Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1369: trace

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Wang Qi himself does not believe the data in his hands. Although the data he has in hand, he can't describe it with "SSR" or the like. However, if you use the drawing game analogy, it is at least a somewhat rare "practical SR".

Traces of the fourth generation of neutrinos.

Neutrinos are actually everywhere and not hard to find. For example, the physiological response of the human body is accompanied by the decay of the potassium- forty isotope [English writing 40K]. Potassium-forty is a constant element for everyone, and there are many in every person.

And this decay will produce about 400 million first-generation neutrinos every day.

A conventional nuclear reactor on the earth can produce 6 trillion neutrinos per second, and about 300 billion neutrinos per second will pass through the human body with sunlight. According to calculations, there are as many as 330 neutrinos per cubic centimeter of air.

This shows the number of neutrinos in nature.

There are many neutrinos, but they are difficult to detect. Like element zero gas, it has almost no electromagnetic interaction with the outside world, is colorless, and can even easily pass through the gaps between molecules and molecules, atoms and atoms, unimpeded anywhere. For people in the macro world, such particles are simply "invisible" and imperceptible.

The most representative neutrino detection devices on earth are all huge guys.

The Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy, its detector is a "particle trapping wall" composed of 150,000 pure lead bricks, each of which weighs 18 pounds. After the neutrino enters the capture device, it will produce other particles while leaving traces of stripes. And there are countless robots in the laboratory, just to retrieve the traces on this brick wall at any time.

However, this kind of thing, in the era before Wang Qi crossed, can only be regarded as "miniature". The real big guys are always tens of thousands of tons.

The detection device of Antarctica Ice Cube Laboratory is quite typical. This detection system uses the natural ice of Antarctica. It consists of sixty-eight cables with sensors that extend more than a mile down from the ice. It is a veritable detection array. When the speed of charged particles passing through a transparent medium exceeds the speed of light in the medium, a pale blue faint visible light is emitted. This kind of light is called "Cherenkov radiation" on the earth. When cosmic rays enter the water, this radiation is produced, along with the generation of neutrinos. The detection device of this laboratory is to use these natural ice as the detection medium to detect this radiation with the help of the endless ice of Antarctica.

So, what is the working efficiency of these detectors?

Wang Qi vaguely remembered that before he crossed, China also had a big guy with extremely exaggerated specifications. The neutrino detection device of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Laboratory has specially arranged 20,000 tons of liquid scintillator.

On average, 20,000 tons of liquid scintillators can only detect 60 reactor neutrinos, four atmospheric neutrinos, one earth neutrino, and 90 solar neutrinos per day.

In contrast, there are 100,000 cosmic rays as the "base" and "denominator". This is the result of placing the detector 700 meters underground and reducing the cosmic ray intensity by 200,000 times.

According to Wang Qi ’s estimation, his collider will indeed produce the fourth generation of neutrinos, but the neutrinos produced in this way may not be captured by Wang Qi-the probability of being captured at least once is really Is too low.

However, according to the data reported by Yan Xiancheng ...

"Are you sure? At the moment after the collision, in the readable data of the Yixinzi detection layer, the energy of the low-frequency light suddenly decreases, but relatively, the energy of the high-frequency light increases in a short time! And the scintillation crystal of the Yixinzhu detection layer appears Special radiation? "

Wang Qi's voice was a little harsh.

--What day is today?

-Why is there such a small probability event?

——Or is it that the nature of the fourth generation of neutrinos is special?

It was about Wang Qi ’s harsh tone, and Yan Xiancheng was a little afraid. He first turned around to confirm, and then nodded: “Mr. Hui ’s words are indeed like this. To be precise, the low-frequency light disappears almost instantaneously, almost zero, specific Data ... As for high-frequency light, specific data ... "

Not to mention the demon monks, even the human monks, most of them are in a daze.

But Wang Qi just fell into thought at this time, and did not explain anything.

Jiao Zhuang bravely twitched Huo Tongqing, who seemed to be self-excited and seemed unbelievable, and asked, "Mr. Huo, can explain this ..."

