Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1123: It really is your style

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Chen Youjia came to see Wang Qi on the morning of the eighth day.

She looked at Wang Qi and shook her head: "I still think you are too ... it's hard to tell you what you did."

"I know that even Zong Lizong actually doesn't like me, and now they just feel that they have believed in false advertisements, and their dissatisfaction with me has deepened a little." Wang Qi still doesn't care: "If nausea can be quantified, At this time, the increase in their disgust towards me was at best one, and their disgust towards me had already reached three digits-not worse. "

Chen Youjia looked at Wang Qi deeply: "Is this matter urgent for you?"

Wang Qi pondered: "Well ... it's really urgent. I am still very interested in some things."

Su Junyu talked aside: "I also think you want to go wrong ... If you really want to break into a new field, it is best to train a group of students. Even if you want to find like-minded people, This should not be used. "

Wang Qi shrugged.

This is also something that cannot be done.

In the field of mathematical logic, he has pushed it to the peak, and it is almost over. Although this "coming soon" is often carried out in units of ten or a hundred years, it is still not a long time compared to the monk's Shou Yuan.

In the foreseeable future, apart from the "force method", there are few exciting achievements like "incomplete".

Considering his idea of ​​postponing the achievement of Yuanshen, perhaps after completing the path that can be taken on the earth, Wang Qi may not have broken through the sky.

At this time, some research in other fields was of great significance to him.

Xianmeng is also terrible in some ways. Only if Wang Qi maintains his "high yield" genius aura, many of his ideas can be smoothly implemented here.

Moreover, if he wants to complete the breakthrough of the reality primordial spirit in the field of physics, then the theory of Bourbaki School still has some necessity.

The mysterious phenomenon that initially caused the planet to be strangely related to the history of the earth gradually weakened after the appearance of "Mei Gemu's predecessor [that is," Hong Tian Ma Jun "]", and some that should appear before or after that The peers of top scholars did not appear.

For example, the early leaders of the Bulbaki school, Jiadang and his son, they did not appear. Some of Jiadang's early achievements were completed by Geting School. For example, the important theory called "Einstein Cartan Theory" on the earth, which introduced the concept of space-time torsion, was proposed by the Geting School. In this world, the theory known as non-Jian Li's torsion theory has a lot of applications in a series of spells such as Dongtian shape ruler.

However, after all, the Bulbaki School and the Geting School are different. The difference between the two schools of thought is obvious. It is very difficult to expect the Geting School to be able to accept the views Wang Qi now needs.

The Bulbaki School is a group of people who are free and rigorous in thinking, and have developed together under a similar idea. Each of them presented their own bricks and tiles for this "mathematical building" from their own ideas. This theoretical system does not have any special signs or special problems, and some are complex and rigorous overwhelming relatives to individuals.

In Geting School, everyone is a student of the fortune teller.

Wang Qi only came by himself.

It's just that it's not simple.

If Wang Qi is a Yuanshen monk, or has the opportunity to teach some disciples in the true sense, then he can easily find disciples who can follow his way of thinking and build this great whole with him.

But he didn't.

Just like the "teacher qualification certificate" on earth, Xianmeng has a similar system.

Just as the teacher qualification certificate has strict academic requirements, Xianmeng stipulates that those who do not enter the Yuanshen may not officially teach [privately teach some people some things, of course there is no problem, but it is not allowed to spread any unauthorized Recognized non-mainstream theories. 】

That is to say, if you don't become a Yuanshen, after all, there is no way to grow your team through this "disciple gate".

As for the same disciple ... Do n’t say that Wang Qi ca n’t be regarded as a formal disciple of Feng Luoyi, even if it is, Feng Luoyi is not good at teaching disciples himself, and he does n’t have a few disciples who are active on the bright side. To Wang Qi.

Therefore, Wang Qi had to spread his ideas widely through this "preaching" model.

In these two days of preaching, he focused on what was hard to show in the paper.

That is the process of thinking.

The person who can be attracted to this process of thinking must be the "like-minded person" he hopes for.

On the eighth day, there were far fewer people coming to the door of Wang Qi ’s house on time. At least a lot less than the "grand event" that the high platform could not stand.

Not only was Wang Qi not disappointed, he was rather happy.

Maybe when his family can stand up when there are few people, that is, when he can start formally?

Because the number is much smaller, it is more convenient for the people who stayed to ask questions, and Wang Qi has more communication with the discussants than the previous two days.

