

Shen Yi touched his chin, feeling a little terrified.

How long is three months?

Only a mere 90 days.

In other words, 1.11 million star systems will be captured in one day.

Even if there are no civilizations in some star systems, two zeros can basically be removed directly.

But that still requires taking two star systems in one day.

Anyway, if you let him take command, it will definitely not be possible.

All I can say is that it would be outrageous if Star Wars Battle Commander didn't brag.

However, Star Wars Battle Commanders are robots.

Although the level of intelligence will not be inferior to Shen Zero.

However, they will never lie to themselves.

Therefore, the reliability is still very high.

If it takes 1 billion galaxies in three months, there will be more than 7 billion galaxies in the second arm.

It only takes 21 months at most, which is close to two years.

For Shen Yi, who has lived for hundreds of years now, this is not a very long time.

"It's all up to you!"

Shen Yi stood up and patted the Star Wars battle commander on the shoulder.

Then, walked towards the command room.

"Shen Ling, bring the super gene enhancer, and use it to absorb the gene potion in the next time!

Shen Yi stretched and said lazily.

In terms of combat, he is not particularly good at it.

And there is no talent in this area, so there is no need to force yourself.

He only needs to decide the general direction of future development, and leave the rest to professionals.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling's pleasant Yujie's voice sounded immediately.

This made Shen Yi's mouth slightly rise.

Sure enough, he still prefers Shen Ling's voice.

That kind of icy voice is good to listen to occasionally, but if you listen to it too much, it will be frozen into slag.

Not long after, Shen Yi came to the lounge.

The rest room at this moment has become much larger because the base has become the Death Star Fortress.

Just a living room is more than 200 square meters, which is full of various sports equipment and entertainment facilities.

Moreover, various decoration designs are also the styles Shen Yi likes.

Especially the huge white plush sofa in the living room is Shen Yi's favorite furniture.

However, now is not the time to enjoy.

"Is this a diluted version of the Super Gene Enhancer?"

Shen Yi looked at the light blue test tube in the hand of the maid robot in surprise.

The super gene enhancer itself is something of the S-level (star level).

After being upgraded by the hundredfold enhancement system.

It has directly reached the C level (arm rotation level), and the effect has become even more terrifying.

Absorb without diluting.

With his current physique, there is only one possibility of death by explosion.

However, the undiluted super gene enhancement potion is really abnormal!

Shen Yi sighed in his heart, recalling the interface he saw earlier.

【Super Gene Enhancer】

[Grade Rating: C-level (arm rotation level)]

[Ability: It can directly open the first-order gene lock, and strengthen it to the first-order peak, strengthen the gene to 100,000 times of ordinary humans, and extend the lifespan to ten thousand years of immortality, and can activate the power of thought]

This ability introduction does seem to be a bit perverted.

Not to mention the increased lifespan and psychic power later.

The strength of this gene directly exceeds 100,000 times that of ordinary humans, which is simply outrageous!

What is this concept?

In terms of speed alone, he can directly reach Mach 1100.

This speed even exceeds that of many B-class (stellar-class) warships.

Having reached this level of physique, even confronting a C-level (star-level) battleship head-on, I am afraid it is not difficult.

It really deserves to be the technology of the arm rotation level...

This function is simply scalp tingling.

"Could it be that the arm rotation-level civilizations are all monsters of this level? 35

Shen Yi's expression changed slightly.

If that's the case, that's really scary.

However, the primary arm rotation level civilization should be unlikely.

They simply don't have the energy and resources to study this kind of thing.

Even a mid-level arm-spin civilization is unlikely.

After all, this is also a technological product of the C-level (arm-spinning level) level.

In the intermediate arm rotation level civilization, it also belongs to the top category.

It is something that cannot be mass-produced at all, and it is unlikely that the other party will cultivate a super genetic warrior.

On the contrary, the advanced arm-spinning civilization has this possibility.

After all, the other party's resources must be very rich, something at the C-level (arm rotation level) level.

It's nothing special for the other party.

It is completely feasible to train a super soldier.

"However, I just don't know what role a warrior of this level will play in the face of a battleship at the arm-spin level."

Shen Yi frowned slightly.

Although he had a hunch in his heart, there would definitely be such a super soldier.

But what role this kind of super soldier can play, he is not clear.

You can't just appear in the universe directly, and then charge the arm-spin-class battleship.

Even this super soldier has the ability to tear apart a star-class battleship.

But in the face of the upper-arm Rotary-class battleship, they were still too powerless.

Even an arm-spin-class battleship can't hold it with one shot.

Not to mention people.

