Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: conflict

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【Leader Gagen 511】

The taste of eternal true color is not wrong. The functions of the two Xiaoyao monks are related to negative entropy, and they are most sensitive to this.

Moreover, when the unnamed immortal who had been robbed into the Hongyuan priest came for the first time, it caused terrible disaster to the entire Xianmeng League. The God of Heaven chose to be present at the time. This kind of breath, he will never forget.

--why? Why does the eternal true color suddenly appear here?

Reminiscent of the previous Dragon clan saying that the Dao Destroyer must not be allowed to approach the Xianmen three light seconds, the two naturally thought of the greatest possibility.

Could it be said that the eternal true color is brought by the Taoist?

The Taoist can't enter the fairy road, but the eternal true color can ... No, it is better to say that the eternal true color comes out of the depth of the fairy road. According to the phenomena observed by Xianmeng now, the eternal true color is chaotic. It is not life and no reason. The only thing that can be called "instinct" is to let high entropy destroy everything. It's hard to imagine that this kind of thing will take the initiative to enter the fairy road.

Does it mean that in fact all the eternal true colors, the base camp is in the deepest part of Xianlu? The so-called "paradox"?

But shouldn't it be "Xianjie"?

Reminiscent of "the fairy world has changed" passed back by several ancient families, there was a trace of worry in both eyes.

If the fairy heavens that created the fairy road are occupied by eternal true colors, to what extent is the power behind the eternal true colors strong? Or is it that the ancient immortals who created the immortal road are actually the "masters behind the scenes" who created eternal true colors? If so, why did the ancient immortals do this? Could it be said that the essence of Xian Lu is actually a weapon for throwing devastating weapons? But in that case, why does Xianlu's access mechanism exist? Trap of trapping?

There are too many mysteries one by one.

However, in any case, the current human race is not qualified to worry about this cosmic scale. For the God of God and Mr. Wo God, there is a more realistic problem before them.

The owner is still in Xianlu!

The God of Heaven chooses the calculator and sends a spiritual message to the master.

"how is it?"

The operator's response revealed a sense of wonder: "No problem."

The second floor of Xian Road, "The Gate of Xuan Kong" is really too big for mortals. It is finite in size and infinite in breadth. If it were not to enter from the same fairy gate, it would be almost impossible for the two to meet in the door of the Xuanzang. The operator did not feel the eternal true color at all.

They breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to re-examine the mysterious realm that the dragon clan has operated for many years.

"It's a pity those species." Divine Emperor God shook his head and smiled bitterly.

It has been too long for the Dragons to manage this small secret area. The creatures growing up here have already had obvious reproductive isolation from Shenzhou, and there have been creatures with shapes obviously different from Shenzhou. This is a rare research material for evolution.

——Although for the Dragon tribe, this is “a new breed of pig has happened by chance in my pigsty”. They don't know how many similar secret areas.

This is also a kind of heritage.

Mr. Wo Shen also smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, I have collected specimens."

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"... That is to say, tens of thousands of years ago, our dragon clan was deceived! At that time, the undead beast of the Yu clan at that time was mixed in with a legacy of the Xianxian ruined Taoist scripture and then came back." His own underground experience: "He wanted to take the lord's title, so he deceived more than 20 other undead beasts of the Yu clan, and exchanged the lives of those companions for a chance to take the house. Guess what?"

In front of him, Gongsun Dang whispered and said: "Well, this is the case, no wonder that the ant clan lord had not even escaped a trace of mana. Kill the brain worm, nail the circulation of mana, and then take the house ..."

The so-called "winning" can actually be regarded as abandoning all spirits, strength and even Dao Xin in exchange for a fierce blow. This blow does not hurt the flesh, but specifically targets mana and soul. The Clan is also an immortal. Most of them were transformed into Taoist before launching the plan, so all the mana of the Ant Clan's lord was distorted, and his thinking was completely erased.

When the brain worm was killed, the thinking ability of the ant race weakened a lot, so she didn't expect anyone to give up her body so simply. However, at the last moment of her life, she resolutely woven the last spell with the last trace of consciousness, completely locked the Undead Beast in the body of the mother worm, and then passed the method of dealing with the ant race with spirit rhinoceros. Go out.

That is the St. Ann tree.

There is a clear difference between Lingxiu-based language, the language spoken by the mouthpiece, and body language. It does not require the cooperation of words. As long as the spirit rhinoxis itself has not deteriorated, even if the "speaker" is dead, the message can be conveyed. After the death of the ant lord, the rhinoceros gradually spread out. The Yu nationality has the capital of Sheng Anshu, which is against the ant tribe.

