Interstellar Tattered Queen

One thousand one hundred and forty-one poor

Mu Jianling didn't speak, she raised her foot directly, kicked Ji You's ass, and expressed her meaning with actions.

Ji You hugged her butt and ran away in a hurry...

After running away for a while, she found that Teacher Mu Jianling was not chasing after her. She hurriedly stopped, looked in the direction of Teacher Mu Jianling, and found that there was no real anger in the teacher's eyes, so...

With a cheeky face, Ji You leaned over again, squeezed out a smile, and asked, "Teacher... really... can't you sell it for money?"

cough cough...

Such a good and precious thing should be exchanged for money, which not only achieves the purpose of making money, but also promotes such a body-building technique to benefit more people.

Mu Jianling glanced at Jiyou sideways, and said, "You really think your butt is made of tiger skin, so I can't break it?"

Ji You: "..."

Ji You, who was trembling all over, hurriedly dismissed this excellent idea of ​​making money, and said: "Teacher... I use my mental strength now, and occasionally I can use the ninth floor. You said that I am continuing to exercise my physique step by step, and put After the physique is upgraded to S-level, go to break through the ninth floor. Or is it combined with mental strength to exercise?"

The tiger training technique was created by Admiral Baiji himself, and he still spent a lot of time and energy, constantly observing, observing, and recording... the tiger's habits and attack methods, etc., and summed up the training technique.

It's very valuable.

Ji You will naturally cherish it very much. However, after listening to Teacher Mu Jianling's words, Ji You was a little confused. She was not sure about her future training direction. Should she continue to focus on physical fitness? Or is it based on spiritual power?

Hearing Ji You's question, Mu Jianling said, "Physicality is the main thing."

Ji You asked in surprise, "Teacher?"

Mu Jianling said coldly: "There is no other reason. Your physique is too weak and brittle than glass. If you don't lay your foundation well, even if you really reach the ninth level, you will still be restricted by your physique." , and cannot be used as desired.”

After Ji You heard it, she felt that it made sense, she nodded immediately, and said seriously: "Well, thank you teacher for your guidance, I will practice according to your teaching."

After Mu Jianling finished listening, the corners of Mu Jianling's mouth rose slightly.

No. 4444 Jiyou said that since he had already said that he should exercise according to his own teachings, then Mu Jianling didn't have the slightest worry, because in some respects,

Ji You is a very obedient, well-behaved, sensible, and caring good student, but in some aspects, he is very fucked...Mu Jianling thought of certain aspects, and suddenly felt pain in the back socket.

Then, Mu Jianling heard Ji You in front of him start chirping:


"What's wrong with you?"

"Why are you clenching your teeth so hard?"

"I heard a creaking sound, and I almost suspected that your teeth were crushed..."


Mu Jianling slapped him, ending Ji You's chatter.

Ji You smiled and took a step away.

Mu Jianling said coldly: "If you dare to talk nonsense in front of me again, next time it will be your head."

Ji You smiled and looked at Teacher Mu, not worried about her head at all. At this time, she was already thinking about the rich conditions of the training room provided by the school, and the training equipment in her dormitory was too simple...

One spends money and can get a better promotion.

One does not cost money, and the promotion is limited.

Which one to choose?

After weighing it over and over again, Ji You gritted her teeth and decided to be arrogant: Spend money!

Thinking about it, Ji You couldn't help moaning and chirping: "Teacher... You should mention to Director Wang that the 10-day training room, library, and reference room he opened for me have too few free permissions. Right? It’s only been 10 days! The time to blink is gone, what’s the use?”

When Mu Jianling heard the word '10' days, Mu Jianling's ears trembled, and a light flashed in his dark eyes, but it was fleeting. Yuzu didn't even think about it.

Ji You was not frustrated by Teacher Mu Jianling's attitude. She never knew how to look at her face. She frowned and put her hands on her hips, fighting for herself: "What reward do you say for me? Say I'll give you a prize for the school. I won’t have to worry about enrolling students next year after gaining popularity and making great contributions... But that’s how you reward me? 10 days? Only 10 days?”

"You should give me a month anyway."

"10 days..." The more Ji You thought about it, the more angry she became: "10 days are useless to me."


Mu Jianling remained motionless, not only did not move his limbs, but even the expression on his face, the curvature of his mouth, his inhalation and exhalation... all did not change in any way. To Mu Jianling, Ji You's chatter was just the few words she was muttering at this moment—it's useless.

Ji You lobbied for a long time, but found that Teacher Mu Jianling was really indifferent. There was no way, so Ji You had no choice but to let go, sighed, and said quietly: "Little cabbage, yellow ground..."

Before the word 'ah' was uttered, Mu Jianling kicked Ji You into the air.

Jiyou: "!!!"


After free-falling in an inelegant posture, Ji You covered her sore buttocks, and glanced at Mu Jianling with resentful eyes, "Yeah~"


Ji You ran away.

The world is quiet.

Mu Jianling raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brows, but when she thought of Ji You's promotion, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and then she dialed a person's contact number.

Sitting in the office, Director Wang, who was holding his small teacup and sipping tea, suddenly felt his nose itch. At first, he didn't pay much attention, but just found a tissue and wiped his nose.


Director Wang continued to pick up the teacup, took a sip, and put down the teacup. Director Wang squinted at Principal Hong, who was holding a small cup of Erguotou, who was drinking happily, and said, "Old Hong, what's the point of drinking wine?" If it hurts your body, you should drink tea with me instead."

Principal Hong was sitting on a chair with a backrest, with one leg raised up, and his sitting posture was very inelegant, but his hand holding the small wine glass was very imposing and dignified. Hearing Old Wang's words, Principal Hong snorted: " Only a bad old man would hold his teacup every day and never let go."

When Director Wang heard this, he was slightly displeased, and said, "How can you know the joy of tasting tea?"

Principal Hong said coldly: "You fake gentleman, you know I don't like tea, why are you looking for me? Go drink your tea."

Director Wang was about to speak when he heard Principal Hong's contact number ringing, so he stopped talking.

Headmaster Hong lowered his head, glanced at it, and said, "It's the sword spirit calling, I don't know who to blame this time." Saying this, Headmaster Hong raised his hand to signal Director Wang to silence.

The call was connected in an instant, showing Mu Jianling's stinky face as if others owed her hundreds of millions and said, "Say,"

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