Interstellar Tattered Queen

One thousand one hundred twenty-nine not fooled

In the entire rabbit house, apart from the smell that wafts out, and those rabbits hiding in the grass, haystacks, and rabbit cages, there are even many rabbits huddled in the corners, hugging each other and covering their heads, Ji You Pretty sure I've never seen a living person, not even a plastic dummy, but—

This Liu Fufeng is evil.

In other words, this guy's hiding ability is so strong that he is not like a human, but like a ghost.

That's right.

Just like a ghost.

Thinking about it this way, the mixed emotions in Ji You's heart, which were as mixed as a hot pot, finally eased a little.

cough cough...

It should be said that the citric acid in my heart was finally diluted a little.


Ji You heard Liu Fufeng, who was squatting in the corner, raised his head, looked at Ji You seriously, and said, "I've been here all this time, I didn't even move my butt, really, I didn't lie to you."

Ji You only gave the other party a squint.

Liu Fufeng's eyes were as dark as a deep pool, showing a very sincere look, and said: "When you came in, I waved to you, but you ignored me."

Ji You: "..."

Ji You said speechlessly: "Are you lying?"

Liu Fufeng nodded, and said: "Well, I'm lying to you, but I actually stretched out two hands to greet you, and even called you."

Jiyou: "!!!"

Ji You: "Damn! I can't know if you call me."

With innocent eyes, Liu Fufeng pointed to the all-in-one machine for constant temperature and monitoring in the rabbit house, and said, "There are surveillance records in the rabbit house. If Ji You doesn't believe it, you can check the records."

Because she was punished for cleaning the rabbit house for a long time, the punishment has not been lifted yet, so Ji You has the feeding and monitoring authority of the rabbit house. After hearing Liu Fufeng's explanation, she rushed to the control room and turned on the monitoring system.

Immediately afterwards, the screen changed, and a holographic screen appeared. The scene inside was exactly the same as that of the rabbit house, and even the footprints left by Jiyou in the aisle were the same as at this time.

Then, Ji You saw Liu Fufeng,

The moment he stepped into the rabbit house, Liu Fufeng raised his head, stretched out two hands to himself, waved vigorously, and shouted: "Student Ji You, are you here?"

When watching the surveillance, the more Ji You watched, the tighter her eyebrows frowned, and the air pressure around her became lower and lower...

Liu Fufeng did not lie.

Ji You checked carefully from beginning to end, and searched inside and out, but found no trace of fraud. This Liu Fufeng really took the initiative to say hello to Ji You.


Ji You really didn't see or hear it.

spiritual world.

The six silks opened their mouths wide, their tails stiffened:

【How can it be? 】

[We are so strong, how can we bypass us? 】

【I do not believe. 】

[I don't believe it either. 】

[Can't imagine how it bypassed us, how could we be bypassed? 】

[It's so hard to understand... I don't want to know the reason. Master, can we add some energy, such as a dozen jelly beans? 】

The last sentence was the fourth child's chattering, Ji You ignored it directly, she and her six mental threads were stunned, one can imagine how terrifying Liu Fufeng did these things, How much beyond Ji You's imagination...

Liu Fufeng looked at Ji You's frowning brows and biting lips, she seemed to really be unable to take the blow, after thinking about it, Liu Fufeng said: "Student Ji You, please don't be sad, you can't do it It can only be said that you have no talent in this area, after all, geniuses like me are a minority, and most of the people in the world are made up of ordinary people."

Seeing Ji You's complexion getting darker and darker, Liu Fufeng felt that what he said were heartfelt and good words, so he continued: "Be ordinary, it's actually pretty good, I really want to be a Ordinary, ordinary, unremarkable people. It's a pity..."

When the last two words were uttered, Liu Fufeng's eyes were filled with deep and thick melancholy...

Ji You: "..."

The first two sentences sound like human words, but why are the latter ones less and less human?

Ji You's face was dark, black, and she rolled her eyes in an ungraceful manner, and said to Liu Fufeng, "Then your life is really extraordinary. If you are really an ordinary person, you would be born a trash star." , not enough to eat and not to wear warm clothes, not to be safe at night, to live in fear every day, and you will envy other people's glory, wealth and luxury."

Liu Fufeng heard the words, and said seriously: "That's just worrying about dying if you don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes. I think it's pretty good."

Ji You: "..."

"Stop." Ji You waved his hand and said, "I'm not interested in discussing this with you. The environment is different, the standpoint is different, and the thinking is different... I can't talk about it. I just want to ask you how this hiding ability is. Made it?"

Liu Fufeng: "Natural."

Ji You shook her hand and almost couldn't help kicking her.

A smile flashed across Liu Fufeng's beautiful eyes, before he said seriously: "Last time I told you that this part of my ability comes from my head, my head has undergone surgery, if you want, You can try."

Ji You: "..."

Liu Fufeng said: "But I don't suggest you to try, the success rate is very low."

After saying this sentence, seeing that the expression on Ji You's face could no longer be described as ugly, Liu Fufeng added: "You will die."

The corner of Ji You's mouth twitched a few times, and he snorted: "Okay, don't talk anymore, I can't talk to you."


Ji You turned around and walked towards the row of rabbit cages at the deepest level of the rabbit house. There were many adult rabbits inside, and they were the kind of young and strong rabbits that could bite when they jumped up. is the strongest.

It's not that Ji You is really unwilling to discuss some hiding and lurking methods with Liu Fufeng, but what Liu Fufeng said to himself is obviously unwilling to reveal too much.

Of course, this is superficial.

On the surface, he was rejecting himself, but in reality?

He is tempting himself.

He did it on purpose. He had guessed in advance that he might come to the rabbit house, so he squatted in the rabbit house in advance, waiting for himself to come in, and then deliberately showed his hand in front of him to arouse his strong curiosity.

He clearly warned himself that there was great danger ahead, but he secretly encouraged himself to explore his secrets.


Is Jiyou a curious baby?

no way.

Between dangerous curiosity and safety, she will definitely choose safety without hesitation. It seems that all her classmates thought she was a courageous radical, but in fact, Ji You was a very life-saving and conservative person in her bones.

Xiao Jinlong is still sleeping now, so there is no way to remind Ji You, but Ji You doesn't need Xiao Jinlong's reminder at all.


Standing only 1 meter away from the gate of the rabbit house, Liu Fufeng saw Ji You who was hundreds of meters away, and he really acted as if he was nothing the whole time, making Liu Fufeng think that he had used the technique of hiding mental power again.

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