Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1197: Sky Sword Palace

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Wang Qi has come to the inside of the Leiyang Xianmeng branch many times. Here, for the first time, he got the Divine Plague spell, and also received a tacit consent from the Xianmeng-tacit consent to step into the "universe".

However, he never reached this point.

Here is the body of Wanxian Zhenjing, the hub of the entire Xianmeng hub.

And not like the open day, when the prohibition law is opened, wait and see, but under normal operation, levitate in front of it.

The great power generated by the flow of countless information is breathing in front of Wang Qi. This heavyness and majesty even gave Wang Qi an illusion of "smallness". For a moment, Wang Qi thought that he had seen the true form of "Wonderland".

He seems to be in front of the "network".

The phantom of Feng Luoyi appeared before him. Wang Qi paid a gift: "Teacher."

"Well." Feng Luoyi still nodded indifferently. He said: "No need to be polite. What are we going to do today, you also know. I will ask you one last time, are you ready?"

"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready ..." Wang Qi sang with excitement--although it was extremely unpleasant to sing.

With raised eyebrows, I always feel that my disciples have a problem with this attitude. However, he did not know what to say. After a long silence, he said, "Since that is the case, I will take you to the Tianjian Palace."

The heavy magic circle appeared on the fantasy world of Ten Thousand Immortals. This is a matter between breathing. Wang Qi hasn't even felt the operation of spiritual power, and the rules have been formed. The complexity of this practice has even exceeded the limit he can understand.

Here is next to Wanxian Fantasy, the calculator of fairy series, Feng Luoyi can use all his power. After modifying the hierarchical system, the Xiaoyao monk means that he has harvested the fruits of longevity. With eternal life, his strength is even able to crush a terrestrial planet. And Feng Luoyi is one of the top free. No ordinary fairy is his opponent.

Through this phantom, he can even pull Wang Qi to any place within the range of the Earth-Moon system. Now, this power is more to cover up the traces.

What is this being prepared for? Or, who to guard against?

No one knows.

"Five listen to yourself." Feng Luoyi said: "The real position of Tianjian Palace is still a secret until now."

Wang Qi would like to say that for the long-lived people whose spiritual knowledge has been swept away for two or three thousand miles, there is really no secret on this planet. However, after thinking of a certain "space station" he had been to, he still didn't say it.

Although everyone knows, the Tianjian Palace is a suspended Tiangong, located at a height from the ground. But if Wang Qi really thinks it is the "real" Tianjian Palace, then his brain can feed the dog.

As Feng Luoyi said, he closed his five senses. The gravity suddenly increased. Wang Qi felt as if there were countless heavy objects sticking to himself. His skin was torn by flowing asphalt, and his blood vessels were filled with mercury. He was no longer a rookie just getting started at this time, but a knotty monk whose flesh had been thoroughly tempered. Now this kind of "physical body can't bear" situation generally indicates that this time the distance across the space is really quite far.

Then, he gently patted his shoulder with one hand, and lifted the weight of his closed soul to wake him up.

He opened his eyes and saw the sun.

Above his head, as if at his fingertips, was a terrifying sphere radiating boundless light and heat. It is so huge that Wang Qi almost thought it was a flat surface. In this sphere, there is a fiery color-a gas between pure white and pure gold. Occasionally a faint blue flashed across the surface of the sphere. That's the substance in the plasma state.

Obviously, there is no supreme law that limits this thing. And just a trace of the power it leaks is enough to turn the atmosphere into a plasma state.

In this flame, no atom can remain intact.

However, Wang Qi never felt any discomfort. On the contrary, there is power in his body echoing with this sphere. His micro-mana in his knotty stage cannot yet drive this sphere, but can only be driven by this sphere. However, this is not sinister. He only felt strong vitality.

This is the power of the sun-under the squeeze of gravity, the process of elements from disorder to order, from simple to complex. The power of radiation in this process will be absorbed by the "producers" on the planet.

The first driving force of the biosphere is boundless light and heat.

However, Wang Qi understood at a second glance that this was not the sun. First of all, its curvature is too large. Although Wang Qi failed to detect the arc at first glance, the arc on its surface was still visible to the naked eye. Second, the direction of gravity is wrong. This thing is on top of his head, and the direction of gravity comes from under his feet.

The greater the mass, the greater the gravity. The gravity under his feet is significantly higher than the one above his head.

Obviously, this is not a base station on the surface of the sun.

In the words of the earth, this is a nuclear fusion reactor, a very large version.

The force of Zhenyang was tamed like a dog that had been raised for many years before the ban. Only the occasional plasma material reveals that this dog still has terrible fangs.

The sword furnace of the Tianjian Palace is such a thing.

