Ji You calmed down and watched the rabbit stealing lettuce leaves. At the same time, she concentrated all her energy and began to think about the question Xiao Jinnong said...

Don't just pretend blindly, pretending to be completely different, and don't force these sensitive animals to adapt to you, but try to build an environment they are familiar with and accustomed to.

A moment later, Ji You's brain flashed:

There is.


Ji You took a deep breath, she suddenly relaxed all her tense spirit, and tried hard to build something.

So, the rabbit who ate the lettuce, after realizing that Jiyou didn't seem to mean to braise or steam it, it let go of its courage and moved the lettuce leaves hiding behind its butt little by little. At first it was just one piece, then two, then three...

Soon, all the leaves of the lettuce were removed.

It tentatively took a look at Ji You, and found that Ji You was staring at him. It suddenly trembled, and after pretending to be dead for a few seconds, it saw that Ji You still didn't move, and it didn't feel any danger from Ji You , on the contrary, Jiyou gave it the feeling that it looked domineering and incomparable, but it was just a big cat who was bluffing, not scary at all.


It's the same as the big cat next door who always wants to come to steal fish to eat, but has a bad sense of direction and always gets lost and breaks into the rabbit house. And Ji You, the 'big cat', would give some 'tolls' every time he broke in.

Today's 'toll' tastes particularly good.


I have to finish it quickly.

The rabbit's eyeballs twirled around, and then continued to pick up the lettuce leaves at a faster speed.




Of course, Ji You didn't know what was going on in the heart of this bad old rabbit. She saw that the rabbit was eating more and more relaxed. It was like enjoying the delicious food with its belly open. Under the influence of this rabbit, the rabbits around it, originally The tense nerves also relaxed a little...

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.


In a short period of time, the thousands of grazing army seemed to have completely forgotten, or they knew that Jiyou was here, and this lost and reckless big cat was here, but they didn't mind at all.

They directly ignored Jiyou's existence.

Let me ask: Big cats are more important, or these fresh green vegetables and grasses?

Undoubtedly, all the rabbits will choose fresh and tender vegetables, and they all speed up the action of grazing, as if they are afraid that if they take a slow step, they will eat less than other rabbits.


Except for the sound of the rabbits gnawing, there was no other noise around, and Ji You closed her eyes slightly, her cheeks were slightly flushed on her fair face, and the corners of her lips curled up a little, giving her whole body a terrific feeling. People are bathed in the sun, very comfortable and comfortable feeling.

The stalemate and tense atmosphere in the rabbit house has long since disappeared...

under the corner.

Leaning his back against the wall, leaning his arms forward, he was pointing, pointing, pointing... Liu Fufeng, who was pointing something at the floor with his fingers, stopped unconsciously. Everything that happened just now, as well as every bit of change around, fell into Liu Fufeng's eyes.


Liu Fufeng looked at Ji You, who had his eyes closed tightly and a soft smile on his lips, the coldness was swept away in those dark, beautiful, star-like eyes, and after he was obviously startled, there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes Color:

[Is it so easy? 】

[Is it really so easy to disguise mental power? 】

【...It turns out that there are really geniuses in this world. 】

Liu Fufeng stopped, staring at Jiyou blankly.

Ji You's obsession was only for a short time, she opened her eyes suddenly, and at this moment, Ji You's whole body swayed suddenly, and when she fell to the side of the big beam of light, she managed to stabilize her figure.

However, the moment Ji You opened her eyes, all the rabbits at her feet, around her, and even in the rabbit house also woke up from the grazing army. Like the existence of pomelo, in an instant, they scattered.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

"Chi Chi Chi!"

"Chi Chi Chi!"

The homeless single rabbit ran the fastest and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The mother rabbit with her family and her mouth was panicking, holding her cubs in her mouth. She picked up one, missed the other, then lifted the other, and missed the one in her mouth... These little rabbits panicked The bewildered chirping...

The entire rabbit house was filled with this panic atmosphere.

【alarm! 】

【alarm! 】

【alarm! 】

[The rabbit's mood fluctuates too much, please appease it as soon as possible, otherwise there is a risk of production reduction! 】


When Ji You heard it, her head grew dizzy.

These rabbits are Principal Hong’s treasures. There were only a few hundred before. Professor Zhang Si from the Agricultural College next door gave 300 rabbits to Liu Fufeng. , the size of the entire rabbit house is already more than a thousand...

This amount is used in the practice field, so there is no need to dig and search at all.

cough cough...

But Ji You heard that rabbits were not used in the practice field for freshmen this year, but fake props were used...

The school is a rabbit's discount rate and doesn't want to accept it.

To put it simply, one word: buckle!

Only an old stingy like Principal Hong can come up with these bad ideas. As soon as Ji You heard the alarm sound, she was more nervous than she was cutting production! If the production of rabbits really decreased, Principal Hong might treat himself as a rabbit and roast him alive.


Ji You pulled open the doorknob in a very useless manner, and quickly retreated.

Of course, she didn't leave immediately, but temporarily retreated technically. She stayed in the monitoring room and secretly observed the frightened rabbits.

As soon as Ji You left, the rabbits' mood gradually dropped. It took about 10 minutes before it gradually calmed down. This is also because Jiyou, a species of terrifying creature to rabbits, is not the first time it has appeared, but has appeared countless times. In the limited memory of the rabbits, although they are very afraid of Jiyou, Jiyou is indeed I have never done anything like eating rabbits in front of them...

There is fear, but it can also recover quickly.


Ji You focused on the old rabbit and found that it was the fastest to recover, and it seemed to be frightened for a moment, and then it started to eat the lettuce leaves as if nothing had happened. It was very cunning, taking advantage of the The rabbit was so frightened that it didn't pay attention, and quickly snatched back the opponent's food, and hid it in the cage behind it.

Ji You immediately adjusted the file of this rabbit, looked carefully, and found that this rabbit was the one with the most mental fluctuations in the rabbit house. In other words, it has the most powerful mental power.

Looking at the data above, Ji You fell into deep thought again.

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