Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1129: Two papers

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"It's almost done."

After the crowd left, Wang Qi relaxed slightly. He leaned on his desk, slightly relieved.

A staged victory was achieved.

He is not without support now.

For Wang Qi, He Waier is the best "thigh" at this stage. Although Feng Luoyi secretly deployed the entire Xianmeng, although he was in power, he was still unknown, and he had only secretly dispatched Xianmeng's affairs. And this kind of scheduling work also greatly involved his energy. As far as Wang Qi knows, Feng Luoyi's remaining energy is now all in logic.

And He Waier is different. He himself was a disciple of the fortune teller, and later invested in Lianzong. His structured mathematical ideas are closer to the Bulbaki school than other Geting Schools. He Waier is likely to support him. In addition, He Waier, as a leader of the Geting School, has always appeared in the Ten Thousand Famen in his real body.

Moreover, he is still the leader of the Geting School.

He Waierguang supports many things in secret.

"Very well, since all external troubles have been wiped out, then I can concentrate on what I want to do."

Wang Qisong loosened his muscles, sat back again, took out the pen and paper, and began to write.

New papers.

I haven't felt it for a long time.

Wang Qi's mind quickly clarified, and many ideas of algebraic topology emerged in his mind these days. For a while, he was not sure which part to choose as his first paper. Because when he initially asked himself to think, he ignored the "purpose" and simply thought about the structure.

This way of thinking may not be suitable for being reflected in a short "paper"-of course, it may just be that Wang Qi is not very adapted to this way of thinking.

This is Grothendieck's way of thinking that day.

In addition to changing the practice of combining self-consciousness and mana, Wang Qi also expanded his thinking in certain ways.

If one day, he had to break through the stage of primordial spirit with the current stage of the law, he at least hoped that at that time, he already had his own thinking beyond the present.

Imitating other geniuses, it is easy to fall into a situation where no trace can be found. Because other geniuses either rely on effort or inspiration-of course, many rely on both at the same time. But among them, only Grothendieck is famous for its different ways of thinking.

Wang Qi now does not know how Grothendieck thought, but this period of history is very close to the professional relationship of his previous life. He is at least familiar with this period of history, at least part of Grothendieck's life trajectory.

He is deliberately training himself to approach the thinking that once changed the entire planet.

Numerous problems are presented in Wang Qi's eyes with a new structure. Those propositions, formulas, and theorems are still the original content in Wang Qi's eyes, but somehow, Wang Qi actually gave birth to the taste of "seeing mountains not mountains, seeing water not water".

He knew that he seemed to be one step closer to the "broader mathematical structure under the theorem".

So he knew what was in his mind and began to raise the pen, first writing the outline.

This time, he wanted to write two papers.

The first article is his thinking on the field of singular singular topology these days.

"Shape" is a concept put forward by Pang Jialai, and it is the sum of a group of crystal planes connected by symmetrical elements. Regular tetrahedrons, cubes, octahedrons, and more complex complex tetragonal partial triangles, and partial complex dodecahedrons, all belong to geometric simplex. There are forty-seven types of this simplex.

Shape is the most basic construction of geometry-at least in the eyes of Shujun.

The study of the properties of simplex and its expression in highly abstract metaphysical algebra is the simplex algebraic topology.

It is a subject that ignores specific geometric figures and explores all kinds of subtleties completely in the language of "concept".

Use "metaphysical" instead of "metaphysical", "abstract" instead of "concrete", and "concept" instead of "operation".

This is the most unconventional idea.

Only on the Lianzong side, the monks will regard it as evil.

——Although the algebraic topology was created by Shujun. For Shujun, this is just a by-product of his research on the "multiple calculations" [three-body problem, N-body problem].

When the master was young, he solved a special problem based on this kind of divorce.

This question is called "the invariable source question", which is one of the branches of mathematics. Just ask, can any given homogeneous polynomial be expressed as several invariants? Is the total number of these invariants limited? Is there a connection between these finite invariants, or basic invariants?

At that time, another monk was able to solve the problem and broke through the last level to achieve the free [before the devil's rebellion]. The monk who initially charged the problem came to the conclusion that when the degree of the polynomial is greater than eight, it is impossible to solve with a finite invariant. However, the monk corrected this error. He can prove that the invariant of any two-variable form can become the most basic invariant. His proof process is almost a book, but there are countless specific formulas that make people convinced.

