Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand six hundred and thirty-nine experimental subjects

When Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao stepped into the darkness and turned back, there was no hesitation or pause in their movements. In the blink of an eye, the location of the laboratory has been reached.

The lab is gone.

All around is black.

Chu Jiaojiao was still holding the table in her hands, and she was clenching her knuckles hard, and she had already started to gather strength and prepare.

Ji You said, "It's me this time."

Chu Jiaojiao glanced at Ji You, who was like a little chicken, but there was no trace of doubt in her eyes. She quickly stepped aside to help.

Just then, Ji You took out a steel pipe from the space button.

That's right.

It wasn't a machete, nor was it any other weapon. It was just a steel pipe, which looked unremarkable, a very ordinary metal steel pipe.

Holding the steel pipe, Ji You took a few steps to measure the surroundings, and then began to beat with the steel pipe.

Chu Jiaojiao: "???"

Jiyou's knocking force was very light, and the force of knocking the walnut was heavier than her at this moment. Chu Jiaojiao's mind was full of question marks, not to mention how hard she used to break the wall, but every time she knocked The shock caused by the impact also made the entire laboratory rumble.

Just looking at Ji You lightly, will it work?

Ji You didn't answer.

Ji You continued to knock.

She seemed to be knocking slowly, but her figure suddenly exerted force at this moment, and instantly turned into an afterimage. Chu Jiaojiao focused on capturing, but she only captured a corner of the afterimage. From this, it can be seen that Ji How fast pomelo is.

next second.

Ji You suddenly appeared and stood beside Chu Jiaojiao.

Chu Jiaojiao: "Is it done?"

words fall——

Suddenly there was a voice in front of him, and there was a cracking sound.


A door appeared in front of the two of them, Chu Jiaojiao was taken aback: "A door?"

Not a breach, nor a chiseled gap, but a door, square and straight.

At this time, the door was still shining brightly.

Even though Chu Jiaojiao had doubts in her heart, she still didn't ask on the spot. She looked at Ji You, and Ji You nodded at her: "Hurry up! I can only steal the key of this laboratory for 30 seconds."

Chu Jiaojiao instantly understood that the 30 seconds here did not refer to the time for the two to enter the door, nor the time for the door to be opened continuously, but the time for them to stay in the laboratory.

Only 30 seconds.

Without saying a word, Chu Jiaojiao immediately jumped and stepped into the door almost at the same time as Ji You.

As the two of them stepped into the door, the door also disappeared and disappeared into the darkness, and the surroundings became quiet again, as if Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao had never been here, and the door had never appeared.

This laboratory...

Hidden in the space of space, completely isolated from the outside world.

The figures of Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao suddenly appeared in the laboratory, and their expressions moved slightly when they saw the order.

Chu Jiaojiao slapped her thigh immediately, and said, "Sure enough, it's exactly as Ji You expected, this place will be restored."

The previous chaos and chaos have long since ceased to exist, and the entire laboratory is still in order.

Instruments, equipment, equipment, and various pipelines, and——

A man tied up with a pipe.

Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao looked at the green man at the same time.

The other party also looked over at the moment when Ji You and the two entered.

The three looked at each other, and the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.



Still silent.


Ji You suddenly took a step forward and walked in front of the other party. Those green eyes, following Ji You's movement, lifted up slightly and met Ji You's dark eyes.

Ji You said: "You are not blue green stone."

At that moment, Ji You felt indescribably disappointed.

After discovering the abnormality in this laboratory, Ji You saw that it was tricky. This must be a place for cultivating powerful creatures.

Moreover, Qing·Green·Shi has been paying attention to this place all the time, and every move of Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao is within the surveillance range of the other party.

Later, Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao intentionally destroyed the surveillance cameras. They seemed to have destroyed all the surveillance equipment and were completely relieved, but Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao knew that the surveillance cameras had not disappeared.


The monitoring of Cyan Green Stone has never been connected through external equipment, but it itself is already in this laboratory.

Its spiritual breath is hidden here, no matter how it hides it, it can't hide it from Ji You.


Seeing this person with the appearance of a Qing tribe in front of him, Ji You was shocked and disappointed.

It's not blue green stone.

She thought that Qing Lu Shi spent a long time collecting the blood of herself and Chu Jiaojiao, with the purpose of cultivating a body for herself.

In no mood--

This person is not.

When Ji You opened his mouth, he jumped forward and grabbed the Qing man by the neckline, and pulled out a sign under the other party's sight:

No. 201]

"Number 201?" Chu Jiaojiao called out strangely, "You are number 201? How is it possible?" Wasn't it already burned to ashes by classmate Ji You?

The ashes were cleaned by Chu Jiaojiao herself, and she had indeed tested them herself, the ashes were absolutely useless.

It is absolutely impossible for the other party to extract the gene of No. 201 through these ashes, and it is absolutely impossible to leave even a little gene fragment.

The man remained silent, his eyes blank.

Ji You frowned, and exchanged a glance with Chu Jiaojiao: "Could it be because of the loss of our blood? Green, green, and stone don't like it? Changed the plan temporarily?"

Chu Jiaojiao thought for a while, then nodded: "There is such a possibility."

When the two were talking, the face of the shiny green man was full of blankness, only the body struggled slightly, but the threads around it not only provided it with nourishment, but also bound it, making it impossible to break free.

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Ji You frowned and looked at it for a few seconds, then suddenly raised her hand, covered its face, and looked at her.

As he got closer, those green eyes became greener and more penetrating. Even though they looked very dazed and ignorant, they still gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Chu Jiaojiao was taken aback by Ji You's actions: "Fuck, Ji You, don't just do it without saying a word. You have to touch your face, mine, and don't touch those messy things."

"Who knows if there will be holes in this person."

"It's okay." Ji You clasped the opponent's face with one hand, pinched it at the lower jaw, and the opponent's mouth opened uncontrollably, revealing a double row of teeth.

One, two, three...

"Huh?" Chu Jiaojiao was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly asked in surprise, "The teeth are not pure green?"

"The color of the teeth means that the genes of its Qing family are very shallow." Ji You has already determined that the gene concentration of humans on the Tianshi plane is mainly distinguished by the childish color and teeth. The teeth of this experimental subject The cyan color is very light, indicating that there are not many Qing genes. Ji You took a closer look and found that the teeth were normal except for the color, just like ordinary Qing people. Then, he took out an experimental knife and cut a small cut on its face.

Blood flowed down...

It is black and red. This blood is a bit like the blood that flowed out from the dark green old man after his death, only with a little more red.



Ji You carefully checked the other data of the experimental subject.

The experimental subject seemed to be silently enduring Ji You's actions, obediently daring not to resist.

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