Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1479: Progress on the other side

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In a complex stone forest, Ai Changyuan ran quickly with his eyes closed. All the mass matter around him is in his perception. He was running fast, his expression anxious.

Behind it was a shout of babble and babble.

"Why am I the only one who maintains fighting power at this time!"

Ai Changyuan complained.

Compared with half a month ago, he had several wounds on his body, all of which were treated with bandages, and he consumed mana to ensure that the wounds did not split during exercise.

This has never happened before. From the foundation period, Ai Changyuan learned to use the gravity of the celestial bodies under his feet to continuously distort the space in a small range, hide himself while moving silently. Since then, he has rarely been injured.

And now, if this **** environment abolishes most of the means he is good at.

About feeling that his heart was beating too fast, he slowed down his speed, and finally stopped gradually, to restore his rhythm of breathing.

"Huh, it should have slipped far enough this time ... should it run away later?"

Although the force of gravity is many times weaker than the electromagnetic force in the macro field, it is still within the perception range of Ai Changyuan's specialization. He noticed several individuals that were getting closer and closer, quietly tapping in his heart, hiding quietly behind the stalagmites.

Then, riot!

The combatant didn't even think he would be here—because there is no condition for unfolding spiritual consciousness in this place, all the artificial monsters of the Demon Claw Gate have no “concept” for spiritual consciousness. The combatant did not expect that he would rush straight out of the blind spot. Ai Changyuan held the opponent's jawbone with both hands and used gravity to speed up his speed in the air.

Twist hard.

With a click, the other party's neck was crushed and fractured.

Ai Changyuan hit the other party's neck quickly again. At the same time, he rubbed his hands skillfully on the opponent's waist and walked down a storage bag.

Then, kick the second combatant.

The second combatant had a little time to react, and at the last minute he excited the qi. But the strength of Ai Changyuan's Jiedan series is not something this guy can resist. This foot kicked directly through the combatant's chest. Ai Changyuan jumped onto the stalagmite, and the third combatant followed, and was also solved by Ai Changyuan. He took the storage bag around his waist.

But then came the fourth and fifth.

After Ai Changyuan solved three more, he jumped out of the battle circle, reopened his body, and ran quickly. But before he opened the distance, this group of combatants had completed the formation, and the two swords flirted within a foot, and a small gap was drawn in the back of Ai Changyuan's hand.

Ai Changyuan secretly murmured and accelerated to escape.

These fighters were extremely poor at maintaining arrays at full speed, and then ran for a while, and were able to run a batch. He killed a few at a time, several at a time, and always killed many.

While fleeing by body, he also searched for six storage bags found from those combatants. Without mentioning a bunch of debris, Ai Changyuan discovered three Huiqi Dan and one Great Qidan. He secretly murmured and took two Huiqidan pills, scolding: "If the mana, just return to the original?"

All methods of monks are based on "mana". After the mana is exhausted, the monk will only have a stronger physical body than mortals. All the strength is still based on the function of breathing and chemical energy. By that time, even the combatants equivalent to the Qi training period would be dead.

But here, no monk can normally absorb spiritual power and transform it into mana. For Ai Changyuan, mana is a little less.

The shortage of water and food also caused him not to be injured.

Even if it can be recovered quickly with manpower, the lost quality cannot be recovered.

This is why he was shrunken in the face of combatants.

After fighting the group of combatants again and killing a dozen or so, Ai Changyuan estimated that he was almost over the limit.

Although there is a surplus of mana, the body and spirit are not. New wounds also need treatment. So, he accelerated again, throwing away the group of combatants. After confirming that there were no enemies following, he took out the map and looked at it, then walked in the direction of his memory.

Along the way, the cries of fighters "babble" and "babble" echoed everywhere. Ai Changyuan walked very carefully along the way. After about an hour, he finally reached the place where he temporarily found himself.

However, the movement there made him sink.

The sound of fighting.

He rushed towards the place where he had originally settled, and he saw Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan back to back, holding an anatomical lancet in their hands, leaning against a rock wall and fighting with a small group of combatants.

After spending a few seconds to determine that the number of combatants was less than one hundred, Ai Changyuan immediately joined the battle.

The three of them worked together, and then just barely killed the small group of combatants quickly.

