Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1474: Plunge

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When Zong Lutuo arrived with Gong Desheng, it was about halfway through the next day. Wang Qi has finished grinding the lens. Zong Lutuo just saw Wang Qi melting the metal and slowly pinching the edges of the two transparent lenses. Then, under his control, the two lenses slowly floated up.

"A kind of utilization of Tiangexing." Wang Qi introduced: "Because the magic of generating the magnetic field is done in the body, and the magnetic field itself can come out through the body, so this spell can still be used without interference. "

Wang Qi said while controlling two lenses, looking into the distance.

He whistled: "Oh, this is really an amazing scene."

Zong Lutuo and Gong Desheng are both curious. Zong Lutuo asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Qi gave up the position in front of the lens and motioned Zong Lutuo to take a look.

Through this simplified version of the telescope, Zong Lutuo saw the body of the plant in the distance. It's not just someone who piles a layer of soil on the rocky ground. Those snake-like twisted vines grow from there. Those vines have lost most of the plant's characteristics. The wood fiber seems to have muscle strength, making the vines move like animals.

"Really ... disgusting."

Zong Lutuo gave up his position, and then Gong Desheng threw it again. The old man took a breath and asked, "Can you eat it?"

This is what the poor people from Linghuang Island are most concerned about.

Wang Qi smiled: "I think we would be good if we didn't eat it."

Zonglu Tuodao said: "There are no conditions for soil to be produced here. You can be sure that all the soil and plants are brought in by the immortals."

"Well." Wang Qi nodded: "And there are no people here. It can be seen that even if someone is guarding, the number of people may not be large."

"Considering Meige Mumu's limited population, I am afraid he will not send too many people." Zong Lutuo also nodded his head and agreed with this statement. He asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Call it directly." Wang Qi's tone was very calm, as if to say "let's have dinner now".

Zong Lutuo couldn't accept this style: "You ... you found a way to defeat the enemy, but how?"

Wang Qidao: "I have been watching over there these days. Occasionally, only one or two combatants go to the edge of those vegetation areas-is it estimated to be sampling or the like? In other words, we do n’t have to worry about being short-term The other party finds out in advance, not to mention getting into the worst siege. Moreover, the other party ’s duty is to guard the gate. Even if we lose to the other party, we can easily withdraw, and the other party may not be able to pursue.

"In summary-you are still afraid of an egg!"

"It makes sense." Zong Lutuo nodded: "How to fight?"

"After I have tested the protective power of this temple's aura, you will grab the cracked rock wall all the way, make a climbing path on the dome, and then let those combatants go in, let them fight the first wave, and stop by. Explore the terrain. Then, I rushed in alone, and you stayed outside, okay? "

Zong Lutuo nodded. Gong Desheng raised his hand impatiently and asked, "Da Xian Shi, what about me? What about me?"

"You? Stay here and prevent the enemy from flowing out."

Zong Lutuo made a point at this time: "Well, let me explain in advance that the abnormal vibration caused by the rock collapse method can never be hidden ..."

"It doesn't need to be concealed, because there is no magic that can be far away." Wang Qilu smiled: "In other words, everyone can only fight melee, and they will spit and spit in ten steps. "

Zong Lutuo nodded.

"Give me three stones."

Zong Lutuo pressed his hand on the ground. This is where the two pieces of land debris meet, and it is also one of the focal areas of the earthquake.

Here, the earth trembles all the time. If you put a glass of water here, there will be ripples on the water surface anyway. This is an overwhelming performance of the earth. The pressure that has accumulated from the earth's crust is too horrible. Even the "earth" has to release its accumulated power through vibration.

In the hands of Zong Lutuo, this power is a "weapon."

Almost softly, a stone jumped into his palm.

Wang Qi carefully threw a stone into the aura of the temple and the like. No abnormalities.

"It will not block attacks that are too weak."

Wang Qi painted his blood on the stone and threw it into the aura of the temple. No abnormalities.

"No special harm to creatures."

Wang Qi used eight points to throw stones. Shizi broke the sound barrier and thundered. No abnormalities.

"Even if it's such a‘ somewhat powerful ’thing, it will not provoke a counterattack-it seems that this protection is designed to be quite human.”

Wang Qi said as he carefully stretched his left little finger into the spirit emperor's range, and waited patiently for thirty seconds.

No abnormalities.


