Interstellar Tattered Queen

One thousand three hundred and ten actions

Knowing that these cave-boring birds are not edible, Cheng Haoyue swallowed, trying to ignore the hunger in her stomach, and saw Ji You standing in the wide cave, dividing all the students into several groups, and then, according to the groups, Detailed tasks were assigned to them.

Originally, Cheng Haoyue was a little distracted because of his hunger, but after hearing what Ji You said, his eyes suddenly widened: "Can it still be like this?"

The other students also stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths: "!!!"

Cheng Haoyue shook her hands, slightly dizzy, and said, "I...Are we really going to do this?"

Ji You said: "I, Ji You, have never taken back what I have said, what I have decided!"

That is to say, it must be done.

Hearing this, Cheng Haoyue became inexplicably excited. He stretched out his hand, stroked his palm, and said with a smile, "Okay, then let's do this."

He Nu didn't question Ji You at all, after hearing Ji You's arrangement, his dark eyes shone brightly.


Ji You waved his hand and said: "Comrade comrades, success or failure depends on one action, only success is allowed, and failure is not allowed, understand?"

Cheng Haoyue and others said loudly: "Understood!"

Jiyou estimated the time, and said: "The outdoor temperature is about minus 16.6 degrees now, and we have to complete the task when the outdoor temperature drops to minus 23-25 ​​degrees, and we only have 30 minutes left! I ask everyone The mission must be completed within 25 minutes. Can it be done?"

25 minutes?

time is short...

However, in the dark night, everyone couldn't see Ji You's expression, but they could feel the determination to win from her voice. For a moment, everyone was encouraged, and they all said loudly: "Yes!".

Ji You was very satisfied, waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"


Ji You was the first to walk to the exit of the cave.

The exit, which can only accommodate the lower half of Jiyou, has been dug wide by Jiyou's arrangement, temporarily allowing an adult male to pass through. The entrance of the hole is temporarily blocked with a large and heavy stone, which can block part of the cold air and wind. As the cold wind came in, Ji You raised her hand, pushed hard, and pushed the stone away. Then, she lifted her toes and walked out without looking back.


As soon as I walked out,

Faced with a bone-chilling chill, Ji You couldn't help but gasp. Sure enough, in an environment without any protection or heat preservation measures, the temperature was more than ten degrees below zero, which was really very cold.

She shook the goosebumps on her body, stretched her legs, and ran quickly.

In the dark night, she whizzed by like a gust of wind.

Cheng Haoyue and He Nu, who were closely behind Ji You, raised their feet to chase after him, only to find that Ji You had lost track of him. The two looked at each other and felt a great pressure...

Cheng Haoyue opened her mouth and said, "Am I 2B, or is she 2B?"

He Nu, who didn't intend to say anything at first, couldn't help but glance back at him when he heard this, and said, "I don't know about her, but you must be."

Cheng Haoyue: "..."

Time was running out, He Nu was so angry that he ran away, and within a few seconds of running, the cold wind and biting coolness in front of him made He Nu's footsteps stop suddenly.

Then, he gritted his teeth and continued to run.

The wind was blowing, because the running speed was very fast, and the strong air resistance brushed past the cheeks, as if someone was holding two cold, sharp knives and cutting the cheeks abruptly...


It hurts.

Cheng Haoyue even smelled a faint smell of blood coming from his cheeks, but as soon as the blood came out, it froze into ice cubes.

It hurts so much.

It's simply not a human job, Cheng Haoyue gritted his teeth and complained secretly in his heart, but he didn't stop at all.

Indeed, what face did he have to stop?

I started off behind Ji You's heels, but Ji You had already disappeared. I really tried my best to chase after Ji You, but I still couldn't catch up with Ji You.


It's really a bit embarrassing.

Cheng Haoyue worked harder and ran faster.


Still did not catch up.

The only thing that comforted Cheng Haoyue was that He Nu didn't catch up to her.

When Cheng Haoyue and He Nu stopped and reached the distance specified by Ji You, they found that Ji You was already waiting for them. After seeing the two of them, Ji You silently raised his hand and beckoned to them.

The two quickly followed.

Walking to Ji You's side, Cheng Haoyue found that she wasn't out of breath, her face wasn't red, and her heartbeat didn't even speed up. She was shocked and stimulated for a moment. He secretly vowed that after the game, he would definitely Increase your training volume!

Ji You looked at such a scumbag of physical fitness, and could burst out with such a powerful strength, how could she not be able to do it herself?


The two saw Ji You raising his hand, pointing to a pile of rocks in front of him, and said, "There are two people inside, one of you, take them away quickly."

Cheng Haoyue and He Nu: "..."

Cheng Haoyue's heart trembled, and she asked, "What's wrong with these two people?"

Ji You said: "Stunned."

Cheng Haoyue: "..."

Cheng Haoyue shook her little heart, and asked: "They didn't resist?" According to Cheng Haoyue and He Nu's assumption, it should be the three of them and Ji You who cooperated to subdue the enemy, and the result——

Ji You said: "Then they must have a chance to resist."

Cheng Haoyue: "..."

never mind.

Don't ask any more, if you keep asking, he feels that there is no place to pierce his heart that is riddled with holes.

The pile of rocks in front of me looks messy, but in fact it is a very simple stone house. After lifting a big stone, you can see the entrance of the stone house. The space is not wide, and it can only accommodate about 2 -3 people.

Tucao return to Tucao, Cheng Haoyue did not dare to waste time, immediately picked up the students who had fainted on the ground one by one, and immediately returned the same way.

The same goes for He Nu.

Lifting his foot, when he was about to return, He Nu suddenly turned his head and said to Ji You: "Student Ji You, you must be careful."

Ji You: "Yes."

Ji You thought for a while, and said with a little worry: "Hurry up to respond, the checkpoints built in the territory of our commander are too simple, I am afraid that I will stun too many people at once, and you will not be able to move them in time, which will cause these The fainting poor wretch froze to death."

If he really froze his teammates to death, that would be a serious crime.

Ji You didn't want this kind of human tragedy to happen at all.

Hearing this, He Nu staggered and almost fell. He endured it, and then stood up straight again.


Carrying the fainted student on his shoulders, He Nu suddenly ran faster.

Seeing Cheng Haoyue and He Nu leaving smoothly, Ji You straightened his face again, then raised his feet and walked towards the second checkpoint. The poor little fellow at the second checkpoint, there should be someone who can fight, right?

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