There are still some people with different thoughts trying to point out Wang Qi's problems through this form of communication and see how Wang Qi will react. Since Wang Qi is already "unusual" at this time, most of these questions can be answered.

But there were some problems, which did make him feel a little tricky. And some of them made him feel a little stunned.

For these problems, Wang Qi accepted them with humility.

This allows others to "see" a signal.

-This is indeed a beginner, and I really want to work in this direction.

Once this concept was formed, some people who had the intention to see what Wang Qi was doing, and planned to follow the research points of hot spots later, retired.

They originally came to have illusions about Wang Qi's legendary experience of overthrowing the fortune-teller and dangerously shaking the entire Geting School. But Wang Qi is a beginner himself in this field ...

Forget it, they still don't have the courage to press the seemingly promising future on a beginner.

On the tenth day, there were fewer people coming.

And gradually, new rumors spread within the Ten Thousand Famen.

"It seems that the genius named Wang Qi is soft this time."


"In this field, I finally knew I was a man with his tail clipped."

"Also, in the field of topology, even if Jun is one day, Lianzong will dominate for a day."

"Not to mention, dogs that can bite are not barking. Who knows if one day he will hold a subversive thing out?"

"Oh, kidding, it doesn't look like a fortune-teller. The foundation of the field of algebraic topology is very solid. He wants to subvert the whole foundation like last time. It is impossible."

"However, if he can solve the conjecture of Shujun, maybe ..."

"It doesn't mean anything. There are many areas of interest in Shujun, is there such a problem that I don't want to spend too much time at the moment, is it strange?"

The outside world's guesses have not affected Wang Qi's pace.

He still can't touch the thunder every day to discuss problems with those monk monks who gathered at his door, enrich themselves with these problems, comb his new ideas with his own thinking, and then use them to communicate with others.

However, this calmness has made some people look over.

On the fifteenth day of Wang Qi ’s exchange activity, a monk quietly asked Wang Qi after the exchange: “Wang Daoyou, have you really had no great plans lately?”

Wang Qi couldn't help crying: "What a great plan? What are you talking about?"

He knew the monk. His name is Zhao Qingtan. He is a newly born Yuanshen monk. He is a student of Ruo Che Fairy, but the relationship between teachers and teachers is a bit far away. His main research areas are homology groups and elementary groups, and he also has a little to do with ring theory.

For Wang Qi, this kind of person is also a good partner.

Zhao Qingtan lowered his voice: "Just say, in which direction are you heading? Is the ultimate goal a three-dimensional Ponzi guess?"

"I am just a beginner in the field of topology." Wang Qi emphasized again: "Furthermore, I am still more interested in" general "knowledge."

"General ... can it be extended to a wider range?" Zhao Qingtan said: "I have heard you emphasize the concept of generality more than once."

"Well, to put it simply, I am not planning to study a certain problem of algebraic topology now, but to study the algebraic topology itself, or the broader structure below it."

"The calculation of the yuan calculation ... really is the calculation of the yuan calculation." Zhao Qingtan looked at Wang Qi deeply: "I have paid attention to these two days ... you seem to be particularly concerned about some conceptual issues, even There is the idea of ​​redefining or normalizing. Do you want to study the meta-calculation? Also 'deeper structure'? "

"No problem?" Wang Qi said: "It's just an idea."

"It's enough to study the calculation of the elementary calculation, or the calculation of the elementary calculation in the algebraic topology." Zhao Qingtan took two steps back. Su Junyu and Chen Youjia, who had just opened the door, saw this scene and felt something unusual.

"You must be crazy." Zhao Qingtan is still retreating: "It's okay to study the meta-calculation, and study in the field of topology ... Are you even more powerful than the master?"

"No such idea." Wang Qi shook his head: "Why do you always fill my brain with some ideas that are not there? I just think that this direction is very meaningful and very interesting. Keep doing it."

"You really don't know anything ..." Zhao Qingtan turned away.

However, Su Junyu and Chen Youjia's faces changed.

The calculation of yuan calculation is originally an idea of ​​the owner. His ideal of "completeness, compatibility, and decidability" is also based on this idea.

Wang Qi's "incompleteness" made the fortune teller retreat, and then Wang Qi started to do the yuan calculation again. No matter what he thinks, others will feel that he is arrogant and feels that he is above the past.

And the domain topology he chose ... is the area where Lian Zong is good at.

At that time, the calculation of the master's yuan calculation was only carried out on the off-site site such as "calculation", but it was not like Wang Qi, directly on the chassis of Lian Zong.

In the eyes of others, it is still a provocation.

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