Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: Layer theory

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Wang Qi leaned against the bookcase and let his thoughts float.

The question Lu Xiaoqian sent to him yesterday really shocked him.

I don't know for what reason, this world has very advanced macroscopic theories. Many branches of astrophysics are very powerful, and some are even close to the earth. The relativistic model is also more accurate than that of the earth. Wang Qi speculates that this may be because of the existence of Xianlu, Xianmeng's astronomical observation is more convenient, or the various astronomical telescopes made by spells are very powerful.

The physics at the micro level is much slower. At the subatomic scale, the disturbance of Reiki has reached a terrible level.

Wang Qi even felt that perhaps a more microscopic structure would take another decade or two to come up with.

However, this guess is not necessarily accurate.

The development of physical theory is often accompanied by the development of mathematical theory, but the development of mathematical theory is not the motivation of physical theory. Mathematics is the "language" that physics expresses itself. If the level of mathematics is insufficient, many concepts in physics cannot be well expressed, but some theoretical conjectures, concepts, etc., do not depend on the development of mathematics.

The internal reason for the development of physics itself is always "experiment".

It's just that the existence of Reiki makes the experiment of this universe even more unconditional, and the condition that does not exist on this earth is one of the most basic physical laws of this universe. The selective phenomenon will bring great interference to many experiments. The more microscopic things, the greater the disturbance.

Wang Qi did not dare to imagine how strange the matter of this universe would be at the Planck scale.

The more the macro level, the less the matter is disturbed by spiritual force, and the closer it is to the universe where the earth is located.

Relatively speaking, the thinking of the earth is also easier to set up, and the research in the macro field is slightly less difficult.

However, considering the various spatio-temporal phenomena left by the aura in this universe, this "smaller" one is probably more than a thousand times larger than the universe in which the earth is located.

As for the microscopic field, it is even more terrible.

I do n’t know how much power Xianmeng has put in to accumulate enough experimental data, and how many monks are extremely careful to extract meaningful models from it.

Shenzhou is using 10,000 times the productivity of the earth to overcome 100,000 times the hardships encountered by earth scientists.

"It seems that" quark "is coming out soon? In fact, I should be able to use this as an opportunity to formally intervene in the research field of the way of logistics?

"Well, this is indeed a good idea. The research results of the Bulbaki school are indeed inseparable from many contents in this field ... the normative field and the condensed state ..."

"However, the condensed matter studies the middle part of micro to macro ... transition? But after all matter involves the field of quantum, it belongs to the field of condensed matter ... Is this actually more suitable for Burning Valley?"

Just when Wang Qi thought, Su Junyu reminded: "Brother ... Brother! Everyone is here!"

Wang Qi recovered and nodded. This is the study of Wang Qi's house-Wang Qi feels that this can be compared with some smaller libraries. Wang Qi pushed all the bookshelves to the wall, and then filled the entire bookshelf with his long-term rental of academic monographs. These monographs include almost all known mathematical fields except the field of number theory. In the center of the study room, some tables and chairs are placed at will, as well as a little spirit tea and clear water-Wang Qi himself does not understand the tea ceremony, so he can only ask guests to do it himself.

Wang Qi said to everyone: "Today is the first time we have officially opened a seminar. Since this is the first time, there must be a lot of ideas in everyone's mind, it is difficult to unify, so this time, I will set the theme, you have no opinion. ? "

"You say it!"

"Brother, we all listen to you."

"We will serve you in this house."


Wang Qi nodded and said, "Then I will stipulate this charter. After that, our discussion class will be once every three days, half a day each time. Then, we will be assigned to Class A and Class B. Class A starts today. The first discussion, the second time of Class B is tomorrow. Three days later, the second discussion of Class A, and four days later, the second discussion of Class B, each class is once every three days. So, is it okay? "

Wei Cang stood up, with some doubts: "Why do you want to arrange classes specially? Such two classes ..."

"You listen to me first." Wang Qi waved his hand, beckoning them to quiet down first.

"The main purpose of this is to allow some people to concentrate their energy in their own field. When you have time, you can focus on another field-in general, the two fields go hand in hand, Learn from each other. I don't want to force some people to go to Class A and which people to go to Class B. Both are voluntary. "

Wei Cang thought for a while and asked, "Can we join two classes at the same time?"

