Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1176: the truth

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On the defensive line at the edge of the asteroid belt, the anxious Mr. Woshen asked his deputy for the third time: "How is it? How is it on their side now?"

Hearing that his disciple was in danger, Mr. Wo Shen fell into anxiety. If it weren't for taking into account the distance between the two places and relying on his own way to escape, he was afraid that it would take a day or two and he was too late to save people. He would have turned back to Tianfu.

Mr. Long Zongda, Mr. Wo Shen's deputy, is always following the contact. However, there is still no news from Tian Yu.

When Mr. Wo Shen's patience was about to wear out for the fourth time, Lang Zongda finally shouted: "Mr. Zhan, is there any news over Tian Yu?"

"How is it? Is the dead?" Mr. Woshen asked eagerly.

Lang Zongda smiled bitterly: "It's still alive, although Ai Qinglan was poisoned, but it didn't matter. The Taoist friends of the Dragon clan said that it would be lifted soon. Chen Feng, a disciple of Yangshen Pavilion, fell into a coma because of the counterattack caused by the ants. He has fallen into the sea of ​​knowledge of the ant tribe. If this is not good, it will affect consciousness. "

"Always alive, there is always hope." Zhan Woshen breathed a sigh of relief, and then scolded: "Those guys from the Dragon Clan ... they didn't treat us as humans at all!"

"Of course they took us as human beings. In their eyes, we are like people." At this time, the illusion of the God of Heavenly Choice came out: "They have not taken us as a dragon."

"Senior ..." Even in a rage, Zhan Woshen quickly calmed down. He paid a courtesy to the God of God, and then said: "It is really impersonal for the dragon to act."

"Because they are not humans at all." God chooses God said: "Perhaps in their own eyes, this behavior is reasonable."

"I just can't stand this." Mr. Woshen said annoyed: "What 'speak as much as you see', how much misjudgment will this cause? They ... Hey, I don't know how to say it anymore. They, if we explore ourselves, maybe ... "

"Be careful, lying on the gods. For a long time to come, we will all spend with the dragon clan. Such words, we still have to say less." God of God Chosen shook his head: "Furthermore, if not this time The Dragon Race Daoist shot, the children ’s casualties might be even greater. Do n’t forget, with the strength of those children, sooner or later they will discover the spirit rhino language in the Holy Ointment, the secrets of knotting and transformation, There were also found ant clan. If after using the wrong demon medicine, there is no dragon clan friends to save ... "

Mr. Wo Shen was angry. He turned his gaze to the window and said, "I can't wait, senior, let's solve those 'destructors' quickly, and go to Tianlu. It seems that the matter of Tianlu is clear. The mystery over there It has been unraveled and more force is needed to solve the 'problem'. Young people need not take risks. Let's go. "

The God of Heaven chose to nod and instructed: "Twelve hours are counted down. We are ready to go straight away. After twelve hours, we touched the devil's nest and destroyed the core of the blood-stained fairy and the herd-type fairy . "

Mr. Wo Shen nodded and commanded: "Submit the order, and after twelve hours, everyone will enter their post."

At this time, Lang Zongda said: "Wait a minute, sir, now, here ... there is news coming from there."

"News? What kind of news?"

"About the history of the Yun nationality ..." Lang Zongda looked incredible: "This is ... the Yu nationality ... this ..."


The history of the Yun nationality needs to start from 160 million years ago. At that time, the civilization of the Yu nationality had just begun. ,

Then the "gods" descended.

The gods are actually two individuals. However, one of them happened to be a herd species, so it appeared to be "more".

From the ant clan that claimed to be "Tian Hou", the Yu clan learned one thing-"A group of gods sometimes call themselves" one. "

This is also the reason why "Tenjin" is assumed to be plural in the language of the Yu nationality.

Here, the wisdom of the three civilizations—the spells of the Dragon tribe, the hormone language of the ant tribe, and the knots of the Yu tribe have given birth to strange magical powers.

For this matter, one of the "Tenjin", or Elder Dragon, was very happy. At that time, he asked the tribal master of the Kun nationality and asked what he wanted. At that time, the head of the Yun nationality was far from today's knowledge, and he did not have a correct understanding of the ancient dragon emperor Cheng Ruo. He said-

I hope that our people will live freely on this earth for as long as your gods exist.

This request was promised. However, this is the root cause.

Due to the promise made by the ancient dragon emperor, no matter where the Yu tribe has reached, the dragon tribe will appear, retaining the last fire for them. At the same time, the Dragon tribe has been holding the title of Tianju, and has also maintained the historical record of the Yuzu. For the rest of the life after the catastrophe, the Kun people can always quickly rebuild their civilization according to the records given by the dragon.

