Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1467: map

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When Zong Lutuo woke up, he saw Wang Qi sitting quietly. In front of him, Gong Desheng suspended in mid-air, wrapped in a blue aura. Wang Qi saw Zong Lutuo wake up and nodded: "Good job, weak chicken."

"Weak ... weak ..." Zong Lutuo gritted his teeth: "You really can't speak."

"Praise you."

"Like I'm scolding me ..."

"This is how‘ brothers ’do things.” Wang Qi laughed twice.

This guy seems useless, but this time it was done well. Zong Lutuo had twelve minutes this time, far exceeding Wang Qi's expectations. In this short twelve minutes, Wang Qi cracked the opponent's body and sword through prying eyes.

Under the circumstance of intentional calculation and unintentional, Wang Qi can completely achieve the effect of "falling at the touch" with a large amount of pre-calculation.

The reason why Wang Qi was able to win the opposite nine swordsmen without injury is also thanks to Zong Lutuo's courage.

——As for "rest"? Oh, Wang Qi actually doesn't need a break from the beginning. Although it was indeed tiring to implant Gong Desheng into practice, Wang Qi was gradually recovering when he actually tested Gong Desheng ’s strengths, and he was only mentally exhausted when the Demon Claw came over.

This is now almost restored.

The reason why he let Zong Lutuo go up was to avoid risks. In Wang Qi's view, if the strongest self here is overturned due to some special ability of the other party, then everyone here is finished, so it is best to let Zong Lutuo detect mine.

And it turns out that this is a very successful tactic.

Zong Lutuo had been hiding on the sidelines when he was fighting the hacking swordsman. Since no one can use spiritual consciousness, no one finds him in close proximity.

It is because of this, so in the end, Wang Qi can pull Zong Lutuo out in time.

Zong Lutuo looked at the unconscious Gong Desheng and asked, "This old guy ... is he alive?"

"Well, they didn't die. They treated him as a foreign monk, and they came a little bit ruthless. It is estimated that they wanted to capture it alive and make it a show for transforming people." Wang Qi pointed to Gong Desheng: "However, it's a treasure trove. New changes have occurred. When I found him in a coma, he was in a state of boiling mana. I was worried about any bad changes, so I wiped out most of the mana in his body ... "

——Relying on ... It ’s because you have hit the old life with a weak breath ...

Zong Lutuo's mouth was twisted, and he was a little thankful, because when Wang Qi first started to do this method, he actually wanted to volunteer to become an empirical product.

"A certain law within him is becoming more and more perfect, it seems that these spiritual forces still contain information, and the information is being organized in another form ..." Wang Qi gestured with his hands: "Two hundred million years of precipitation Something is irreversibly poured into him, and then manifested in the form of 'kung fu' or 'supernatural power'. This process is very remarkable-but in the end it is harmless or harmful, and I can't make a conclusion. "

Zonglu Tuoluo said: "Although you say that there is some kind of information in this spiritual power, and then refining and refining, there is a certain chance of obtaining ... But we are not like him, we can directly obtain new magic powers?"

Wang Qi sighed: "That's because of the exercises I designed, which used some kind of technology related to ..."

That is the Dragon Cultivation Method, Deep Sky Road.

Although Gong Desheng's method of cultivation includes the design ideas of the demon and the Yu people's method of cultivation, it is actually functionally equivalent to the "combatant's method of cultivation" over Mei Gemu. If there is any essential difference between it and Wang Qi and Zonglu Tuoxiu, it is probably-it has absorbed the elements of the Dragon clan.

All the changes that took place in Gong Desheng also started from the cyclone that Wang Qi buried.

Among the many Dragon Cultivation methods that exist today, "True Sun" and "Deep Space" are the absolute mainstream. Practices such as "Demon", "Sea Emperor" and "Sky Drive" are not so popular. This is because only the three methods of "True Sun", "Deep Space", and "Divine Disaster" were created by the Dragon Emperor himself, and the Dragon Emperor himself practiced these three methods.

According to Yueluo Liuli, "Deep Space" was created by the Dragon Emperor from 200 million years ago. Halfway through, the Dragon Emperor was discouraged and turned to the creation of "True Sun". The birth of the demon emperor, the era of Shixin demon clan was officially completed. As for the God Calamity Road, it only appeared after the destruction of Shixin Yao Clan.

In other words, "True Sun" and "Deep Space" are the cultivation methods created by the Dragon Emperor from the shadow of "200 million years ago". The inevitable included the process of the Dragon Emperor transforming his cultivation.

