Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-two do not give retreat

After Chu Jiaojiao said these words, Hong Da Shi, who was walking in the front, almost lost his balance, and was gently supported by Ji You behind him.

Ji You: "Old Shi, calm down."

How can Red·Da·Shi Xindao make me calm down?

This is simply stepping on the face of our red race.

A few Yuanxing people stood on the territory of the Red Race, but the Red Race people were not as strong as the Yuanxing people, and they even needed the support of the Yuanxing people to walk around... If this is said, the Red Race people don't need to be human anymore.

If this matter is placed before meeting these Yuanxing people, and someone tells it that one day your entire red race will be compared to Yuanxing people, it will definitely think that the other party is farting.

After Hong Da Shi took a deep breath, he suddenly said, "Yes."

Ji You: "Huh?"

Hong Da Shi's face was a bit embarrassed, "Your Excellency Long Aotian, if it's not troublesome, please carry me and my clansmen on your shoulders."

"Huh?!" Now it was Chu Jiaojiao's turn to be shocked, she thought she had heard wrong, and took off the energy sword behind her in an instant.

The third elder and others behind the red big stone also thought it was joking, and opened their eyes and mouths wide.

As a result, Hong Da Shi repeated, saying: "With our current speed, it will take at least 10 minutes to get to the energy interface as soon as possible, and 10 minutes is too long, I'm afraid there will be other variables."

When it said this, its tone became low: "The army of glory has already set off first, but I haven't received any response from them yet. not."

Because he was going to meet Long Aotian's two fellow clansmen, Hong Dashi left halfway with a group of high-ranking members of the Red Race, but the army of glory did not stop, but went straight forward, but at this time about 20 minutes had passed, Hong Dashi Da Shi has not heard from its army...


Hong Da Shi's body was already overwhelmed. It had just recovered its life, especially the barriers of the spiritual world, which were poked into a sieve before, and now it is only barely repaired. The deeper it goes, the heavier the pressure on the red big stone. If there is no dragon Aotian protects it calmly, it may have fallen down.

Long Aotian didn't make this matter public, it knew it was to take care of its own face and reputation, because if it was too weak, it would not be conducive to ruling the entire Red Race.

On this point, Hong·Da·Shi wants to accept Long Aotian's affection.

The red big stone turned around and looked at the people in front of it. It opened its mouth and said: "In times of crisis, there is no need to set up so many rules, and you don't have to stick to the form. As long as the problem can be solved as soon as possible, I will support it." , will try.”

It said this, of course, not to Ji You and the other three, but to the high-ranking members of the Red Race present.

The third elders and others fell silent after hearing the words.


After hesitating for less than a second, the third elder took the lead and said: "I agree, everyone must work together to overcome the crisis at this time."

As for being carried away by the Yuanxing people, it will lose its image.

Life is gone, what do you want to do with image?


The other red people also nodded in agreement.


Ji You took the lead, carrying the red big stone and the third elder on one shoulder.

Chu Jiaojiao took off her energy sword, strung 6 red people into a string, and hung them behind her back. On her shoulders, two people were forced to be stuffed.

Why bother to bring the least, moreover, he is more elegant, he didn't use the rude way of Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao, but made a burden, put people in the burden, and carried it on his shoulders.

Of course, the three of them did not simply take away the bodies of the Red Race people, but also protected their spiritual world, because the surging energy ahead became more and more frequent and manic. Let go.

Right now, Ji You is leading the way, Chu Jiaojiao is in the middle, why bother to be in the rear.

Throughout the whole process, with the guidance of Hong·Da·Shi,

Ji You followed the other party's guidance. Of course, she was also confirming her own feelings. Whenever she encountered a fork in the road, the one with a slightly calmer energy was the correct path.

In this way, if something goes wrong later, Jiyao already knows the right way when he runs ahead of time.

Just walking like this, after about 3 minutes, the team stopped.

Ji You asked, "What's wrong?"

Hong Da Shi was silent for a while, and said: "I received the message from my adjutant."

Ji You frowned: "What did it say?"

The surface of the red big stone was a little heavy, and said: "It said that the energy connection can no longer be cut off."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Red Race people present all changed, and someone screamed directly, saying: "Then... then shall we go in?"

Since there is no way to cut it off, there is no need to break in. Moreover, going in will encounter great danger, and it may not be possible to come out directly.

As for Hong·Da·Shi's insistence on cutting off the energy supply, the high-ranking member of the Red Race actually opposed it in his heart. He felt that it was the best choice for everyone to run away immediately. However, under the threat of Long Aotian, it did not dare Just open your mouth.

At this point, it has reached this point, it was so frightened that it couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a little fear: "The energy of the soul pool is very abnormal now, it is boiling too much, we don't know what abnormality may have happened , I... let's not get close, shall we?"

After it finished speaking, it carefully looked at Hong Da Shi, but in fact, it was secretly looking at Ji You.

Ji You said nothing.

Hong Da Shi directly shook his head and said, "No way. It must be cut off."

The face of the high-ranking member of the Red Race suddenly collapsed.

Hong Da Shi said with a serious face: "If anyone wants to run away now, then—"


A white light suddenly flashed from Hong Da Shi's wrist, and immediately after, the road behind was exploded by the stimulation of the white light.

bang bang bang...

The road they had just walked collapsed.

The faces of the red people present suddenly changed.

The general directly cut off everyone's escape route. You must know that in the man-made space underground, every road and every wall has a role to play. If this side collapses, it will affect the others. Besides, there is another main function of the space wall, which is to block energy riots The damage of the pressure on the human body, if this one collapses, the damage will increase.


The face of the high-ranking member of the Red Race who spoke suddenly turned pale, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Hong Da Shi cast down his eyes and said, "You want to quit? You can. Save your life."

The senior executives of the Red Clan paled, not daring to say another word.

There was silence and silence all around.

Only then did Hong Da Shi turn to He Bi, and said softly: "Your Excellency He... please re-open the spiritual protection around it."

Why bother to raise eyebrows and nod.

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