This monk was then known as the "permanent king" Ge Dan.

The operator has only used a very short process to prove this. Unlike the predecessor Heng Chang Wang, he wrote down the proof process of the invariant one by one, formula by formula, step by step through specific formulas. The operator just proceeded through the basic theorem and carried out the basic logical calculation. The whole process did not involve any specific inequalities, nor any specific figures.

Even Ge Dan, who has been respected as the "permanent king", exclaimed in horror: "This is not counted! Xuan Zai!"

——This is not mathematics, this is metaphysics!

After more than ten or twenty years, the monks gradually became accustomed to this wonderful proof. At this time, King Hengchang changed his mind and hummed something like "Mysterious and Mysterious, the Gate of All Mysteries".

And this time it proves that it is also the story of the Lord when he broke the sky.

It is very similar to Wang Qi's experience now. It's just that the predecessors who were shocked by the young fortune-teller just shake their hearts. There is nothing wrong with King Heng Chang himself, he just did not find a "shortcut"-a shortcut that only certain thinking can find.

Wang Qi completely denied the belief of the operator.

It is strange to say that even though Wang Qi denied the fortune teller, he still felt that the fortune teller was full of people and even inspired himself with the deed of the fortune teller. All right.".

This is the first time that Lizong will shine in Shenzhou Xiandao.

Grothendieck is more extreme than the owner ’s thinking. This genius on earth does not even care about any specific problems, he just studies mathematics itself, and then solves the problems by the way.

Soon, the first paper was finished.

Wang Qi looked back and shook his head and smiled: "This is a whole article of whispering stuff, no one loves to watch it."

This piece of his paper can be described as rigorous logic, interlocking thinking process. But in the eyes of ordinary Falun Dafa disciples, this paper seems to be a lot of nonsense, and it can't be understood at all.

This is just a summary of Wang Qi's thinking over the past few days.

Then, Wang Qi began to write the second article.

This second article is much easier to write than the first one. This paper mainly introduces a mathematical tool developed by algebraic topology.

-Layer theory.

Unlike the first paper that introduces one's own ideas, this kind of paper that introduces a certain mathematical tool is born with a very specific direction.

As long as the direction is specific and the conclusion is specific, you can easily write a paper with limited space.

Grothendieck's most cited papers of his life are also of this nature.

Wang Qi closed his eyes, brewed in his heart, and then opened.

Uh, uh, uh.

"" New Daoqi-a class of mappings describing topological spaces "."

"" Lateral Coherence and Spectral Sequence "."

"This topic is divided into two parts to explain it."

The first chapter is a preliminary definition layer, and the second chapter introduces other definitions, properties and concepts of the layer.

"Differentiation ... Mapping ..."

With Wang Qi's writing, his exercises once again changed slightly. Numerous operators in Wang Qi's body differentiated according to certain rules, and then the strength of his body waved and gradually differentiated, forming a new flow between them.

Relative to highly abstract concepts, this type of thing is most easily translated into actual practice.

Not to mention, these mathematics have practical applications in the two cutting-edge physics fields of condensed matter and gauge field.

For Wang Qi, a simple transformation can easily transform into his own practice.


Two days passed in a hurry.

At noon the next day, those "communicators" who received the notice in advance arrived at the door of Wang Qi's house early. For this team of nearly 100 people, Wang Qi smiled and pointed to the tables and chairs arranged at the door, saying: "You guys, sit."

Zhao Qingtan felt that although Wang Qi was tired, his breath gave him a sense of "unpredictable". He was excited, and asked, "Wang Qi, are you making progress again?"

"Slight progress, not enough."

For Wang Qi, what he asked for was nothing more than a small branch of the Bulbaki school, which is a huge system, but others were very excited.

——This guy, what do you say “temporarily do a little basic work, learn one”, is this not fruitful?

——Follow him, there will always be nothing wrong.

Wang Qi cleared his throat and said, "I also thought about it. It is good for everyone to have a fixed number of people to communicate. However, the reason why everyone gathers and discusses is because we share each other's interests. But, I Letters have always been unpopular, and no one knows who will change their minds on which day. In order not to disappoint everyone, we must make a charter before we discuss it-you have no opinions. "

Everyone's spirits were stern.

The flesh is here.

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