After the death of the last combatant, Ai Qinglan distressedly pulled out his lancet. This kind of thing is not a weapon at all, nor is it suitable for weapons. Too slender lancets may not be as sharp as sharp instruments of the same order, but they are extremely vulnerable. If they are used as a block, they are afraid that the entire lancet will be scrapped.

"Quick ... Quick escape." Ai Changyuan gasped for two breaths.

Combatants will attract more combatants. If you can't quickly eliminate the small fighters around you, you will most likely fall into siege. Although it can escape, it will also consume a lot of mana, and may also bleed.

Nothing is worse than that.

Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan nodded and quickly collected a dozen corpses in a storage bag, and quickly escaped with Ai Changyuan.

Fortunately, the mobility of the monks is far stronger than those of the combatants. As long as they can escape quickly, they can still avoid fighting to a certain extent.

Ai Changyuan sighed: "How on earth did you provoke the monsters? Now you can move your hands?"

"If it's not impossible to move my hands, should I hold a precious lancet to dry it?" Chen Feng sighed: "It's all forced ..."

The three quickly approached a stream. The existence of this stream is simply a miracle. It can only wet people's boots, and the width is slightly larger than "one step". Generally speaking, people prefer to call it "ditch". However, in such a place, "water" alone is scary enough. It traverses the space where the three people are located, and flows to the other side of the space as if ignoring evaporation.

The trio used to go down the stream curiously. However, the downstream of the stream is an area guarded by heavy soldiers of Claw and Demon Gate, and the three of them can't rush through.

After arriving at the reserved spare foothold, Ai Changyuan first took out a piece of paper and used a charcoal pen to quickly draw out the map he remembered to supplement the map-their map gradually covered farther places. This map is also prepared to avoid the Demon Claw Gate. There are also several scheduled "meeting spots" above. If one day they were disbanded by the soldiers of Claw and Demon Gate, they could also join according to this map.

The three of them survived so hard.

When this was done, Ai Changyuan walked to the side of the "brook" and pressed his hand in the water. The water did not pass the back of the hand, bringing a hint of coolness. This unique touch of "water" gives Ai Changyuan the illusion of "ah, this is life".

But he is very clear that this is not the source of life.

This is overweight water.

Moreover, under this environment, there is no radiation and it will not decay.

If you drink overweight water by mistake, Ai Changyuan will instantly experience diarrhea due to penetration.

However, the difference between overweight water and light water is not that great when only cleaning the body surface.

After a while, he said to the two behind him: "Hey, how is it?"

Ai Qinglan and Chen Feng are doing blood drawing work. Chen Feng seemed to have distractions. But Ai Qinglan was fully invested. Chen Feng raised his head and asked, "Which aspect do you say?"

"These black dogs ..." Ai Changyuan pouted: "It's getting stronger and stronger. Today's batch is on average in the middle of the foundation."

"Black Dog", when Ai Chang was young, everyone in the Lande's Academy was so jokingly called the Secretary of Conduct. He now jokingly called these combatants who made him suffer.

At the very beginning, when they first fought against the Demon Claws, the combatants that appeared on average had only a practice period. A week ago, a white haze suddenly appeared in the combatants they killed. The subtitles composed of the light and fog tell the three people that because someone has passed the "first level", the "super soldier" is about to appear.

At first, the three did not understand what the "super soldier" was. But from that day on, a group of fighters who were far beyond the training period appeared.

Since then, their actions have become more difficult.

"We guess that the behind-the-scenes hand is likely to have obtained some new breakthrough-he has found a way to allow any individual to break through in this environment ..."

Ai Changyuan waved his hand: "I know ... Any new discoveries?"

"Now it has been determined that there is indeed a spiritual source similar to anti-psychotics in their blood." Chen Feng said: "Now I am trying to understand the relationship between the blood and skill of those guys, and Sister Lan tries to copy this Kinds of antipsychotics and generate targeted digestive enzymes. "

"Oh, this ..." Ai Changyuan nodded. "I'm tired. I will tell you if I have any results or something else."

He sat back on the inside of the camp and ate some of the stolen dry food and water-I do n’t know for what purpose, the combatants always had immortality, food, water and some unknown notes. This is also the reason why Ai Changyuan "hunts" those claws.

After eating, he fell asleep stunned.

Until a strong light woke him up.

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