Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1118: Shigekai Shinkyo

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Today, Wang Qi is already a monk of the Tandan period. From the distance from Leiyang to Shenjing, he can even come directly by Dunguang, no slower than the Lingzhou. Considering that there is no need to wait for the spirit boat to depart, he is now a little faster than riding a spirit boat.

He was no longer the little monk who came to Shenjing.

However, Shenjing is no longer like Shenjing in the past.

The changes here are simply appalling.

What is now displayed in front of Wang Qi is a modern metropolis lined with tall buildings-apart from the lack of the extremely simple architectural style on the earth, all the landmark buildings are antique, there is no difference from those on the earth.

Even the traffic on the road is the same.

No no ... from another level, there is a difference.

A huge phantom layer arranged above this city.

Wanxian Fantasyland is a miracle array arranged in half of the solar system, but without a calculator, Wanxian Fantasyland does not seem to exist. And this illusion layer is only open to those who have the permission of Xinnet.

This is a huge AR system.

Looking at the busy and contented expression on the streets of mortals, Wang Qi smiled slightly.

"This time, mortals are also meaningful to us."

On the way to Shenjingzhangtai, he also occasionally saw some weird idols in the streets. These gods are also weird. Not only does the fairy above have no majesty, but vaguely reveals a shabby look. In addition, the names of these gods do not include the names of "Great God", "Great Immortal", "Old Master", "Maid" and "Wang Ye", but they are very ... approachable.

For example, "Shenjing West District General Affairs Spirit".

For example, "Shenjing Commander of Anti-theft".

Another example is, "The official official of the Department of Culture and Entertainment."

It is completely different from Shinto ’s policy of “pulling away the distance” and “enforcing the power” in the past tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, there is a very conspicuous line of text under those stickers.

"This **** is the public servant of the **** Jingli Min. If necessary, he can call out while holding the spell and go away if he casts."

Then there was another line of small characters, showing the Shinto means of communicating this god.

This kind of Shinto method was also carefully designed, and there is no need to offer incense and faith to the gods. Moreover, only the impoverished Shenjing Poor can cast it.

"I really want to change the pattern of eternity." Wang Qi sighed.

These gods are naturally the new identity of the high-level monk he brought back from Linghuang Island.

Presumably, Xianmeng also talked to them in the past two months. They can no longer practice ancient methods themselves. If they want to live forever, they can only bet on Xianmeng.

The most magical means passed on to the people is the magical illusion of high-level monks to deal with some things.

However, for many mortals, this is enough. What they need to deal with will not be a fierce battle.

However, when I think of those high-level ancient monks who were high in the past, they were so greeted by the mortals they had looked down upon before, and they accepted the labor transformation of the mortal class ... Pooh hahahahaha!

"The Shinto chapter of the two-phase virtual and physical exercises has also been put on the agenda." Wang Qi thought so, walked through half a city, and finally flew to Shenjing Zhangtai.

Xu Xueqing appeared in front of him: "Are you going to see those low-level monks out of responsibility?"

She is a monk in the fit period, and her spiritual awareness can reach as far as a city. As soon as Wang Qi appeared in Shenjing, she was discovered.

As for Wang Qi's breath, Xu Xueqing naturally did not dare to neglect. On the one hand, Wang Qi's beheading of Saint Emperor was still a matter of these few months. She still remembers how the Saint Emperor who seemed invincible was killed a little bit by this monk of the Tandan period. On the other hand, he also understands Wang Qi ’s extraordinary status in Xianmeng these days.

Peerless genius, the future is free, and most of them are the top ones!

"Speaking is still so detrimental." Wang Qi didn't care.

This sister has a low opinion of him, and he has long been used to it.

At this time, Shenjing Festival made Zhuang Xueling also come out and saluted Wang Qi: "Wang Daoyou."

Now, no one has treated Wang Qi as an ordinary monk monk.

Wang Qidao: "A few hours ago, I should have submitted an application through formal channels ..."

"Those new" Elective Divine Cultivations "are still working. Considering the order of Shenjing, I think you should ask Daoyou to wait for a while. They will be free after an hour."

Wang Qi nodded, no opinion, but was interested in another thing in Zhuang Xueling's mouth: "Well, 'Choosing Shen Xiu'? What is that?"

