Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand five hundred relay race

He Bi, who was carrying Ji You's body with one hand, lifted Ji You up, and then carried it with the other hand. He shook his tired arm and asked, "Which group of people is this the first to leave?"

The fourth child didn't pay attention here, and was a little uncertain after hearing the words: the third batch? Or the 4th batch? 】

The boss, the second child, the third child... the sixth child, are all lying on Jiyou's hair at this time, because she has not returned to her spiritual consciousness, she seems to be asleep at this moment, but there are the boss, the second child... With the existence of the sixth class, the six spiritual threads have never completely left her body, and the continuous spiritual power of the spiritual threads nourishes Ji You's body, making her skin look smooth, fair and full of elasticity.

Old Fifth: Seriously, it should be the eighth batch of people who left. 】

Why bother to hear Ji You's other spirit talk, and my heart shudders. So many people have left?

The outflow of the personnel inside the black ship happened after the self-explosion on the 11th, but it was only a small amount of outflow at that time. Most of the juveniles still ran to places other than the hive and stayed temporarily. As juveniles, they Before officially becoming an adult, they will never leave the hive easily and leave the breeding base.

However, the power of No. 11's suicide self-detonation almost exceeded everyone's expectations. Many people ran away in a panic, and some even ran outside the black ship without paying attention.

However, more people still stay in the training base, looking for opportunities for themselves to become adults.


I don't know when it started, some very potential juvenile bodies with high-level family inheritance bloodlines like Soros and Wells unexpectedly made the decision to leave the black ship.

He Bi and the fourth brother who were standing next to the 'towering tree' were able to see all this happening.

When through the black mist, I saw that the exit hatch opened from the inside, and one after another of the young bodies of spiritual threads came out, why did I feel a little strange, and the fourth class was also very strange...

Fourth child: Their behavior seems to be spontaneous, but not all of them, as if they are allowed. 】

Why bother: "Is that what His Highness meant?"

Fourth child: But it's still a bit strange... They seemed to be quite happy to leave, and they all ran away without a trace. 】

The fourth child tilted his head and swung his severed tail. Could it be that he was going to perform some mission under His Highness's order? 】

He Bi frowned, and said: "When performing a mission, it doesn't have to be like running away, for fear of being a step behind."

Chu Jiaojiao, who was standing on the top of the tree, was so tired that she was sweating profusely: "Oh, don't worry about chatting, hurry up and give me some energy, I'm about to die."

words fall——

The sixth child, who had been preparing all the time, flicked his tail and threw a bag at Chu Jiaojiao. The bag was about the size of a palm, and after being thrown out by the boss, it was thrown into the air. However, it only reached the tree. At the trunk of the 'towering tree' that is almost level with the sky.

At this time, there was still a long distance to the top of the tree where Chu Jiaojiao was.

Right at the place where the bag was about to fall, at the place of the tree trunk, the fifth child who was lying tightly on the tree trunk swung his tail, and the moment he caught the bag, he pulled the bag into the air.


The third child, standing about one-third of the height of the tree, appeared in time and whipped his bag away.

Next, it is the second child.

At this time, the second child was nestled on the top of a tree, just waiting to make a move. When the bag approached it, it leaped and flew the bag to half the height of the tree.


It is the boss.

The boss was originally strong and fat, but when the bag approached, it grabbed the bag directly and began to climb up.

For Chu Jiaojiao and He Bi, it was like stepping on the tip of a knife, a tree that was very difficult to climb, but at this time the boss was walking like flying.

In the blink of an eye, she was already close to Chu Jiaojiao's position.

just a little bit,

a step far!

The boss stopped.

Obviously, the boss seems to be running easily, but in fact it is not easy. His whole body is trembling slightly at this moment.

This is a relay race, but also an arduous tug-of-war.

Why Bi, the fourth child, and No. 1373 are staring closely at the bottom. Regarding the boss and other five mental threads, it is really surprising that they can come up with such a funny but very genius way to replenish Chu Jiaojiao's energy.

Just after the boss paused for about 1 second, it suddenly started to flick its tail. At first, it just swung its tail lightly, and the surrounding resistance was not too big. He Bi and the fourth child who were standing under the tree could feel the blockage feeling like a substance, like a knife cutting, raw pain, raw pain...

The boss still didn't stop, and the resistance was also intensifying.

Standing on the top of the tree, Chu Jiaojiao, who was only a little short of reaching the black box on the top of the tree, turned pale at the moment.

at this time--


The tip of the boss's tail suddenly stopped, and then suddenly exerted force, and in an instant, the bag was thrown to the side of Chu Jiaojiao's head.

Chu Jiaojiao immediately opened her mouth and held it in her mouth.


Chu Jiaojiao swallowed it in one gulp.

Why bother, the fourth child fell silent.

No. 1373 was immediately dumbfounded.

It's not the first time I've seen this scene, it's the second time, but it's really eye-opening that someone can use this method to transfer energy to the hub of the control center.


The eldest child, the second child, the third child... the sixth child, all retreated together and hid themselves. In an instant, all their mental threads disappeared.

"..." No. 1373 boldly asked, "...Your Excellencies, I forgot to ask, what exactly is the energy absorbed by Your Excellency Chu?"

It was packed in a dark bag, and I don't know what material it was made of, so I couldn't tell what was in it at all. His Excellency Chu sucked it in, and it was like sucking jelly, and it was sucked directly into his stomach.


Speaking of which, this word is a word in the bloodline of No. 1373. It doesn't know what it is. It only knows that it is a very ancient food that has long been annihilated in the long river of history.

When the fourth child heard the question from No. 1373, he turned his head to look at it, a little strangely, and said, "This thing is the nutrient substance in the hatching cabin that supplies the embryo for development."

Number 1373: "..."

Fourth child: "You should be familiar with it, right?"

No. 1373 said: "..." How could it be familiar? How could it know so much when it was still an embryo? After successfully climbing out of the hatch, they will directly devour their own kind for a living, so they don't even know it.

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