Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1367: Song of Eternal Life, Honoring the Virtue of the King

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The demon clan who approached the longevity fruit position retreated at the same moment.

Since they are not immortal or long-lived, they have not crossed the most critical level. Both power and perception are limited to the atomic scale and below the speed of light.

In the realm of relativistic effects, the occurrence of subatomic particles cannot be perceived.

However, the inability to directly perceive the violent changes at the moment of the collision does not mean that they cannot perceive the phenomenon caused by the final state of the reaction.

Scientists on Earth are also unable to observe the colliding protons in the Large Hadron Collider, but they can detect the particle type and parameters of the final state of the reaction-momentum, energy, velocity, etc., and set this final state with them Compare the initial state. In this way, scientists can infer the particles generated in the intermediate process and the nature of the inverse interaction. From here, we can know the particles that are more basic than protons and the properties of the four basic forces. The mysteries of the micro world are thus exposed.

And this "contrast" is the point.

Because of the zero gas indicator arranged by Wang Qi, none of the demon tribes were really embarrassed to find out the spirit to spy on the reaction process. But the final state of this reaction ... that is, the various reactions caused by the collision of high-energy particles through the detection medium, and the instantaneous change of the aura caused by the detection medium change are within their perception.

Because of this, they felt terrible.

In their perception, a terrible breath flashed through.

——There is even a hint of immortality in it ...

——That is the micro level change that Xianli could possibly involve!

This breath is rapidly weakening in their perception. Based on this rate of decline, they can even imagine how powerful the source of this power is.

Waiting for the free fairy to reach.

for example. The relative mass of gold atoms is as high as 197, and the water molecule is composed of multiple atoms, but its relative mass is only eighteen. This shows that the 'quality' of gold is 'higher' than water.

If the fairy power revealed by Wang Qi ’s mysterious magic circle is described as “a gold atom”, then almost all the monks present can be regarded as a “sea”. On the "quantity", a gold atom may not be comparable to the water of a sea, but on the "quality", the gold atom is far beyond-don't forget that water is two elements of hydrogen and oxygen, the former is rich in the elements of the universe Natural is the highest, and the latter can be made by ordinary stars. But the gold element must be born through a supernova.

Or use celestial bodies and elements as metaphors. A normal aura is like hydrogen, and ordinary cultivation methods are like "nuclear fusion", which continuously converts hydrogen into heavier elements. However, this conversion will stop the conversion to the 26th element "iron". In the cultivation of immortals, this is like the last biggest level-Cheng Xian.

Conventional nuclear fusion cannot produce elements after iron; conventional cultivation methods are also difficult to produce fairy power, allowing practitioners to complete the transformation from short-lived to eternal. Many monks who think of the demon clan are struggling for this last break.

The element of power that Wang Qi released, metaphorically speaking, is the "golden order" of up to seventy-nine, which cannot be possessed by idle fairies.

Cheng Xian is also just turning the "one piece of ocean" in his body into "one sea of ​​molten iron", and Wang Qi has released "the gold that has never been between heaven and earth." How can this be so shocking? ?

They were still unable to ask for "Tianxu Twenty-Six", and this monk of the Tandan period, indeed released the momentum of "Tianxu Seventy-nine"!

It's a pity there is only a trace-and only a trace of loss!

"If you get that trace of power, can you think about turning my dry" manganese ferromanganese "into" pure gold "?"

Those instinctively retreating demon clan flashed this meaning in their minds.

Smart, and began to look at this monk monk.

"How did he do it ..."

Of course, fortunately, they have no sense of it, otherwise, they may be scared more than that.

Because the power at the moment of collision is infinitely close to the power at the beginning of the universe. Even the big demon emperor is unlikely to have this essence.

At this time, Wang Qi shook his fist hard, and then said: "Successful ..."

Chong Baiyu nodded, and there was a hint of excitement in his voice: "Successful! Actually succeeded!"

Wang Qi released his hands and repeated: "Success!"

"Ah!" Zhang Feng was also excited, and shouted with joy, "Success ..."

"Shout what? Quality?" Chong Baiyu's stern eyes came up: "Detect the magical instrument group, start to adjust the connection of the illusion, data everywhere, and perform calculations. Each group will take care of everyone and re-check the instrument intactness!"