"It's okay, as long as you feel you have the ability to keep up at the same time." Wang Qi nodded.

Anyone who volunteers to work hard will like it.

Wang Qi finally announced: "If Class A, the main field is algebraic topology. Homology and homotopy, and the introduction of differential thinking are the key directions. Class B will do the pan-sky variable solution [functional analysis]-this is my The main field of attack, I hope everyone can think with me ... "

Some monks, such as Zhao Qingtan, who were influenced by many ideas of the Geting School, secretly decided to go to Class B, or put their main energy on Class B.

"Analysis ... Pan-natural law, this is the field I am familiar with." Zhao Qingtan secretly determined: "My talent is not so outstanding, I must concentrate on it!"

Some other people have such thoughts in their hearts.

Functional analysis, in this world, is still established to a very high level by the accountant. But the algebraic topology ... Although Junjun created the algebraic topology with his own efforts and developed it to a relatively perfect height, but Junjun himself did not like this kind of tool that favored the idea of ​​alienation. He just regarded it as a by-product of a calculation problem.

Therefore, for more than half of people, Class B's appeal is much stronger than Class A.

However, Wang Qi's next sentence made everyone simmer.

"The subject of Class B is the topological linear space. The current topic is the locally convex space and its duality. As for the subject of Class A, it is the simplex algebraic topology we have studied before, and-this."

Wang Qi once again took out a stack of papers: "This is the paper I wrote before, you take a look. For this new arithmetic tool, I call it the" layer "."

"This is ... a new arithmetical tool for depicting some kind of symmetrical structure!" Zhao Qingtan shook his hand and almost shredded the paper in his hand.

Homemade? Arithmetic?

This this……

He instantly forgot his determination just now.

Can Class A be exposed to a new theory at the beginning? This is really exciting!

...................................................................................................................................................... ……………………

In Ge Ting Zhai, a few monks either read books quietly, or bury their heads in writing.

It is different from the bustling Getingzhai in the past. Getingzhai at this time has revealed some twilight. Many monks who used to travel frequently did not come after the owner retired. There were also fewer monks who came to ask in person.

He Waier laid down the book in his hand, a little sad.

——I'm still not as good as the teacher ...

The Geting School has now shown a bit of a rundown.

"It's better to work harder than to sigh here," Ai Ruoche said abruptly.

She was sitting not far from Howell. Ai Ruoche's voice was not loud, and his eyes never seemed to leave the calculation in front of him.

He Waier smiled bitterly: "It's not that simple-it is very rare to be able to revitalize the achievements of a school."

"You left a lot of models in the field of natural logistics before. If you can fully prove it, the reputation of the Geting school may be able to revive."

"Then I might as well continue to pin my hopes on algebraic number theory." He Waier shook his head. The several micro models he left behind, as well as a wrong gauge field model, were basically impossible to prove in a short time.

There was another silence.

Ai Ruoche asked: "Did you see Wang Qi?"

He Waier nodded.

"Maybe you can discuss with Mr. Yue Han through Wang Qi and let him participate in the gathering of Ge Ting Zhai." Ai Ruo sighed: "Although I am not willing, but ... they are right this time."

Incomplete and undecidable has triggered a frenzy in the field of mathematics and logic. Feng Luoyi is now madly rushing on it, and Wan Xian's fantasy world is also the same every day. Among the courts, there are still many monks who are emotionally reluctant to accept incompleteness. Many people are still trying to get around the incomplete, undecidable spell. Feng Luoyi gradually became estranged from Geting School.

However, academic relations have become estranged, and the personal relationships of the past are always there. If He Waier really went to discuss with Feng Luoyi, Feng Luoyi would definitely come to Ge Ting Zhai again.

However, He Waier shook his head: "After all, it is a straggler ... and this time we are astray, it is us. We should think about how to pull the Geting School back, instead of asking others to sacrifice their mentality of study , Thoughts to accompany us. "

Ai Ruoche was also sad.

He Waier continued: "In addition, the **** did not want to find Yue Han through Wang Qi, but wanted to pull Wang Qi into the court."

Ai Ruoche frowned. Although subjectively, she does not like this guy who harms Ge Ting in such a situation, but if he is talented, he is definitely qualified to enter Ge Ting Zhai.

"The results of it?"

He Waier shook his head and handed out three papers: "See for yourself."

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