"Forget it, these are also things to consider in the future, let's strengthen our physique first. 35

Shen Yi shook his head, throwing the thoughts out of his mind.

Then, he took over the diluted version of the super gene enhancer from the maid robot.

The diluted Super Gene Enhancer is divided into two grades.

【Super Gene Enhancer (Diluted Version)】

[Grade Rating: S Grade (Stellar Grade)]

[Ability: The genetic lock can be initially opened, the human genes can be strengthened to ten thousand times that of ordinary humans, and the lifespan can be extended to thousands of years of immortality, and there is a possibility to obtain the power of thought]

【Super Gene Enhancer (Weakened Version)】

[Grade Rating: D-level (arm rotation level)]

[Ability: It can directly open the first-order gene lock, and strengthen it to the first-order advanced level, the gene is strengthened to 50,000 times of ordinary humans, and the lifespan can be extended to 8,000 years of immortality, with a great probability of activating mind power]

But what he is holding now is the super gene enhancer diluted to the original level.

It can open the genetic lock, and has the ability to surpass ordinary human beings ten thousand times.

Moreover, the lifespan is also three or four thousand years.

It's like a monster-like existence.

The second version is the D-class (arm-spinning) version.

This version can strengthen Shen Yi to fifty thousand times that of a normal human.

The lifespan is as high as eight thousand years, and it can be called a fairy-like existence. I am afraid that many strong people in fantasy novels will not live to this age.

However, after the genetic lock is unlocked.

It is very simple to want to live to this point.

Moreover, although I don't know how strong the activated thought power is.

But from the point of view of the need to activate high-level gene locks, I am afraid it will also be a very strong ability.

Of course, Shen Yi doesn't know what the specific situation is.

You have to activate the power of mind to know.

Lying in the dormant chamber, Shen Yi took the super gene enhancer in his hand without hesitation.

Then, he fell into a deep sleep.

It takes him half a month to absorb the most common super gene-enhancing medicine.

This is also because his physique is a thousand times that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will take longer.

And if you want to completely absorb the super gene enhancer.

Then he almost absorbed it for more than three months.

After all, it is almost the same as the Star Wars Battle Commander winning a billion star systems.

And then there's a long wait...

However, Shen Yi's side began to expand wildly, but it attracted the attention of the players.

Because the information about him on the leaderboard is changing rapidly at the moment.

In just one day, it once again opened a huge gap with the players.

Even the gap made those players who were ranked second felt their scalps tingle.

【List of the strongest battleships】

1st place: Shen Yi (D-class arm-spin-class battleship)

[The most powerful technology list]

1st place: Shen Yi (B-class Armspin Star Wars Combat Commander)

【List of Largest Sites】

1st place: Shen Yi (mastering 1.124 million star systems)

Except for the base list.

For the other three lists, Shen Yi directly improved a lot.

On the list of the strongest battleships, it is naturally the Yaoyang-class laser assault ship.

Although it is only D-level (arm rotation level).

But this is the gap between civilizations, and the span is numb to the scalp.

Especially those who have S-class (planetary-level) battleships such as Meng Xingchen.

It is also possible to understand the huge difference.

They want to upgrade the S-class (planetary class) battleship to the D-class (stellar class) but they have no clue.

And the most powerful technology list is equally astonishing.

Although they don't know what the Star Wars battle commander is capable of.

But just from the name, you can guess something.

They already have time to work on this kind of technology.

Can it be bad in other ways?

Shen Yi's strength became mysterious again in their minds.

What made them feel the most outrageous was the increase of 1.124 million star systems that day.

Even if it's a non-stop hurry, it's not so fast!

You know, if you want to occupy the star system, you need to build a Dyson sphere!

This, they had already learned when the leaderboard appeared.

Shen Yi's terrifying efficiency made their scalps feel numb.

"My God, did Mr. Shen Yi find a way to fix the bug? Or is there something wrong with the system?

"It's outrageous, 1.124 million star systems in one day... I can't even do it with planets!"

"Is it possible that the arm rotation level civilization can be so outrageous? Or is it only the big boss Shen Yi who is so outrageous?

"I seriously doubt that Shen Yi is actually a GM, otherwise why can it be so exaggerated!

"What kind of fairy boss is this! It feels like I'm not playing a game with boss Shen Yi!

"Looking at the fourth planet that I finally took down, I suddenly feel bad..."

The ones who were hit the hardest this time were those who thought they were capable of chasing Shen Yi.

They thought that the gap between themselves and Shen Yi was at most eight star systems.

Just take some time and work hard to catch up.

But what about now?