However, for the ant clan, some individuals are born to sacrifice. For the ant clan, the blood sacrifice is even an important means of cultivation, rather than the devil's way or evil way. When the consciousness is about to disappear, she can only design the method with the methods that she is best at.

That is "sacrifice".

As for how the Han people built the Shengan Tree ... this is another story.

However, what is certain is that after the sacrifice of the ant tribe, they have realized to some extent that there has never been a fairy and savior, and they cannot rely on any dragon ant tribe.

The saplings of the Shengan tree kill the dead ant clan, so the ant clan will not come to the Shengan tree without the guidance of the marked rhinothione.

The Shengan tree is the foundation of the settlement of the Yu nationality. The word "shengan tree" also means "home".

However, no matter how many weird stories, it is now history. All the ant races in this world have been eliminated. The mission of Sheng Anshu has been completed.

Hearing the heroic leader Jie Gongdeng's heroic resignation from Gongsun Dang, Chen Feng was also embarrassed: "I thought he was an old guy who had forgotten all the glory of civilization, but only knew the lingering breath ... but we blamed him wrongly."

Gongsun Dang said: "Actually he always knew. In his home, we found some knots made of ciphers. That's the history of the Yu nationality. The big-headed people have always been the people with the best knotting skills, because the big-headed people We must be responsible for passing on these generations of history. "

Chen Feng said: "Their big boss ..."

"Not yet selected."

"Then, I will also go when passing on the ceremony." Chen Feng said.

The cemetery inheritance of the big-headed people also requires the use of the ant tribal rhinocerosin. This is the last gift that the ant tribe can leave for the Yu tribe. However, as she was nearing the end of her life, she was unable to reverse the chirality of these spirit rhinocerosins, and could only guarantee that every insect born by the mother worm would carry the spirit rhinocerosins of the Yuzu civilization. She can only hope that the Yu people know how to use the "devil stomach bag"-Klein bottle digestion worker ants to reverse chirality.

It is a pity that civilization has gone backwards, and the Yu people have forgotten this.

For the present Yu people, inhaling this spirit rhinosin, it would be nine deaths.

However, for Chen Feng, who has a life-long flame, save the lives of those Yu people and put their hands to the rescue.

"But your human race is really powerful." Gongsun Dang heartily exclaimed: "These things are also a headless case for our dragon clan, and in the end you have solved the mystery!"

Out of respect for the knighthood of the ant clan, the dragon clan did not treat the knighthood damselfly with anatomy. In the face of the longevity of the Dragon clan, the fairy of the Yun clan did not dare to look out. As a result, under the protection of the herds, he escaped.

The Dragon Emperor let the Clan come to discover the Dragon Clan's secrets. As a result, the Clan unearthed some secrets that the Dragon Clan did not know.

This is unbelievable.

In this regard, Chen Feng was very modest: "Good luck."

Yueluo Liuli was unhappy: "Hey, why don't you ignore me? Ah? It's boring to talk to yourself!"

"Well, I don't know ..." Gongsun Dang had to follow the meaning of her aunt.

"As a result, because he was unfamiliar with the ant family, he mistakenly took the mother worm, and was trapped for thousands of years, and was forced to lay eggs every day ... Po ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

"Poof ..." Ai Qinglan couldn't help it. He thumped Chen Feng: "You're bad enough."

"Making friends carelessly, being crooked by the slut." Chen Feng shook his head.

Gongsun Dang also sighed: "However, even if there is an inheritance ceremony, this is the last time. There will be no new" Holy Ointment "anymore. The Yu people must find a new model to inherit."

"At least they can live and work now."

Chen Feng was very optimistic.

However, reality has always been not optimistic.

There was a commotion. Many Yu people rushed in the same direction with the magic rope. Then, the breath of fighting came. He waved his hands one by one, and flew those people holding ropes. The strong individual roared excitedly. More Yu people were intimidated and exclaimed: "The guy underground is crazy! Mad!"

"We are the real Yuzu!" Many Diyu screamed on the ground.

While reshaping the floating continent, the four long-lived people also transferred the earth's cornel to the floating continent.

"We are the real Yu people, we have fought against the beasts for countless years! We should have this place!" They declared their claims in this way.

It is natural that there will be another dispute about where the Yu people of the floating continent are willing to follow.

However, the individual combat power of Diyu is much stronger than that of the floating tribe of the mainland. The strongest of them is nothing but completeness, but even the strongest in the distraction period.

Chen Feng, the leader of the field, had seen them and was one of the team members who brought them into the field. He frowned, trying to persuade him. However, Yueluo Liuli pulled him: "Don't go. This is also the choice of the Yu people."

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