Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 504: Easy to forget

Bell walked into the land covered by the death bees, thinking in the end that the ice blue death bees that blocked here were finally kicked out!

Human! It is always incomparable to those of Warcraft. The bell went to a stone and took out its tent. The bell has decided that it will start digging from here!

The ground is very strong. The bell attacked the ground with his own weapon, and then used the soil-based spell to move these crushed rocks away and pile them aside.

He walked quietly out of the mound piled up by the bell, and the silk cloth moved his wrist, took out a short stick, and poked at the ground. Seems to be looking for?

He walked backwards in the direction of Ruilan City, and at this time a large number of people had been ushered in the ground, and these people were mining in various ways.

Some people use their fists to attack the rocks on all sides and then move them away. Some people use spells to make the ground collapse, but because the rocks here are too hard and contain metal, pure soil spells are not very good.

Some people simply took out some drilling equipment and excavated in a small area. In this way, people in this place are struggling to find treasure.

Filigree cloth shuttled back and forth among this group of people who were working hard. After a while, they had already withdrawn from the area, turned around and put on a protective water hood, and then walked towards Ruilan City with a carefree step.

On the third day after the fleece cloth left, it began to snow, and the earth was frozen again. In the past few days, precious metals have been dug in the past few days, which has made everyone very excited.

Although it has begun to snow, these star-studded and star-studded diggers have no plans to stop. Instead, because precious metals can be dug here, more people have joined the mining team here.

I was mining in such hot days. When everyone was ready to work hard regardless of the cold, a star star suddenly looked up and saw a white cloud and a blue cloud flying towards him.

This is a star star mercenary who has very rich survival experience in the cold star field. When looking at the blue and white clouds, I felt very scared. So the star star strongman took out the observation mirror he carried with him. To that blue-white cloud.

What Li Tian saw was not a cloud at all, but a white bee, and a pure white bee, oh my god! This is not the Death Ice Bee, but also the Ice Ice Death Devil Bee with blue body, and there are too many!

So the star-level mercenary shouted, "Run away! Death ice bee and ice blue death bee are here!"

After speaking, the star-level mercenary turned around and flew over Ruilan City, and at this moment a roar distant, and the earth began to shake with the roar. At this time, someone suddenly shouted, "It's the Ice Warcraft that has begun to return! Run away!"

This shout awakened everyone from the shock of Death Ice Bee and Ice Blue Death Devil in the beginning. Greater fear came and people suddenly woke up!

At this time, everyone started flying towards Ruilan City. Only then did people notice one thing, the land was frozen again!

All Ice Warcraft trapped in high places can return to the land they ruled! At this time, the first batch of Echinacea on the death plain has grown. These ice eucalyptus plants have grown so fast that they have grown more than ten centimeters in a few days. It is estimated that they can reach half a meter in three or four days It's up!

At that time, those ice Warcraft who like to eat these ice Lingcao should also be back! This is nature, and this is the cyclical development of the planet in the universe. Everything that seems to have remained the same, seems to have been repeated again and again, but there is a real difference, and a few people will really notice it.

But hasn't it really changed? Will it really change? It is normal to see everything in this way. This is the law of nature.

Silk cloth has returned to Ruilan City and is conducting experiments in a laboratory. Silk cloth has blended several types of honey according to a certain proportion, and then tested it. Under the guidance of some experts in this field, each cloth is adjusted. Proportion of honey.

In the process of adjusting these proportions, the toxicity of honey will be continuously reduced, and the effect of honey to improve the body will be improved. The result is a perfect blending ratio.

Golden honey contains a special magical energy that improves the body's resistance to heat and promotes the overall strength of the body.

含义 The meaning of silver honey can improve the body's cold resistance and enhance its toughness. It contains special magical energy of space attributes. Because these magical energy combined with honey is very strange, it can improve people's perception of space.

Of course, both types of honey contain different toxicity, so with the help of light yellow honey, and after adding some black honey and some blue honey ~ ~ almost all the toxins have disappeared!

But it also lost some good characteristics. Finally, after adding red honey, most of the good effects were saved.

Thus produced colorful honey, silk cloth adjusted these colorful honey to a part, most of the remainder did not move, silk cloth collected the colorful honey. Just came out of the lab, and three days have passed!

The bells were chased back to Ruilan City by a group of Warcrafts. These ice-based Warcrafts that have just come down from the heights have been hungry in recent years and have been crowded there, so these Ice-based Warcrafts that have returned to their own land It's still more aggressive now.

A little unhappy may chase you for thousands of kilometers, and these star powerhouses who are now outside are not well adapted to the cold temperatures now.

This happened, the bell was chased to Ruilan City by a group of ice-based flying Warcraft, and when they entered the bell, they remembered that they could not fly in the cold star field, because those ice-based flying Warcraft would not release Pass any human who dares to fly in their airspace.

But because of the ease of this time, Bell has forgotten this! Especially during this time, after the original pulp is slightly cooler, the bells fly out and fly back every time they go out of town, so the bells that have been used to flying will forget the taboos of these ice flying Warcraft.

Now think of the bells, I feel that I am still lucky, I must go through now not all the ice-based flying Warcraft is back! Only part of it, if it all came back ...!

Bells thought about the chills in his heart for a while, hey! Man! It's easy to forget something! Always forget something that should not be forgotten because some things are more convenient.

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