Zhang Feng's later words were immediately held back. He blushed, and he seemed uncomfortable. However, the researcher's quality still calmed him down and completed his work.

"The first group, report on your testing status!"

"The first group, after proofreading, you can start to prove!"

"Second group, report on preparation status!"

"The second group, the search was completed and no abnormalities were found."


Repeated group by group, it seems that many actions before the empirical test began to show again.

The demon clan have fallen into a blind state.

What are you doing?

Soon, the self-check of the collision matrix of the Nanming Nuclear Research Center was nearing completion. With Yan Xiancheng reporting "The secondary search of the accelerating tube is completed, the generation chamber is ready, and the zero element gas can be injected at any time for secondary verification", and the second inspection is officially completed.

Chong Baiyu was relieved: "It seems that this is a real and complete success!"

He is an empirical person and is also the executive head of this empirical department. Therefore, he is concerned that, in addition to the final data, it must include the operation status of this magic circle.

The biggest selling point of Wang Qi's formation is its extremely low cost and extremely low operating costs. Its construction cost is about one-thousandth of that of a large-scale magic circle of the same size in the palace, and the resources consumed in one operation are even one-tenth of a million!

On Earth, the Large Hadron Collider consumes nine digits of resources every time it starts-electricity alone is not a small amount. Wang Qi's equivalent is to reduce the cost of this collision to tens of thousands of dollars.

What is this concept? The 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Carry B. Murris, and his winning project was PCR technology-polymerase chain reaction method. The significance of this method is that it can make a gene copy itself quickly, and the biggest meaning of this technology is also to "reduce costs". A series of technologies developed based on this technology can reduce the cost of determining a gene from one hundred thousand dollars to less than two hundred dollars.

The emergence of PCR technology has led to a leap in biology.

In other words, if this magic circle really proves to be able to help theoretical breakthroughs, then Wang Qi will also be able to receive considerable treatment-even higher.

Let's put it this way, on Earth, even if only a detection component on the Large Hadron Collider is improved, it is eligible for the Nobel Prize.

Wang Qi is almost equivalent to driving all the way.

Because it is almost certain that this array can drive the development of Shenzhou Tian Logistics, and even the development of the whole fairy road.

This cost advantage will be more obvious when the magic weapon has no macro-level wear and tear and can continuously collide after a collision.

Zhang Feng gave Chong Baiyu a dreadful look. Seeing Chong Baiyu nodded slightly, he cheered and shouted, "Congratulations to Mr. Wang!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Wang!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Wang Qi!"

"Congratulations to Senior Wang Qi!"

Then applause gradually spread among the crowd

One of China ’s most powerful magical devices, Xiandao, now works smoothly-that ’s why they celebrate. As long as the magic circle can run smoothly, it does n’t matter if no results are found in this experiment, because the meaning of its “operation” is more than the empirical data itself!

This time was unsuccessful, and next time, and next time-anyway, the cost of an empirical test is very low!

More than just an empirical cost, the entire array is ultra-low cost! As long as you have the heart, Shenzhou can build dozens or 100s in minutes, and then continue to make empirical tests.

Once, the monks will get the data they want, see what they want to see, the first appearance of the universe!

"Ghost Axe ... Ghost Axe ..." Huo Tongqing applauded, as if he didn't know how to speak, and the words seemed inappropriate.

But ah, but-how can such a magic weapon be described in addition to "ghost axe"?

With it, the human race can be closer to the reality of the universe. How to describe such a magic weapon besides the "ghost axe"?

Less than a foot away from him, a monk covered his eyes and blocked the tears in the corners of his eyes. At the same time, he whispered in a low voice: "... to show the virtue of the caster of Zhangjun ... to show the virtue of the caster of Zhangjun ...

This sentence was originally a reward for Taoism, and the presenter recited the congratulations to the winner.

Ten years ago, in Fusang, Lord Shirasawa told Wang Qi in this way.

However, for a disciple like him who is devoted to the microscopic realm and has a thorough way, only this sentence can describe his mood at this moment.

——In order to show the virtue of Zhangjun casting.

Wang Qi forged a peerless "artifact" and used it as a human race to seek heaven.

What can be used as feedback?

At least this guru as an individual is not.

For individual monks, all they can do is testify, and then use the eternal Shou Yuan to preach today's story.

——In order to show the virtue of Zhangjun casting.

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