Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1113: Crazy idea

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[Leader Gaggen 110. There is a new leader this week, but the result is still less than ten, I will try my best ...]

Wang Qi continued his original topic: "After studying many ancient cases, there was a discovery, that is," One soul and two hearts produced by the acquired soul after being hurt by the soul, after practicing Zhongzheng Heping's righteous path exercises , It is possible to go through decentralized thoughts and even my way of doing it. 'I have some thoughts on this phenomenon. "

"First of all, we can be sure that one soul and two hearts are not absolutely impossible to reach the last step, and this method is not unreproducible, nor is it not reproducible by magic means."

"So first, I made such a conjecture. Perhaps, the so-called" double heart "is not really a" double heart ", but only two sides of a heart. Those" double heart people "are actually I found a way to integrate my own 'total will' into the body. "

Turing nodded his head: "It feels really possible. The two hearts of a double-hearted person actually share quite a lot of memory, and they also share the same body and soul."

Wang Qidao said: "Is there a possibility that we can construct a will out of thin air-something larger than our own will, to dominate everything, and then attach our own consciousness under this, to be a Does the system accommodate multiple consciousnesses? "

Turing's original calm expression suddenly became calm. He opened his eyes and stared at Wang Qi, and asked, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Wang Qi nodded: "This is an alternative kind of" creation ". If I really created such a system that can complete the infusion of different wills, it will be tantamount to one day, all races will be able to enter a unified The Great Circulation-This circulation takes the flow of spiritual power, which is more powerful than the planet's spiritual veins, as the "reality", and then the "will of the entire civilization" as the virtual phase. "

This is the upload of all human consciousness, and then into one.

"This is no different from an immortal who has refined the entire human race. We will never allow this kind of thing to exist."

Real Turing said so.

Wang Qi nodded: "What if I just use him on myself? Or is it all voluntary? Only discuss one or two from the perspective of spell practice."

Real Turing also shook his head: "That's also very unrealistic. In addition to the disapproval of people's hearts, you will also encounter two problems. First of all, your fictitious practice is actually the same as the Tianyan Catalog. Question. The more complicated your fictitious exercises are, the harder it is to operate them. If you really fill in the second will at the same stage as yours, you are sure that your exercises can still work. ? "

"At that time, the exercises will not necessarily work according to the person." Wang Qi replied: "Actually, I also found something very interesting on Linghuang Island."

Immediately afterwards, his hands presented the remains of the Kingdom of God left by the Holy Emperor. It looks like a sphere of light, with countless light spots of different colors in it.

"Well, I know you have such a miracle ..."

"This can be regarded as a calculator based on a cellular automatic mechanism based entirely on spiritual power." Wang Qidao said: "In fact, it is this kind of special structure that has inspired me. Two The gods should also be unable to coexist. However, the Holy Emperor used this method to create this thing. "

"Our exercises only operate according to the person. What if we put it in a larger system?"

Turing nodded his head: "It's okay to think so. It's just that you have a bigger problem-you can't create a will that is higher than human will. I just said that we know very little about will "Less." He said, clapping his hands and calling out: "Afu."

"Yes, lord."

In the void space, the air oscillated endlessly.

Wang Qi noticed the movement of the spirits in the whole room.

"This is the kind of thinking that I spent hundreds of years building from scratch. As you can see, its will is perfect, it can do many things, and it has strong analytical capabilities." Turing Real said: "However, it is far from producing the part of" instinct "and the concept of" self ". There will be no purpose in doing things, and there is no" thinking "in the conventional sense."

"We still don't know how simple things constitute complex will."

Wang Qi raised his hand and showed his ring: "But, we already have a true acquired will ..."

"This kind of acquired will, we have seen a lot in the past few hundred years-you are not the first case." Turing shook his head: "It's just that all this acquired will was born by chance. , And it ’s difficult to replicate. Long ago, we reproduced the process of the birth of the acquired will, but ... the results obtained are very unsatisfactory. We did not get the exact same result once, and the day after birth born using the same method The will is also strange, most of the thinking ability is incomplete, it is simply a madman-a kind of acquired will that can run smoothly, it is not lacking in Xianmeng. Qianji Pavilion has a backup, are you interested to see it ? "

Wang Qi shook his head: "Actually, I want to say ... this does not prevent us from conceiving some useful magical powers?"