Huo Tongqing also taught Jiao Jiao and Ao Liu Liu. He is usually good to obedient students, so he nodded and said, "That high-frequency light is a concept based on the human race, that is, the kind of light that the human eye can see, which has a relatively high frequency. And Wang Qi The high-frequency light that Daoyou just said mostly refers to 'penetrating radiation'. Since there is a dispersion relationship in any medium, there is always an upper limit to the spectrum of penetrating radiation. Usually its energy is relatively concentrated in the visible light range and focuses on it The blue-violet end of ... "

Penetrating radiation is naturally the world's name for Cherenkov radiation. The reason for the Cherenkov radiation is that "high-energy particles travel through the medium at a speed that exceeds the speed of light in the medium." The Xianmeng monks who discovered this phenomenon believe that this phenomenon of high-energy particles is different from the "through The method of "escape" is very similar.

When he talked about this, he realized that the group of students in front of him was not as good as the apprentices who were introductory to the fairy yard, and he could not understand the concepts he said. Looking at the dizzy student, he couldn't help embarrassing.

On the other side, Chen Youjia, who knew Wang Qi ’s plan in advance, also whispered to the people who were puzzled.

"Sister Chen, this ... isn't the radiation caused by the penetration of the charged particles? But neutrinos are clearly uncharged particles ..." Ouyang Zhengqi's eyes were puzzled.

"Punch radiation can show the path and parameters of the charged particles generated by the collision." Chen Youjia whispered: "Remove this part of the effect, and the rest of the data is naturally the state of non-charged particles. "

"As for low-frequency light, it is caused by the decay of element zero. The disappearance of low-frequency light means that this piece of element zero has received sufficient spiritual power in a short time and entered a stable period. However, in theory ... , I do n’t know much about this theory. It seems ... General charged particles should not carry such a large spiritual force? "

Wang Qi also felt distressed about this issue.

How much aura does the charged particle flow generated by the collision of particles at near light speed-this data is rarely measured in the empirical evidence before the palace, and there is a lack of related models. Wang Qi can only make a guess based on the data of the palace. He is also not sure, that is evidence of the existence of the fourth generation of neutrinos.


——That should be neutrino.

——The one that can cross the barrier between the two detection layers of Yixinzi and Yixinzhu ... There should be only neutrinos.

——The disturbance caused by the strong spiritual force in Yixinzi is most likely to be the fourth-generation neutrino that exists only in the high-spirit environment and carries strong spiritual force.

Wang Qi can even imagine the various microscopic phenomena that occur when a tiny cluster of particles passes through the detection layer of ethin. Charged particles cause penetration escape radiation and gradually lose energy. The fourth generation of neutrinos gradually lost their spiritual power. Then, in front of a barrier layer where charged particles could hardly penetrate, the charged particles stopped one after another, and then the neutrino continued ...

Chong Baiyu looked at Wang Qi's expression and was startled again: "Isn't it ... a new kind of particle?"

His voice trembled a little.

In the first demonstration, new particles were discovered ...

-Is this luck? Is this destiny?

The present-day practice of Miao Hong even reminds me of concepts that have long been denied.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain?

"Either this is a small probability event that happened to us; or, for some reason, the fourth generation of neutrinos is very easy to be caught by the detection medium." Wang Qi said in a low voice.

"you sure?"

God, this is a new kind of particle! It is a new particle that can open up a new field of Immortal Dao in today's law and only survive in the high spirit environment!

Wang Qi pulled out a few draft papers: "This is some of the data and phenomena I predicted. You can look at it. You ca n’t understand it. Just ask a few monks of Falun Dafa to ask ... Also, let ’s say the same to all parties. Let ’s explain, do n’t let people wait.

When Wang Qi's manuscript appeared in the crowd, there was a small disturbance. These manuscripts even almost caused "robbing". After a few minutes, most people in the empirical department realized what had happened.

"The discovery of a new particle!"

Jiao and other demon students looked at him slightly blankly. After all, they have studied the Immortal Dao of Jin Fa for half a year, so they have roughly understood the concept of the scene in front of them.

New particles?

As Mr. Wang Qi often said, "The history of the human race has turned a new page"? Still in front of yourself?

...................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................

After sitting for a long time, Wang Qi stood up again.

The current Xianmeng does not include the special particles in the Gaoling environment into its theoretical scope. The zeroth element and the fourth-generation neutrino are all areas that Xianmeng has never been involved in.

The standard model of the earth is even less likely to contain the basic particles of the aura universe.

and so……

"It's not enough to find traces." He stood up and walked to the edge of the empirical department, facing the wall of ice.

Then, a road automatically appeared in front of him.

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