The other party directly has 1.124 million star systems in one day!

How can they catch up with this!

The various information contained in it and the various resources available are enough to make them despair!

The gap between them and Shen Yi will only get bigger and bigger.

And, what made them feel even more hopeless, was that they couldn't get rid of Shen Yi's shadow at all.

Shen Yi's big hand wrapped around them.

The best way for them to become stronger is to buy various warships from Shen Yi and hire Shen Yi's fleet to help them settle their troubles.

They can only survive under Shen Yi's back forever.

"Oh, forget it, how can a person compare with a pervert."

This thought arises in the minds of almost everyone who wants to surpass Shen Yi.

They selectively ignore the first position.

All attention was focused on the second place.

Although the first place is hopeless.

But Meng Xingchen, Li Luoxi and the others who came in second place, in fact, there is still hope for them to surpass!

At least it won't make them feel hopeless.

Time flies, three and a half months have passed.

Shen Yi woke up from the dormant cabin and turned around.

Feeling the powerful strength in his body, a smile appeared on his face.

"Finally, the strengthening is over! It is indeed the level of the first-order peak of gene lock!"

With a chuckle, Shen Yi flew out of thin air from the bed in the sleeping compartment.

This is the psychic effect brought by the super gene enhancer.

Although the performance ability can not be said to destroy the world.

But it can move all objects of less than 1,000 tons within a radius of 50 kilometers.

Especially through the movement of the mind, the speed can even reach Mach 1500.

This kind of speed is considered a very fast class even if it is placed in a B-class (star-class) battleship.

And, most importantly, he already has an extremely strong resistance to cosmic radiation.

As long as you don't face that kind of super-strong cosmic radiation.

Even if he didn't bring any protective props, nothing would happen if he appeared in the universe directly.

Because his genetic level is already high enough.

He has surpassed more than 90% of life in this universe.

A lifespan of 10,000 years, a physique that is 100,000 times that of an ordinary human being, plus this somewhat unreasonable mind power.

At this moment, he can even fight against an intermediate arm-spinning civilization by himself.

"Congratulations to the master, the strength has become stronger again!"

Shen Ling immediately congratulated him.

This time to strengthen the body, Shen Yi did spend a little more time.

It took about three and a half months in total.

Still, it's all clearly worth it.

If he returned to the earth at this moment, he could even be called a god!

"Well, how's the harvest during this time?"

Shen Yi asked as he flew towards the bathroom.

Immerse yourself in a huge pool with hot water already prepared.

For more than three months, he has been lying in the dormant chamber.

Makes Shen Yi feel a little uncomfortable.

Although his body is almost flawless at this moment, it is even impossible for things like sweating and metabolism.

There is no such thing as dust inside the ship either.

But it still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

What's more, after strengthening the body, take a hot bath, it's not too cool!

Shen Ling's voice sounded as if asking for credit: "Master, Shen Er and I have won 170 million star systems for you during this time! In addition, we have destroyed a total of 37 old top star civilizations, 72 ordinary Top stellar civilizations, 247 old-fashioned advanced stellar civilizations, and 17,000 ordinary stellar civilizations.

Shen Ling didn't even bother to mention the old high-level stellar civilization.

Because it doesn't make any sense at all, this civilization simply doesn't provide any resources to attract Shen Yi.

Therefore, she simply classified it directly into the ordinary stellar civilization.

"not bad!"

There was a hint of satisfaction in Shen Yi's eyes.

At the same time, he controlled the hot water with his mind power, condensing a giant dragon.

He seemed to understand a little how these super warriors were going to fight.

If matched with sufficiently advanced concealed facilities.

These super soldiers are fully capable of touching the vicinity of the battleship.

And if you are looking for some way to break the energy barrier and the shell of the battleship, let the other party mix into the interior of the battleship...

That was definitely a massacre!

Moreover, even this unmanned spaceship under his command.

In the face of this kind of attack, it will be very difficult.

Because, even if the other party couldn't kill them, they could easily destroy them internally.

And even if it ends up with the battleship.

A super soldier goes for a battleship...

I believe that there are still many advanced arm-level civilizations who are very happy to do so.

"We must find a way to counteract these methods..."

Shen Yi sighed in his heart.

With the improvement of the opponent's civilization, he needs to face more and more problems.

A devastating blow from hundreds of millions of kilometers away...

Man-made wormholes bring justice to the sky...

Now there is another super soldier individual tactic.

Plus a lot of playstyles that he didn't know or encountered before.

There are just too many problems for him to face.

Just imagining it makes my scalp tingle.