Zong Lutuo climbed on the stone wall. He felt that his hands and feet seemed to touch the ocean of "force". The agitated waves flowed under his hands and feet. He summoned mana to guide this power conflict.


The rock is cracking!

Zong Lutuo stretched his foot into the crack just caught, and his body moved forward.

Wang Qi followed him and shouted in his mouth: "Woo! Woo! Woo! Ah! Ah!"

That is the "command"!

One black monster after another rushed out of the stone forest and followed behind Wang Qi. These non-self-conscious combatants have been added a new command set by Wang Qi. They followed behind Wang Qi and climbed fast along the broken rocks of Zong Lutuo.

These guys are all in the practice period. If you let them grasp the dome purely by mana, then the shallow strength will be exhausted before climbing over. Therefore, Wang Qi can only advance by this method.

At this time, the shrine had already reacted-after all, the second stone thrown by Wang Qi was too big. Those black combatants also found the team on Wang Qi's side. However, in the situation where spells are not available, these guys can lie on the outer wall of the temple and wield swords, guns and sticks to demonstrate.

When it was less than one hundred meters from the temple, Wang Qi suddenly jumped out, his body passing through the last space, and raised his hand to kill the two nearest combatants. Immediately afterwards, he used a spirit rhino bottle as a dagger, stabbing several combatants. These combatants were unable to move immediately after being injured. Some just fell off the dome.

In just a few seconds, those combatants who had not yet fallen from the outer wall of the temple shuffled and joined the ranks of Wang Qi.

By this time, Zong Lutuo had also rushed to the temple. Other combatants who had been jailbroken by Wang Qi before also climbed onto the outer wall of the temple. Wang Qi crawled along the outer wall to the bottom-the top of the temple.

As expected, he found the entrance.

The entrances and exits of the dragon architecture are either at the top or bottom. The dragons who originally lived in the sea did not have the thinking of "the door must be opened on the ground". Wang Qi shouted twice, and the combatants in the back rushed in.

Then, a fierce fighting sound came from within.

"Confirm that there is no danger to life when entering the temple; fighting in the temple will not trigger any prohibition."

Soon, the call of Wang Qi's men's combatants also came out. This complex long sentence with only a few sounds contains the internal structure and the division of the enemy. Wang Qi closed his eyes and carefully outlined the situation inside the temple.

"Except that the center is a blind spot ..."

"In the first turn after entering the temple, there were two enemies, non-combatants, who could not be killed."

"The second intersection after turning left, the enemy ... non-combatants ..."

"The first intersection on the second floor, the enemy ..."

Soon, the internal terrain and even the general division of the enemy were already in his mind.

In short, Wang Qi has an absolute quantitative advantage. There are not many claws and demon gates guarded here. Perhaps their overall combat power and average level are slightly higher than the tax team that Wang Qi defeated before, but Mei Gemu will definitely not arrange too much in such a place that is essentially irrelevant and just dedicated to Wang Qi. Of the individual.

and so……

"Not difficult!"

The only thing to be careful about is the "blank" area.

That was the result of a large number of combatants who were all spiked.

"Oh! Ah!" Wang Qi shouted the command of "retreat" and rushed into the temple like a ghost.

The interior of the shrine is also built according to the habits of the dragon. There are no straight promenades and right-angle turns. All the turns are smooth arcs. Wang Qi launched a formation and crossed a group of combatants.

——In the first turn after entering the temple, there are two enemies ...

There is no money, and a black one, a lot of combatants have fallen on the ground. The monsters dressed up by two monks are violently attacking the group of combatants. Wang Qi recognized the dress, it was the uniform of a martial art of Linghuang Island. But their faces and their entire bodies, like the mortals Wang Qi has seen, have undergone a terrible mutation. Due to their mana, the different kinds of spiritual power are not simply in the meridians, but in the circulation of the body. They seem to have lost most of their intellect and only know how to fight instinctively.

The two wielded palms like Li Tao. Palm shadows flew, almost covering the entire space.

However, there is no misuse.

Wang Qi pedaled against the wall, borrowed twice, and flashed the opponent's offensive, and then stabbed the big hole behind the opponent with a spirit rhinoceros bottle. Immediately afterwards, he broke off each other's arms, temporarily abolishing the attack power of these two monsters.

Then, rush to the next battlefield.

——The second intersection after turning left ...

Another alienated monk.

Wang Qi's neat sword owl ended the battle.

Then, the next one.

——The first intersection on the second floor ...

He changed the whole war situation at an incredible speed.

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