Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand four hundred and ninety-six he also played cover

Liu Fufeng soon realized that this door did not open naturally, but was blocked by something from inside.

Moreover, this small bug should be fixed soon.

He had to hurry up and contact Ji You, He Bi, Chu Jiaojiao, any one of them immediately.

Step by step, until now, the goal has been achieved, and the goal has been exceeded.

Liu Fufeng was not in a hurry anymore, he knew that he had to move quickly, and he had to be quick. The bug that the door was stuck created an excellent opportunity for him, and the opportunity was fleeting...

After Liu Fufeng lurked a strand of spiritual thread in, he did not contact Ji You and the others in a hurry. Instead, outside the door, he created hundreds of sickles made of spiritual thread in an instant. The spiritual threads inside the door were connected together, quickly grasping the building inside the black ship.

This sickle is still getting bigger...

Even if a bug is found inside the black ship, repair it urgently, because the existence of Liu Fufeng's sickle will also affect the speed of repair.

Soon, the defense system inside the black ship also discovered this problem. The scythe must be removed to restore the progress of the repair.

Liu Fufeng, who spread his huge wings, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood at this moment.

In an instant, all the feathers were affected at this moment, and began to shake slightly, only a few of them shook violently.

Sheng Qingyan frowned slightly: "The lurking is not going well."

Yue Qiguang was driving the mech, and was ready for a decisive battle at any time. After hearing this sentence, he said, "Shen Changqing, or Liu Fufeng?"

Shen Changqing has successfully entered.


As soon as Shen Changqing entered, it was uncertain whether he was facing the enemy's butcher's knife or his teammates' greeting.

Maybe, once inside, it's gone.

Sheng Qingyan tightly held his palms, and said, "It's Liu Fufeng."

Yue Qiguang always felt that it was strange to hear Sheng Qingyan say this, thinking that something was not done right, and there was a crisis. But suddenly, he suddenly understood why it was weird.

Sheng Qingyan is so weird, it seems that it has been a long time, he hasn't spoken with an 'oh' for a long time, he has been speaking in a very normal tone during this time.

Yue Qiguang closed his eyes slightly, then opened them, and said, "Don't worry about Liu Fufeng for the time being, since he can be multi-tasking, we just need to help him deal with the task of devouring these aliens."

Sheng Qingyan nodded upon hearing this.

As a bait, Sheng Qingyan was undoubtedly very successful. With his help, Liu Fufeng swallowed about 30 alien life forms in a short period of time, and his strength has grown a lot.

Sheng Qingyan stared at Liu Fufeng's movements closely, and said, "I'm worried about Ah Qing."

"..." Yue Qiguang pursed his lips and said, "He will be fine." Although he didn't want to admit that others were better than himself, there was one thing that Yue Qiguang thought was far worse than Shen Changqing, that is, Shen Changqing was indeed a member of the team. One of the most prudent people in the world, as long as it is something that Shen Changqing wants to do, he must do it bit by bit, without haste or rashness, and complete it step by step. Lurking into a black ship is very dangerous, but since Shen Changqing can really lurk in, he will definitely complete it according to the standard plan.

So, he'll be fine.

Yue Qiguang believed this very much, but...

Yue Qiguang stared at Liu Fufeng's movements, he was not strong mentally, and he couldn't see the spiritual threads wrapped between Liu Fufeng and the countless feathers at this time, let alone the spiritual threads wrapped around the black ship by Liu Fufeng.

If you can't see it, of course you don't understand it. Yue Qiguang frowned and said, "Why do I feel that Liu Fufeng is looking around on the black ship, the purpose is to dig a hole in the black ship?"

Sheng Qingyan said: "It's not digging a hole, it's to fix a door that popped up on the black ship."

After suddenly spitting out a mouthful of blood, Liu Fufeng began to flap his wings vigorously,

At that moment, Sheng Qingyan used her spiritual consciousness to directly see thousands of spiritual filaments released from Liu Fufeng's spiritual world, gathering towards the black ship.

The 'scythe' made of spiritual threads suddenly turned inward, and began to cut the stuck door of the black ship.





The sound of sawtooth cutting was not the sound of the 'sickle' cutting the door of the black ship, but the sound of the sharp blade suddenly protruding from the black ship cutting the 'sickle'.

Sheng Qingyan suddenly clenched her palms tightly.

next second.

Liu Fufeng's sickle made of spiritual silk had already been cut in half, and fragments of spiritual silk fell off.

Suddenly, Liu Fufeng spat out another mouthful of blood.


He worked hard again, except for the spiritual threads on the feathers protecting his teammates and the coalition forces of various races in the Tianshi plane, Liu Fufeng took out almost all the spiritual threads in his body, and added them all to the 'scythe' superior.

buzz buzz

As the spiritual threads were cut off one by one, the seemingly indestructible sickle also disintegrated little by little, and all Liu Fufeng's offensives seemed to have failed.


With a sound of "噗——", Liu Fufeng spat out another mouthful of blood. His mecha was originally silver-white, and looked very low-key and restrained. However, at this moment, under the intense pressure, the skin of Liu Fufeng's mecha , has been completely stained bright red with blood.

"Not going well?" Yue Qiguang couldn't see, so he could only worry.

"It's not going well." Sheng Qingyan shook his head, he stared at Liu Fufeng's movements closely, and saw that even though Liu Fufeng had lost so much mental thread, he still didn't stop strengthening the scythe and intensifying the cutting of the 'door'...

Then, Liu Fufeng's loss seemed to be even greater.

At this moment, the black ship seemed to draw a strong attack force and launched an attack on Liu Fufeng's 'sickle'.

With a whoosh, Liu Fufeng's remaining mental threads all shrank back.

That huge attack power was missed in one blow. Not only did it fail to snuff out all the remaining spiritual threads of Liu Fufeng, but because all this happened too unexpectedly, it was impossible to recover the attack power in time at this moment, and was instead used to explode. Dropped the corner of his own door.

"It's beautiful." Sheng Qingyan couldn't help but complimented her.

Immediately afterwards.

With a sound of "噗——", Liu Fufeng spat out another mouthful of blood.

By this time, the door that was originally counted as a bug was not cleared and closed again, but instead expanded at this moment.

The door widened.

Sheng Qingyan suddenly understood that Liu Fufeng's purpose at the price of his own spiritual power was not to expand the door at all, nor was it for him to keep the door, but to cover it!

All of Liu Fufeng's actions were just covering for one person.

this person--

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