Lan Ling said to the system: "If I choose melee, after they have been knocked down by me, can I use the pentagram challenge right to the ring again?" Lan Ling always felt that the pentagram challenge right should be his own concern. Locally, I'm afraid I have to pay attention to this, so that maybe I will have problems with this one! Still ask clearly!

The sound of the system sounds: select the melee mode. Those who are hit by the ring can use a pentagram to challenge again. In melee mode, as long as no one challenges again within three minutes, the winner is on the ring.

Qi Lanling looked at all the people on the stage. On the 61st, she was a Yuzu woman, 130 was a Tiger orc, and on the 137th, she should be a leopard orc! The Leopards have always grown at a speed, the Tigers have grown in strength, and the Yu are good at flight avoidance. Regardless of the strength of the remaining people, this melee is something they can look forward to! Lan Ling resolutely said to the system: "I choose the melee mode." Lan Ling understands that since he has the right to challenge within three minutes, he should fight these people within three minutes. However, if such an ordinary thunder-throwning technique is naturally impossible, it seems that you have to prepare for thunderstorms in advance!

As soon as Lan Ling's words came out, the number one hundred and thirty tigers sweated and shouted: "Okay, you should have melee! Melee can solve all the troubles at once! Quickly and happily, No. 357 I like your choice very much, and I will hit you off the ring soon. If you do n’t agree, come up! Haha! ”He said that he had already entered the ring on the 130th. Immediately behind him was the number 137, and the Leopards said nothing.

No. 44 suddenly said, "Can I give up the melee system?" No. 44 now doesn't want to face this 357 number again!

The sound of the system sounds: You can abandon the melee, once you give up the melee, you cannot use the pentagram to propose to join the melee.

Twenty-fourth stopped for a while and said, "System I give up this round of melee." On the 44th, watching the eyes cast by several people, they sat on their boxes unconsciously. Watching the people on the platform calmly.

Qi Lanling looked at No. 44 with surprise, should not! Why did this person suddenly abstain? However, I did not expect that this system could propose to abstain, which is really good! If you don't want to participate, you can abstain, don't want to! These people are on the stage, preparing eight thunderstorms, and they should be able to blast them out! The 61-year-old Yuzu woman stood on the stage without saying a word. Nine people stood on this round platform with a diameter of only 50 meters, and their distances were not too far away. Lan Ling saw the one hundred and seventy standing alone, and the two hundred and seventy-one was indeed with the one hundred and seventy-seven. What did he say? The man on the 160th had already taken out a sword, the woman on the 193th had taken out two swords, and everyone was ready to attack at any time. Although Lan Ling's consciousness was not released, it could not cover the entire ring, but it was almost the same!

The sound of the system sounds: Start.

Qi Lanling instantly threw a thunderstorm to everyone, and at the same time opened a three-layer earth shield shield for himself. What Lan Ling didn't expect was that a layer of shroud broke in an instant, and eight thunderstorms naturally knocked everyone out of the ring. But Lan Ling's layer of shield was smashed by a flying sword! Lan Ling looked at the 160th, which had been blasted off the ring. This sword repair seemed to have prepared himself for a long time. His shield had been attacked six times in total. Sexual spells attack fireballs, water spells of the 177th series with darts and water arrows, wind spells of the 61st series fly with wind blades, and one-handed force attack of the 130th tiger family, 137 Leopards' continuous claws. Of all these attacks, the 160th attack was the sharpest, causing the outer earth shield to break. All of these attacks were completed in an instant. Lan Ling stood on the ring and looked at the eight people who were blown off the ring by himself. All eight were hit by their own thunderstorms. Now they look at only 271 and 193. These two people who did not attack themselves defended, and there should be no problem watching them! Since the others did not defend at all, it seemed that they could not move in three minutes!

Lan Ling looked at 271 and 271 shook his head and said, "Why don't you choose the fourth item so badly? I won't go up and waste five-pointed stars, now I only have four!" No. 271 knew in his heart that there were such powerful thunder and lightning spells. There were eight directly prepared from this No. 357. What a powerful mental power! And he used Nianli ~ ~ his mask is the earth shield shield of the soil system! I even opened three layers in one breath, and the distance is less than one centimeter! What a powerful mind control spell! He is not an opponent, let such a person leave him!

Qi Lanling stood on the ring for three minutes, and heard the sound of the system sound: the end of the melee, the winner was No. 357. Now you can enter the next level on the 357th.

Lan Lanling's intuition changed the light and shadow in front of her. Lan Ling appeared in a small hall surrounded by doors. There was a table in the small hall with a golden key on the table. A sound sounded: the key is a reward. Here are ten doors. Choose one to enter.

Qi Lanling stepped forward and put the key into the space bracelet, turned and looked at the ten doors around him. The colors of the doors are white, red, green, yellow, pink, brown, purple, silver, gray, and black. Lan Ling chose her favorite pink door. In front of the pink door that Lan Ling walked, the door opened immediately, and a pink light was shining inside. Lan Ling stepped in, and the pink door closed after Lan Ling entered. If Lan Ling was here, there would be two more doors on the wall, one golden and one blue. .

Twenty-five hours later, 271 appeared here, at this time he already had 28 five-pointed stars on the back of his left hand. 271 After Lan Ling left, he completely started to show his power. Due to Lan Ling's departure, 170 was still the tallest person with a five-pointed star, and the woman still chose the first option. As a result, several tests were conducted Later, 271 finally became the highest five-pointed star after the second victory, and he chose the fourth option to get all the five-pointed stars. As a result, 271 killed four people and got the remaining five-pointed stars. Of course, like the beginning of the first battle, the forty-fourth without the five-pointed star naturally survived.

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