-The consciousness of the fairy is not absolutely unchanged. Immortals can also adjust themselves with a long time to complete the "change". And the change of fairy consciousness will naturally involve the change of "cultivation" and "power".

Although this "transformation process" was later eliminated by the Dragon Emperor in the later teaching, the "transformation algorithm" of "from the old law to the new law" may still remain in these two revisions.

In addition to the forty-nine Dao, the alien spirits in this side of the world are full of information about the old cultivation of the Dragon race. Perhaps it is the "interpretation method" left by the Dragon Emperor in the "Deep Space Road" that explains the magical power.

"All in all, this is not a bad phenomenon in the short term. I also continue to strengthen the seal to prevent him from being swallowed by this force." Wang Qi said.

Zonglu Tuo relieved. He did not look down on this mortal old man, but somehow he admired the old man.

"Well, after all, what is your rock crushing technique?" Wang Qi asked: "Why haven't you seen it?"

"The method of rock fragmentation can be understood as a method of 'controlling seismic waves'. To be honest, this method is difficult to use, not well used, and not powerful, so it is generally not regarded as a means of fighting." Zong Lu Tuo smiled bitterly.

If it wasn't for the pretense of catching the duck on the shelf, he really couldn't think of it.

Wang Qi nodded: "To be honest, this spell is more useful than your whole person."

Zong Lutuo was too lazy to be angry. It's useless to be angry with a guy who is a little abnormal. He said: "By the way, when considering the combat power in the future, don't count it as an attack spell, and it can't break the rock that is not connected to the ground. It may be able to break stones from the ground, but Hard to interrupt the stalagmites ... "

"Um ... that's also very useful."

Zong Lutuo's tongue: "Are you going to dig out with this spell?"

"I have this idea. But considering the possibility of digging into the mantle, and the existence of a seal ... it is better not to do that." Wang Qi shook his head.

Zong Lutuo sighed. He remembered something at this moment and said, "I think I may have found what you call" other areas "."

Wang Qi frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"The dome. You said that according to the existing arc of the dome, the area of ​​this area would not be too large. And if the unknown fairy really hit a whole continent into the mantle, that area would definitely not be so little. "Zonglu Tuodao said:" I probably want to understand what it is like here. "

Wang Qi nodded: "Tell me?"

"That continent shattered into many pieces on the spot, and then those pieces collided and overlapped with each other ..." Zong Lutuo touched his hand and wanted to find a stone to signal. But in the end, he had to stack his hands with two hands and said, "Like this ... it's not a plane here, but a lot of 'floors' stacked on top of each other!"

Wang Qi nodded: "Well ... how do you know?"

"Feel the earthquake waves ..." Zong Lutuo closed his eyes and carefully recalled his feelings at that moment: "Earthquake ... The earthquake source exists not only below, but actually there are earthquake sources above the dome, and there are more than one earthquake source on each side— —I can feel that the rock formations here are filled with terrible stress, which is the result of the mantle pushing many ... many areas rubbing against each other! "

If Wang Qi is regarded as a building block under the dome where they are now, then this piece of old continent has already broken into many such blocks in the mantle. In the fluid mantle, they squeeze and rub against each other.

Imagine a large block made of Lego bricks. You knead hard, twist hard, it will not simply loosen, but will fall apart. And what if there are many hands holding it tightly from all directions?

This is the "here" pattern.

"Many unstable" floors "huddled together ... It's really, like the eighteenth floor hell." Wang Qi pouted.

Zong Lu Tuo excitedly said: "In this way, I can explore the border of this dome and other places where the sections meet, and then find a way out!"

Wang Qi nodded: "Don't be busy exploring the way first-you can show me this first."

Zong Lutuo took the cloth handed over by Wang Qi and found that this was actually a map. On this map, there are many irregular areas scattered and there are many black lines connecting these areas. However, this picture does not look like a map-because it is too complicated and counterintuitive. Anyone can instinctively see that it is not drawing a plane at all.

"If you said ... the map is explained. It's just ... it's still a little weird." Wang Qidao said: "I didn't see its geometric mapping rules. I guess it was drawn in this regard. ... "

"--Because the behind-the-scenes hand only needs to be able to find a place!" Zonglu Tuodao said: "It is marked out, from where to where, to which area ... If it is a basic action, it is enough ! "

"But he is still like a labyrinth." Wang Qi said: "I doubt what this map hides."

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