Wang Qi bounced, confirming that the gravity here is indeed less than the Divine Land. I just don't know if it is far away from the earth's center of earth, on other planets, the shunting gravity of the mysterious realm, or the mass of the sword furnace in the sky is too distorted.

Wang Qi saw from a distance that there was a group of people sitting on the edge of this huge fireball. He was motionless, not only using this mysterious method of cultivation, but also thinking about new sky swordsmanship. Feng Luoyi led Wang Qi directly. He stopped in front of a dignified old man and said, "Brother Ao, it has been a long time."

Heavenly Sword Saint, Ao Haimo. The true creator of the first generation of Tianjian.

The Heavenly Sage Saint was born like a Founder. It seems that he hasn't spoken for too long. When he spoke, there was even a sign of rust in his throat: "Brother Feng."

Feng Luoyi is also one of the developers of the first generation of Tianjian.

The two of them naturally know each other.

"Wang Qi, salute." Feng Luoyi said quietly: "Tianjian Sheng Ao Haimo, in order to take care of the sword furnace, gave up better research opportunities and environment. He should be respected by the world."

Wang Qi bowed and saluted. Tian Jian Sheng nodded and said, "Actually, my untimely old man doesn't need much respect. It is the rising young boys who need more respect and understanding." Immediately, his tone turned severe again: "I I have heard of you. Originally, I was not very optimistic about you, and you did not meet the requirements of Tianjian Palace. I hope you understand this and uphold yourself in the next Tianjian question. "

Wang Qiji: "Disciples understand."

No way, the name of Taoist kind is still too awkward. After all ... A lunatic who can use the spell of extinct civilization as a regular spell always makes people feel at ease?

Sky Sword Saint didn't say much. He waved his hand, and a ripple appeared on the surface of the huge ball of light. Immediately thereafter, the pure white light evolved into seven colors. The seven colors of light are redistributed and interwoven to form a picture.

It was a sword embryo, pure sword embryo. The sword furnace of the Tianjian Palace shaped it. Wang Qi didn't even dare to say that it was solid, because under this powerful spiritual force and extreme high temperature, the energy level of electrons has already exceeded the binding limit of the nucleus and has been separated from the nucleus. It is obviously forcibly shaped by extraordinary laws. It also has no sword edge. Tianjian generally does not require physical blades to hurt people. Its vast power is everything. Whether it is to transform an explosive aura into sword gas to cut the world, or to liberate its own powerful light and heat, it is enough to crush the immortal monk.

"Tianjian 'Jianxiao', a single Tianjian 'Ming' style, both longitudinal and holding swords, and incorporates the personal conditions of Wan Famen disciple Wang Qi for detailed design." Tianjian Sheng introduced: "Powerful The magic weapon, the level of the mysterious weapon, the supernatural power, and the spiritual perfection. "

Wang Qi had a short breath.

"For many years I haven't tried Jane's Tianjian questioning test." Ao Haimo gave Wang Qi a deep look: "Ready, I will deliver it to you on time in a quarter of an hour."

Heavenly Sage Saint sat down, the tactics in his hand changed, and his mouth was full of words. Obviously, he was preparing for a certain method. Wang Qi couldn't help but get excited. Feng Luoyi shook his head: "What are you nervous about?"

"It's not nervous." Wang Qi didn't want to explain the earth concept of "a nuclear bomb is romantic." He changed the subject and asked, "What did" Jianjian "mean by Senior Sword Saint just now?"

"Under normal circumstances, there will also be a powerful Tianlingling Master present at the ceremony." Feng Luoyi said: "Yangshen Pavilion is particularly good."

"Because I am a shame of Dao, no one wants to come?" Wang Qi snorted, and then thought of some bad things: "Wait, teacher ..."

"You can rest assured about this. Tianlingling is not going to abandon privateness because of the public, just because of personal disgust regardless of the instructions of Xianmeng ..."

"No, no ... I don't mean that." Wang Qi found that Feng Luoyi seemed to have some meaning to digress: "What is the significance of Master Tianlingling here?"

"After the advanced Yuanshen period, most of Tianlingling disciples will understand the inflammation of life. After the advanced refining period, the Tianlingling disciples who do not understand the inflammation of life are the few." Feng Luoyi said: "They are Insurance."

Wang Qi choked: "Insurance ... this ..."

——What “danger” needs the flame of life to be able to keep it?

"You know, under normal circumstances, there are not many disciples in Tianlingling who become envoys of the sword, and even fewer can understand the inflammation of life." Feng Luoyi said: "You know the variants of inflammation of life, And it happens to be mentally focused, so the guru can be saved. The human resources of Xianmeng are also tight ... "

He was nagging like a hardworking family man.

But Wang Qi felt like he was about to cry.

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