Interstellar Tattered Queen

One thousand three hundred and twenty-one


According to Ji You's instructions, the head of the 1st regiment sent a team of 20 people, carrying military shovels, and 20 carefully selected elite soldiers, and ran to the river beach to dig wild vegetables in high spirits.

Then, the head of regiment 1 followed Ji You and Guan Ning with a team of 10 people to help build the signal base station.

Because there are already suggested communication equipment, after building the signal base station, you only need to lay the line along the original line to realize long-distance signal transmission and instant communication.

This is not difficult. The 10 people brought by the head of the first group are all people who understand the basics and principles of communication. Ji You only sets the key points, and the rest is handed over to the head of the first group. Then, Ji You leads Follow Guan Ning and set off to the next regiment to continue building communication equipment.

2 regiments.

3 regiments.

4 regiments.


Every time a group passes by, Ji You will distribute food to the group leader, and then arrange a team to dig wild vegetables by the river beach. Moreover, although the places where the wild vegetables were dug were all along the river beaches, they were chosen very cleverly, or they were routes that could penetrate deep into the enemy's hinterland. Either by the river beach near an enemy military base. Or, the terrain is very steep, like a moat, but as long as you climb over it, you can stab a breakthrough for the enemy camp. Otherwise, it will extend in all directions, and it is extremely difficult for the enemy to guard against it, so it can only be guarded by heavy troops...

In short, in the dark night, the people of the 5th Battalion, divided into 10 regiments, appeared at almost all key points on the border with the enemy camp.


It is difficult for the enemy camp to know.

5 battalions.

The commander of the 5th Battalion, Charles, had just fled back to his own camp, and found that there was something wrong with his old lair, which was a bit out of his control. The first thing was that his words were not working well, and many people were full of orders to him. Promised, but secretly obeyed and violated, which led to the extremely inefficient execution of several orders issued by Charles.

The first one was that he sent people to let the small leaders who were in charge temporarily in his station, such as the squad leader, all come to the command camp to wait for orders, but only less than 20 people came.

There are 10 squad leaders in a regiment, and 10 regiments are 100 squad leaders. In the end, there were less than 20 squad leaders. This was like flashing his face in front of Charles!

Charles was very annoyed,

But these people who did not appear in the commander's camp in time had many legitimate reasons, such as performing defensive tasks, and once they left, they were afraid of the enemy's sneak attack...

Of course, Charles is not good enough to force them to come over directly. But he was also secretly holding back his strength, planning to reintegrate and clarify the forces under his hands in order to face the next battle.

The sneak attack plan failed, and a lot of people were lost to go in. Charles is holding back his energy now, and wants to fight back again!


Charles didn't dare to venture forward again, he couldn't fall down twice in the same fall, what method did Gu Peiyuan use to defeat himself? Without him, the reason is that Gu Peiyuan has integrated the personnel in advance, and has a basic understanding of his own territory. Moreover, he is fighting at home and has a geographical advantage.

With a sullen face, Charles listened to his subordinates report various things in his camp. When he heard his subordinates say the word 'Louis Cather', Charles' eyes suddenly sank.

"He really said that?" Charles asked, narrowing his eyes.

The subordinate said: "That's what Louis said. Right now the enemy is likely to make a surprise attack. It is not good for him to leave the station casually to avoid accidents and mistakes."

Of all the people who hated Charles, Louis Cather was the one Charles hated the most! Because half of my own staff now almost all choose to obey Louis.

Where does this leave Charles' face?

Seeing Charles' uncertain face, his subordinates said, "Commander, Commander Louis said that after the enemy retreats in the morning, he will come over and report to you what's going on in the camp."

Charles grimaced and said nothing.

After dawn?

What happens after dawn, who knows?

Louis' Sima Zhao's heart is well known to everyone, and it is not certain that he would dare to lead his subordinates to kill him after dawn.

At this moment, a boy hurried over and said, "Report! It's urgent!"

Charles stood up, frowned and said, "Say!"

The boy ran in a hurry, his face was dusty, and because it was freezing outside, the wind blowing over him was like a knife, so if he ran quickly, his cheek would be easily scratched. , all turned into ice slag, and he had already rushed to the commander, and he immediately said: "Commander, I found the enemy's figure!"

Charles was startled: "Where?"

The boy was panting, he tried to take a deep breath, and said: "It's not just one place, our people found two places, one is near the cliff at 35 degrees to the southeast, and our guards accidentally saw the enemy on the other side of the river. figure."

"There is another one to the northwest, across the river near our military base."

Charles was surprised again: "How many people are in the enemy, are there any other actions?"

The boy said: "According to the information discovered so far, the number of enemy troops is temporarily unknown, but because there are at least 20-50 people in each place, they are all lurking, only vaguely showing their bodies, and they were discovered by our people !"

The other people present were shocked when they heard the news!

What's the weather like now?

This is extremely cold weather, and it is very likely that the temperature will drop to minus 30-50 degrees. Without enough warm items, it is impossible to stay outside. Charles also plans to withdraw his staff gradually, and wait for the temperature to rise. , and then send out again.

This is also a matter of no choice, otherwise, if you stay outside, people will freeze to death. Who will resist the invasion of foreign enemies?


The enemy sneak attack now?

Then our side has to fight.

At this moment, another person came to report: "Commander, we found dozens of discarded rafts by the river beach in the southwest direction, and along the way we found the enemy's footprints, and the last direction of the footprints was the grassland in the southwest... "


There are grasslands in all directions, the enemy only needs to be careful to cover up the footprints and other traces, then their specific whereabouts are unknown!

That is to say——

There is a group of enemies, at least dozens, or even more than a hundred enemies, have quietly lurked into our camp. The camp is so big, with mountains, rivers, valleys, and caves...

As long as they hide, it will take a lot of effort to find them out.

Hearing the news, Charles frowned directly!

At this time, another person rushed to report: "Report to the commander, in the northeast, northwest, southeast... 10 critical checkpoints, the figure of the enemy has been found!"

Charles: "Damn!!!"

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