Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 773: There will be a few left

   This car is the same as the car of the Molite team that Lianling Dicardo used to ride before. It is a car with only a beam frame and no roof. There are two rows of chairs on the car, and the rear of the car is obviously a design that can be opened.

   These can't be concealed from the terminal of Lianling Decardo, which can be scanned and calculated by the terminal of advanced civilization, and is connected with the spiritual power of Lianling Decardo.

   Through terminal analysis, Lianling. Dicardo already knows that this car can actually have a roof, but the roof is closed by a mechanical device. Molit and Lang Lie both sat in the front positions, and they greeted August and Lang Feng to get into the car with a chat and laugh.

Lianling Dicardo got into the car directly. Now Lianling Dicardo plays the role of Ogu Dahan. His external appearance has always been a person who rarely talks. Therefore, Molit and Langlie did not, because Ogu has never spoken. Behave, and be unhappy.

   At this time, the two of them were only concerned about the next route, because the traveling car in front should have met the beasts all the way, but because of this special time now, they did not encounter any beasts' attacks along the way.

   Therefore, it only took four hours to complete the scheduled journey, so it seems that the following journey should be very safe. Molit drove the car fast, and kept chatting loudly with Lang Lie, and at this time some vehicles could already be seen on the road.

   These vehicles are like Molite's vehicles. They are simple vehicles with a skeleton and seats without opening the roof, and there are not many people in these vehicles.

Molit said suddenly: "It seems that at this time, there are a lot of people who want to pick up the bargain! If the guys behind us are the same way, then there are so many people in the Weeping Valley this time! Haha! These people I don’t know how many people will be left who can safely leave and return to the city after ten days?"

  Molit still smiled happily at the beginning, but then suddenly stopped laughing! And I don’t know what I thought of, but my expression started to be lonely!

   Langlie smiled and said at this time: "Molite is thinking too much! We are really strong! Someone will dare to trouble us along the way? In ten days, those beasts will attack the city!

   At that time, people on the road will probably return to the city! There will be no beasts in these ten days, these people are still safe! How come there are not a few left? "

   Wolf Lie, he didn't notice the light flashing in Molit's eyes at all, but he said his own opinions.

   And then Langfeng suddenly said: "Boss, I think Big Brother Molit is saying that when these people get the treasure, they will encounter an ambush!

   After all, before entering the city, someone will ambush those rewarding squads, but this time with such an obvious thing, and there are so many people coming out, I am afraid that when you want to enter the city this time, you will be attacked more!

   That's what Brother Molit said, yes! In the end, it is a difficult problem to enter the city smoothly! And there will be beasts everywhere at that time.

   In those cities themselves, there will be some upright robberies! For example, we need to think about the collection of items in the city. What should we do if we get the treasure?

   Otherwise, even if I put it in my space, I will be asked to take it all out! This way we might be really busy! After all, cities have machines that can detect types of abilities. Really, that kind of machine that can detect space abilities and space conditions is really troublesome! "

  Wolfwind can already think of the troubles that will be encountered when coming out of the Weeping Valley in a few days and going to nearby cities! What annoys him most is the machines that can detect space supernatural powers.

   These machines can detect who is the space supernatural person, and can also detect whether there are objects in the space supernatural person's space.

   This time, I and my eldest brother are preparing to enter the Valley of Weeping Weeping to make a good profit. What if they are detected by those machines and then all the cities are turned over?

   There are also those who ambushed halfway. You don't need to think about how many guys will be ready to rob, waiting on the road? But isn't it more dangerous not to go into the wild?

   There are beasts everywhere, and it is almost impossible to stay in the wild safely, so what should you and your boss do? Langfeng felt that his brain was about to explode!

Lang Lie turned around and looked at Lang Feng and said, "I said you are scaring yourself again! You are right. We may be in danger when we emerge from the Weeping Valley, but we cannot give up this golden opportunity because of these dangers. Right!

   There are drugs in the Valley of Weeping Weeping that can make supernatural powers advance by leaps and bounds! We are now level 4 abilities. After we take those drugs that can make rapid progress, maybe we will be level 6!

   By that time, we will be advanced abilities! Who dares to be rude to us? Then we won't be afraid of robbery, those guys!

   High-level fire type ability players are very powerful, and you are a space ability person. After entering the advanced level, it is said that space ability, but very powerful attack ability will appear!

   When you pass by a space blade, the opposite of UU reading will die! Who else is our brother afraid of? Haha! Weeping Valley! Our brother is coming, are you ready to give our brother the treasure? Haha! "

   Wolf Lie became more excited as he spoke, feeling that he had already got the treasure in the Weeping Valley! And those medicinal materials that are said to have powerful effects, there should be no beasts that usually guard them these days! Isn’t it the ideal time to go now? I really want to get there soon!

   Molit, listening to the words of the two brothers, although they were driving the car, Molit suddenly realized that Lang Lie was very reasonable!

   If you can really find the precious medicinal materials that are usually guarded by powerful beasts, you may not need to go to the thunder and lightning hell, and you can break through the threshold of the sixth-level high-level ability!

   Now is really a once in a lifetime, good time! Looking at the vehicles on the road again, it seems that there are many people with the same ideas as you?

   Morite thought of this place and swept Ogu mentally, and found that this Ogu had no expression when he heard what Wolf Lie said. It seems that this Ogu is indeed from a big family!

   Regarding the temptations that Lang Lie said, he could maintain a calm mind, and listened to them without expression! And at this time, Lian Ling Di Cado, who played the role of Ogu, was not unmoved by Wolf Lie's words.

   but Lian Ling. Di Cado didn't understand at all, why this wolflie? Why are you excited about what you haven't obtained yet? In the eyes of Lianling Decardo, I don't know at all, there is no need to be excited about what he will get!

   And what might exist in the imagination, does it really have that effect? I'm afraid this is Langlie's own imagination!


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