"Forget it, the bridge will be straight to the bow of the boat, if it's a big deal, the bridge will be smashed directly!

Shen Yi shook his head and didn't think much about this issue.

With a hundredfold strengthening system, he does have the ability to flip the table at any time.

"Did anything else happen?"

Shen Yi asked.

What he wanted to know most was whether he had found any traces of the two primary arm-spinning civilizations.

Those two primary arm-spin-level civilizations spent such a huge price to destroy the second-smallest arm-spin-level civilization.

But it is for these resources of the second arm rotation.

Therefore, it is impossible for the opponent to give up the second arm spin.

If you can intercept the other party's information in advance.

He will be easier to target in the future.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to find each other in the vast constellation of billions of stars.

"Master, we have discovered the existence of many players in these star systems, but because you did not issue an order, we did not do anything to these players.

"What should we do with these players?"

Shen Ling asked curiously.

Regarding Shen Yi's previous actions to the players, she was curious about how her master would make a choice.

Whether it is to kill or stay, it is all in the mind of the owner.

After all, the strongest players in those star systems have only reached the top planetary level.

Even after three months of accumulation.

They can only be regarded as a very powerful existence in the old top-level planetary civilization.

It is not so easy to break through the star level.

For such a civilization, it can be easily solved without even dispatching a Yaoyang-class laser assault ship.


Shen Yi was stunned, has he started to get in touch with players?

But think about it, the chat channel is divided into the whole, the river system, the arm and the private chat.

The lowest level is the arm-swivel chat.

He is now considered to have won 1/70 of the arm spin.

It is not surprising to encounter the presence of players.

"How many players have we met?""

Shen Yi asked with great interest.

"There are 172 in total, but according to the chat channel, only 3,147 players are left in the arm where we are currently.

Shen Ling replied.

This number made Shen Yi curl his lips.

Today, the total number of people in the arm rotation channel has changed from 10,000 people to just over 3,000 people.

A full one-third elimination rate.

The elimination rate is really high and terrifying...

Even with his help, have so many players died...

But thinking of the various things in the current Horton River system, he can understand again.

Even he had encountered the invasion of the Chiyang Empire before.

If not because he has a hundredfold strengthening system.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party started to just give him a little head.

He was probably kneeling already.

This technological soaring game is really cruel.

"Keep it, it's not a threat anyway.

Shen Yi waved away the water dragon and said lightly.

On the one hand, he is not willing to do anything to the player casually.

After all, everyone is from the same planet and also participates in this cruel technological soaring game.

There's really no need to commit murder anymore.

What's more, the other party did not pose any threat to him.

On the other hand, he didn't want any bad consequences due to killing players.

In case of killing the other party, what announcement will be made by the technology soaring game.

Or the other party said it in the chat before he died!

That will inevitably cause other players to fear him, which is very detrimental to the transactions between him and other players.

Moreover, there are only a hundred or so star systems, and he doesn't care at all.

Compared to the 7 billion of the second forearm spin, this is really insignificant.

There is no need for him to compete with players for this resource.

"Then do we need to communicate with them?"

Shen Ling then asked.

Shen Yi shook his head, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No, I'm looking forward to the other party stepping out of his own star system confidently, and seeing what it looks like when it's all my territory outside, that kind of scene must be very interesting. !

Having said this, he has already begun to look forward to that picture.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling's voice also brought a hint of joy.

She seems to be able to arrange some interesting scenes, such as the other party taking the fleet across the natural wormhole.

It turned out that countless warships and star destroyers were facing them.

That scene must be very interesting!

"By the way, Shen Ling, let's expand the fleet size. Let's expand the fleet of Yaoyang-class laser assault ships to 500,000. The current speed is still too slow.

Shen Yi said.

After destroying 37 old top stellar civilizations, 72 ordinary top stellar civilizations, 247 old top stellar civilizations, and 17,000 ordinary stellar civilizations.

He does not lack this stellar material at all now.

Moreover, he is not very short of energy at present.

A C-class (arm-spinning) apocalypse-class Dyson sphere can provide him with 500 trillion energy every day.

Today, these 170 million star systems can provide an astronomical amount of energy every day.

Moreover, if the number of Yaoyang-class laser assault ships is expanded tenfold, the speed of his occupation of the star system will definitely be ten times faster than before.

I am afraid that in three months, he will be able to completely win the second forearm spin.

Of course, this is only the best-case scenario.

If the star map of the primary arm-spin civilization that was destroyed is used up.

It will not be so easy for him to occupy the star system again.

But at least at that time, he had mastered five or six billion star systems.

It is also enough to wage war on those two primary arm-level civilizations.

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