Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand four hundred eighty-nine temptation

Sheng Qingyan was quite confident in his mouth, and he didn't take this matter as difficult at all. However, in his heart, he knew very well the difficulty and danger of this matter.

What the so-called bait has to do is to make the mysterious unknown life body hidden in the black ship think that he is a very weak but very delicious prey, just like he did just now, so that the other party is willing to take the initiative to send it up.

Sheng Qingyan herself was completely unprepared, and was disturbed emotionally by the other party, affecting the spiritual world, and even almost lost control of her body directly.

Then, relying on what little reason he had, he actively opened up his spiritual world, let the other party in, and finally fought back.

Even if the plan succeeded, he paid a heavy price.


Liu Fufeng needs him to do this kind of behavior 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times... There is no upper limit, the more the better.

Ordinary people can't do this job.

no no no...

Even if it is a special talent, it can't do it.

However, he had to do it.

Sheng Qingyan gritted her teeth and said, "After I lured the other party out, how do you gobble it up?"

Liu Fufeng said: "You don't need to worry about these things, you just need to pretend that you don't know anything when the other party is trying to invade your spiritual world, let him in, and then I will hunt and kill it while it is invading your spiritual world."

Sheng Qingyan understood after hearing the words.

He was originally sitting on the pure white feathers, the feathers were not big, just enough to accommodate his body, now, Sheng Qingyan simply went directly on the feathers, propping his head up with only one hand, his posture was a bit lazy look.

Liu Fufeng looked at him, pursed his lips, and said, "If you really encounter an emergency, you can put your own safety first."

Sheng Qingyan glanced at him sideways: "It's long-winded."


He closed his eyes, obviously, he was not willing to continue talking so much nonsense with Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng was silent for a while, and finally said nothing.

The surroundings are quiet, and on the countless feathers, the coalition formed by various tribes in the Tianshi plane is also very uneasy at this time. Many people's spirits are being disturbed, and the disturbing energy is extremely powerful. Every feather was protected as much as possible, but many people were still disturbed.

At this time, about one-third of the people have been disturbed and lost control of their bodies.

Liu Fufeng still didn't move.

He allowed that interfering emotion to cause chaos. If he was not patient enough, it would easily lead to wasted efforts.

On this point, Liu Fufeng is very patient. He actually has no experience in catching this kind of unknown life form, and he still needs to cooperate with Sheng Qingyan to hunt and kill it a few times before he knows the best way to deal with it.

In the blink of an eye, an unknown force quietly broke through Liu Fufeng's mental silk defense net. Right under Liu Fufeng's nose, there were about a hundred soldiers of the coalition army. Under the invasion of these mysterious forces, some They were captured directly without dying, and some disappeared without any resistance at all.

Liu Fufeng saw everything in his eyes, but he was still not in a hurry.

These unknown lifeforms obviously didn't pay enough attention to Liu Fufeng. They easily invaded Liu Fufeng's mental defense net, and then ostentatiously captured the human beings in the Skystone plane, just like returning to the farm in their own backyard. Happy and at ease.

Then, they started to make trouble, picked one target after another, opened their bellies, and ate and drank...

Liu Fufeng still didn't move.

Sheng Qingyan kept his eyes closed, he didn't look at Liu Fufeng's movements, nor did he look at the surrounding situation, but put all his attention on his own spiritual consciousness.

Sheng Qingyan thought of a question, if he could see Liu Fufeng's mental threads, could he see other people's spiritual threads?

Besides, what Sheng Qingyan wanted to see more clearly was that mysterious, gray mist-like life form.

Unfortunately, after some experiments,

Sheng Qingyan couldn't see the mental threads of other people around him, and Sheng Qingyan guessed that the reason why he couldn't see it was that the people around him didn't release their spiritual threads.

While thinking this way, a Hei tribe member closest to Sheng Qingyan suddenly moved, and immediately after, his whole body began to twitch, and he didn't know what he encountered. Such an encounter...

Then, he began to go to the doctor in a sudden illness, and regardless of his care, he released his mental threads and seemed to be wrestling with the mysterious force.

At that moment, Sheng Qingyan saw a long spiritual thread about the size of a tachyon suddenly emerged from the brain of this Heizu, and immediately after, this thread was wrapped in a gray mist up.




He even vaguely heard the sound of the other party chewing, Sheng Qingyan's heart sank slightly, these unknown life forms are really very arrogant, they don't take themselves, Liu Fufeng and others seriously at all.





Sheng Qingyan looked at the other party, and carefully hid the overflowing spiritual energy in order to avoid accidents.

At this moment, the well-fed living body turned into a cloud of gray mist again and moved towards the second goal.

Sheng Qingyan felt a little regretful, he could only see clearly that it was a black mist, he didn't know the real form of the other party, and he didn't know what method the other party used to devour the spiritual thread of that black man.

After confirming that he couldn't see clearly, Sheng Qingyan simply closed his eyes, and also restrained his mental power, only leaking a trace, to lure other mysterious life forms to approach him.

It was at this moment that Sheng Qingyan's heart moved slightly.

The living body that had had a full meal just now turned around temporarily and came towards him.



In an instant, he had already approached Sheng Qingyan, and the familiar feeling of losing control of his emotions swept over again.

Unlike the last time when he was facing a great enemy, this time the corners of Sheng Qingyan's mouth suddenly turned up slightly. He opened up his spiritual world a little bit, revealing the huge spiritual energy inside, but it was only for a moment before he closed it.

Then, this unknown life form suddenly intensified its mental interference towards Sheng Qingyan.

There was pain in Sheng Qingyan's eyes, he closed his eyes tightly, gritted his teeth, and made a painful appearance that he had to work hard to persevere to the end.

However, the situation is unstoppable, no matter how hard Sheng Qingyan tries, she still can't get rid of the other party's mental interference, and even a crack appears in the heavily guarded mental barrier at this time, and this crack is just right for an extremely pure Mental energy is released.


Sheng Qingyan obviously heard a slight sound of breathing in. Obviously, Sheng Qingyan's pure energy surprised the other party.

Now, the other party is even more unwilling to give up Sheng Qingyan's fat and strong 'big meat'.

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