Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand six hundred and thirty-seven laboratories

Chu Jiaojiao's injured chest had begun to heal after the bleeding was forcibly stopped. And the blood from the wound on her body, and the mixed fake blood made from the blood of various creatures, merged together, and remained on the thin coat that was taken off, as well as the protective clothing on her body.

The sudden appearance of this laboratory was full of strangeness everywhere, but there was no one, to be precise, no living people.

The relevant experimenters did not show up.

Chu Jiaojiao said: "Student Ji You, hurry up and look for clues, we will definitely find the information we want here."

As a result, Ji You didn't listen to her at all, but burned the tube of blood in his hand directly.

Not only that, even the coat that Chu Jiaojiao took off, as well as the blood on the protective clothing, were all ruined.

Ji You did all this in front of Chu Jiaojiao, and...

Ji You raised her head and looked at the biggest screen in the laboratory. The screen was blank and nothing was recorded.

But Ji You kept staring at the screen, as if he wanted to see the person behind the laboratory through the screen.

Chu Jiaojiao realized something: "What did you find?"

Ji You said: "I've cleaned up all your blood, but I'm not sure if the other party has stored it somewhere else."

Chu Jiaojiao smiled and said, "I was injured when I was in this laboratory, and the blood was also shed at this time."

Ji You nodded: "Then it should be dealt with cleanly."

Chu Jiaojiao jumped to Ji You's side, and said with a smile, "I knew Ji You could clean up the mess, so I took the courage to do it."

Ji You snorted softly through her nostrils: "I'm not going to be an example."

But Ji You also knew that under Chu Jiaojiao's seemingly strong, modest, and calm appearance, there was a hint of madness hidden.

It is the kind that can burn all the madness in oneself for the sake of comrades-in-arms, for goals, for ideals and beliefs.

Ji You's warning does not prevent her from committing the crime next time.

Chu Jiaojiao jumped to Ji You's side, stared at the blank screen in the laboratory, and asked, "Student Ji You, do you really suspect that Yue Qiyuan is locked in a certain laboratory?"

Ji You's fingertips trembled.

Chu Jiaojiao didn't see the reaction on her face, but she could roughly guess a little bit from Ji You's aura.

Chu Jiaojiao squinted her eyes, her expression was extremely cold: "Since there is such a possibility, then we will find him. This laboratory is not, then change to another one."

Those hidden laboratories will always be exposed one day.

Keep tearing it down, keep tearing it down...

And always find the right one.


Chu Jiaojiao's expression was extremely cold, they had time to spend, so what about Yue Qiyuan? Can you also wait slowly for them to find him?


Can you hold on till they come?

The blank screen was still blank, and there was no reaction at all. It seemed that the enemy really couldn't see here, nor could they see that the two prey were not controlled and restrained at all.

Ji You suddenly raised the corners of her lips, and said, "Jiaojiao, I think you're right about one thing."

Chu Jiaojiao: "Huh?"

Ji You said: "It's really meaningless to keep defending."


Ji You suddenly got started, shielding the blank piece to Kacha directly, crushing it.


! "Chu Jiaojiao:" Damn it! Classmate Ji You, you are so handsome! "

The material of the screen is definitely not a fragile product like glass, Chu Jiaojiao made a preliminary estimate, even with her current physique, she couldn't crush it all at once.


Classmate Ji You is going against the sky!

Chu Jiaojiao's eyes were almost starry, but Chu Jiaojiao herself was not idle. At the same time that Ji You crushed the screen, Chu Jiaojiao disassembled all the base of the screen and crushed it into pieces. .

The screen is gone.

next second.

Ji You suddenly walked to a black stone-like object of unknown material, then, she picked up the stone,

Kacha, crushed.

When the stone shattered, a light suddenly flashed out, and Ji You's expression was extremely cold: "It's so boring to hide your head and show your tail."

Chu Jiaojiao looked around carefully, but couldn't find anything similar to surveillance, so she simply followed behind Ji You, and if Ji You destroyed anything, she would destroy it together and help clean up the aftermath.

In almost an instant, the entire laboratory was smashed to pieces.

After Ji You made sure to destroy all the monitoring related things, he walked in front of the 'corpse' that was tied up by five flowers and looked like a juvenile body in a black ship.

Chu Jiaojiao looked solemn: "Are you sure it came out of the black ship?"

It is said that in the territory of the Qing clan, many juvenile bodies that escaped from the black ships have been swallowed up. After these juvenile bodies came in, they never went out again.

Because the territory of the Qing clan has been completely blocked, and can only be opened from the inside, it is not known whether those juvenile bodies are alive, dead, or what happened.

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Ji You stretched out her hand, as if thinking of something, took out two pairs of gloves from her space button, put on a pair for herself, and threw a pair to Chu Jiaojiao.

After putting on the gloves, Ji You reached out and touched the tied juvenile body.


Ji You turned around and found a number plate: No. 201]

Of course Chu Jiaojiao also saw the numbers clearly, Tong Kong shrank slightly: "The material of this number plate, and the pattern on it..."

"It came out of the black ship, that's right." Chu Jiaojiao squinted her eyes. She has killed a few of such juvenile bodies, so she is no stranger to this.

Ji You jumped away from the number plate, and then, after looking carefully, through the glove, he picked up a thread that was tied to the young body.

Just picked it apart, and Ji You didn't even cut it off. At this moment, this juvenile body No. 201, which seemed to be just asleep and didn't sleep well, shriveled quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a mummy.


The dryness of this mummy had obviously reached the super-dry level, before Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao even touched it, it split open by itself.

Chu Jiaojiao said loudly: "Stand back, beware of fraud!"

There is often a mine hidden in this kind of thing, and if it is not done well, it will overturn.

However, Ji You didn't retreat at all. Instead, when the mummy left completely and turned into ashes, Ji You pressed a switch, and the ashes were quickly cleaned up and swept into the trash can.

Chu Jiaojiao: "..."

Ji You said: "I've confirmed here, there is no fatal danger."

When Chu Jiaojiao heard this, she immediately smiled and said, "I told you earlier, I made such a fuss, I look like I haven't seen the world before."

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