"Even if you want to build a bypass, build a ... a spell from a practical point of view, but this requires that there is actually a will in the world that transcends the will of the human race." Turing shakes his head.

If you want to carry out a black box operation, you have to have a black box.

If "super-will" already exists in the world, why should Wang Qi seek the "super-will" in the future?

"In fact, there is." Wang Qidao said: "Actually, that 'master system" does not necessarily need to be better than the performance of the human will. The container itself should not compete with the contents of the performance. As long as it It can be accommodated. If the mind of a will can fully accommodate the will of a human race, then this will can be used as a container. "

"Considering this, the will of the Neptune class can be used as an imitation object."

Wang Qi felt that Mi's completely different way of thinking compared to the human race can accommodate the will of the human race.

Always be in the period of personality formation? That's just the "side" of Poseidon's personality. It is actually difficult for humans to understand the thinking of the non-human part of Poseidon.

He even suspected that the reason why he was able to complete the practice of "I am the same as before" during the Tandan period was because of the gift of "Brother Mi".

However, this kind of thinking is hard for him to recall. After returning to the human body, his way of thinking has become completely human.

"Ridiculous!" This is the second time that Turing live-action rebukes Wang Qi: "You guys ... how nonsense!"

If Wang Qi's vision can be realized, all the Shenzhou peoples can consider using the magical power to belong to the ocean of microbes-simply call this "human complementation plan".

"This is just a concept. I don't think I can achieve it, but I can proceed in this direction. Perhaps the extreme situation after this concept is realized is terrible, but it is not necessarily the end." Wang Qi emphasized again own thoughs.

"This idea is better to mention less." Turing real man shook his head again.

"Well, I actually have a more realistic idea." Wang Qi nodded and said: "For example, we can cultivate two sets of parallel mana flow systems, each of which is connected to our own lives, but each other. But it does n’t blend together. In this case, my “self” is actually the total consciousness that is integrated into the two different consciousness sides of the two sets of mana ... ”

This approach is actually the same as installing two systems on one computer, and partitioning should be done in advance.

This is also the least technically difficult of Wang Qi's ideas.

"Actually, you are making one soul and two hearts artificially, or it is no different from those outside the body." Turing real man shook his head again. Negative: "Furthermore, have you ever considered the difficulty of cultivation? It is also very easy to get caught in this way."

"Senior, I still think that we should not limit our thinking background to the concept of" personal body. "Wang Qi emphasized again.




For the next few days, Wang Qi has been discussing with Turing real people about the exercises.

At the beginning, Wang Qi was only elaborating on his recent thoughts. This was just a preliminary exchange between the two. .

In the next few days, Wang Qi repeatedly demonstrated his skills in front of Turing real people, and obtained the guidance of this powerful monk.

This is one of the reasons why Wang Qi insisted on seeing the real people. Wang Qi is already a monk in the Dandan period, and his skills have exceeded the limit that can be simulated in Wanxian Fantasy Realm.

Although the two sides have some differences in the general direction, the details of the amendments can still be improved.

And Wang Qi's primary goal-at least to re-introduce Jarvis into his own mana, but it is impossible to achieve.

His technique is to simulate the calculator, but Jarvis is not only the information flowing inside the calculator, but the acquired will transformed from his Wang Qi ’s will. It is also very difficult to integrate. big.

However, Wang Qi still felt that he really benefited a lot, and was closer to his goal.

Even if it's just a little, it's good.

This deduction continued for several days. Soon, Wang Qi felt that the things that could be discussed in the current theoretical framework have been discussed almost, and the rest can only be deduced slowly by himself.

Real Turing thought so. So, on the last day, he called Wang Qi after the discussion and said, "Actually, I have another idea for this mana-constrained solution. If you can listen to it if you can develop Thinking, it would be best. "

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