There are too many undead beasts, and when the planet's spiritual power cycle collapses, the dragon and ant races will kill the extra undead beasts.

When the Civil War of the Clan and both sides resorted to the means of extermination, the Dragon Clan and the Ant Clan tried to kill the leaders of both sides and communicate with the Great God.

When the devil runs rampant and the last mortal is to be sacrificed, the dragon and ant tribes will destroy them.

When the plague raged and the population plummeted, the Dragons and Ants simply implanted antibodies for the Yus.

There are only two principles for the dragon and ant races.

First, absolutely do not interfere with the selection of the Yu nationality.

Second, we must never let the Hongzu extinct.

Other than that, they will do nothing. For hundreds of millions of years, Tianjue Fengjue has n’t even drunk Tianyu ’s water or eaten anything of Tianyu. He just breathed a few breaths of Tianyu ’s air when it came.

For the Yun nationality, the dragon and ant tribes are "visible rules".

Yes, visible rules.

No matter what the Yun tribe does, they will not let the Dragon and Ant tribes appear, unless this guy's actions may make the entire Yun tribe perish. Otherwise, even the "undead beast" that the dragon clan hates the most is regarded as the "freedom" of the Yun clan.

Even if foreign undead beasts do evil, as long as the Yun tribe does not seek help and does not reach the level of genocide, Tianju Fengjue will definitely not shoot.

When the ambiguous "criterion" is drawn down by a third party in a violent manner, all the Yu people feel that as long as they do not cross the border, everything is their freedom.

As long as you don't cross the line ...

No, it doesn't matter if someone crosses the border, because the Dragon tribe will automatically protect the Yu tribe.

As a result, the Yun people finally realized that they were "free", and they could crazy put everything they wanted to do into practice without thinking about what was unreasonable.

Because, the ultimate bottom line "Tenjin" is a very clear standard.

The dragon and ant races once guided the Yu race, but they failed. This is the nature of the Yu nationality, free and scattered. But the instructions left by the Holy Emperor and the Queen were "no interference". Without the violent enforcement, the so-called "oracle" is really the same as the loose rope [similar to the "waste paper" said by the human race).

A small number of Yu people followed the instructions of the Dragon people, but more individuals just bowed respectfully and turned them behind.

The destruction and reconstruction of the Yun civilization is really faster than anything, and there is a trend of faster and faster.

This also prompted the Holy Emperor's decision to "never rebuild the civilization that has entered the inexplicable barrier".

And after this civilization experienced two thousand reincarnations and rebirths, the Tianjue Feng Jue of the ant clan finally couldn't sit still. She sympathized with the Yun people and came down, hoping to reorganize the Yu people through her own violent means.

For Tianhou and the Dragon Clan, this is undoubtedly a rebellion. And this also violates the vow of "freedom". The strong man of the ant race already knew all this, so he set off in advance and sealed the Dragon King ’s Tianjue prince seal, and then lowered himself, using violence to punish the stupidity and arrogance of the Yunzu. The Yun people bring the light of civilization.

Then she fell.

It is the moving hand of the undead beast of the Yun nationality. They deceived the trust of this ant tribe, and then destroyed her fairy core.

This is actually no wonder who. Ants are inherently weak in this respect. In the original hormone language, there was not even a concept of "deception". They naturally did not think in this direction. Even after learning, it was easy to leave a blind spot of thinking.

However, those Yu people do not know how to destroy a herd species correctly.

After the dragon clan's prince broke free from the seal of the ant clan's prince, Tianyu was already torn apart. A few good-hearted immortals tried their best to lift up the mainland, and the remaining few ethnic minority groups continued to breathe under the attack of the ant colony that had lost its core.

The dragon clan once again eliminated the vast majority of the hard-working, aggregated insects and insects that were enough to kill the long-lived dragon clan, and then helped the clan rectify the order.

Since the ant tribe also joined, this matter has become extremely complicated, and the dragon lord is not afraid to deal with it at will.

——But ... what about the follow-up?

——Why did n’t the Ant Race send ... the new lord?


In the torrent of such information, Chen Feng struggled with his own thoughts.

No, more fundamental than this ...

--who am I……

——Here ... Where ...


In the torrent of ant tribe's messy thoughts, the interval between the previous thought and the latter thought is extremely long. Countless messy spirit rhinos are flooding the surface of consciousness, trying to change the nature of consciousness.

This is the memory of the ant tribe. He is passively accepting, after all, the perception of the nature of both sides is too great.

At this time, a misunderstanding suddenly surfaced.

--help me!

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