"Eligible to be chosen as a monk of God." Zhuang Xueling said: "Shen Jing is running, there are indeed many places that need the" public servant "general characters. However, the magic thing is the magic thing, and there is no hurry to come, so we Only a part of the **** body is prepared. Among these **** bodies, there are some gods that are not so flattering ... "

Even Xu Xueqing, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help but laugh: "The **** of clean running runs the place of the reincarnation of the five grains, and no one wants to be. Then Shen Jing Gong Cao Zhi Shen, Lu Hu Zhi Shen, Si Cang The gods of work are all high-level subordinates under Dajing Zhaoyin, and everyone is rushing to be a prince. "

It seemed that he was also an ancient Faxiu, so he didn't smile so kindly, and Xu Xueqing quickly stopped talking. Then, Zhuang Xueling went on to add: "Considering that these things are all folk, we should not intervene, so we let them go and let them fight for the incense. In the end, whoever gets more incense will win. . "

Wang Qi blinked, his heart was still filled with emotion.

-It turned out that it was time for the general election ...

This is also one of the signs that mortals began to join the fairy tale.

...................................................................................................................................................... ...

Mrs. Huan Sha has been very proud of her breeze recently.

So that the spring breeze is proud.

With her qualifications, there was no hope of being divided into cents. Although in theory, as long as there are enough resources, she can take that step, but she also knows that as long as the Holy Emperor is present, the Dragon family is present, and the extravagance is present, she will never want to collect so many resources.

Her heart to the Tao is not very good at all, and she has no feelings for Ancient Faxiu and Linghuang Island.

Although Xianmeng's "promise", she did not think it was credible, but at least not worse than Linghuang Island.


"Did you ever fight me when fighting for the throne?"

Huan Sha is really very proud of his recent achievements.

The mind-magic sect is a magical school, but it is not only sure of the dark side of the human heart. On the contrary, for such a Demon Sect with a strong heritage, the kindness, light, and spirit of the human heart also need to be grasped.

And these positive grasps of the people's hearts let her benefit greatly in the battle for the **** position.

"To fight for the throne is to fight for incense, which is the old saying" Buddha fights for incense "."

"If you want to fight for incense, you must grasp the hearts of those mortals."

"Their foolish mind can easily give love or hate to a person above for no reason."

"One of the mysterious applications, one mind. Those idiots who only know about fighting will not understand."

The "stupid" in her mouth is naturally the ancient Faxiu who came to Shenjing with her.

Wang Qi conquered not many high-level ancient methods, and counted those in Luochenjian Palace as ten digits. These divided monks, all invested in the fight for the **** position.

If she is as usual, she doesn't want to compete with those people. Especially the sword-cultivators of Luochen Sword Palace, Mei Sicheng, Zhao Xiangshen, Ru Tianqi, and Sima Jue, each of which is above her.

However, this is a fight for incense. Those sword repairers only know to go straight, but how can they compete for the people?

Now, Mei Sicheng, who was originally firm in the heart of Taoism, reluctantly cheered up, while Zhao Xiangshen was still in depression and would not pose a threat. As for Ru Tianqi, his Dao heart is firm. Due to the misery of his life, he has not suffered any blows this time. However, among the divided **** monks in Luochen Sword Palace, he is the least human.

Now the Dust Sword Palace is the most threatening to Huan Sha, but it is Sima Jue, who is good at drilling camps and not like sword repairs!

"Originally, my status was not high, and Sima Jue was also a marginal man in Luochen Sword Palace. But now? The three elders have been trampled down by me. The originally inconspicuous Sima Jue became my enemy.

Mrs. Huan Sha looked down at Shenjing from a height, and felt that her every move could affect the livelihood of mortal people in this city.

At this time, she received a notice.

"Well, after spending the busiest time, report to Zhangtai ..."

The busiest time for Shenjing is the time when schools are out of school and working in various places.

Not long after, Huansha felt that her mana phantom use was gradually decreasing, and her body pressure was steadily decreasing. Soon, she set off for Zhangtai.

Almost all the monks in the split-phase period and many infancy monks also came. They got together. For this unexpected notification, these ancient laws were also discussed.

This has never happened on Linghuang Island. The summons of Saint Emperor, they absolutely dared not talk about it.

Zhuang Xueling introduced these people into a room. Wang Qi leaned on a chair to read. He was very happy to see these people coming in: "Everyone, see you again. It's a trivial matter when I call you here. I hope you can cooperate with me ..."

Before Wang Qi's words were finished, it was a flurry of chickens and dogs.

Mrs. Huan Sha screamed and came back, leaning back and forth, holding two fellow Yuanying monks in front of her. Ru Tianqi's body shook three times, and Sima Jue simply shivered his legs and feet. Zhao Xiangshen also retreated one after another.

Zhuang Xueling murmured in his heart and asked Xu Xueqing: "Ancient Faxiu ... Isn't Dao Xin demanding it now?"

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