Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: communicate with

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After a short scuffle, the number of combatants under Wang Qi's group increased smoothly to 400.

On the other side, there are three people who can't stop gagging.

"Damn ... what did you give us ..." Chen Feng only felt that his stomach was turning over. It wasn't until he concentrated on his inner feelings that he discovered the truth: "Yu Liu organ?"

"If you use your power to prop up the stomach wall, the Yuliu organ will be able to flap its wings freely." Wang Qi pointed out the experience: "Although it is not as fast as outside, it can restore mana anyway. Moreover, spreading the stomach wall can also cause a It ’s a subtle 'satisfaction', I think it's a kind of spiritual comfort here or not? "

"You guy ..." Chen Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Somehow, he was dizzy. The other two also sat down on the ground, without regard to the blood on the ground.

Ai Changyuan waved his hand: "You're in luck ... actually brought this rare organ beast-if I have so few, this will not be the result today."

Seeing Wang Qi, he still inevitably wanted to brave himself.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahhook, now you look like this." Wang Qi shook his head: "Is afraid that the mana before the war is not one-tenth of the period of victory? Is it so embarrassing ..."

The three only gave a bitter smile.

In the beginning of the battle, they consumed too much mana in order to create antipsychotics. Ai Qinglan hoped to be able to create a means to resist all kinds of alien spiritual erosion, so that they can use mana freely in this environment. However, she eventually miscalculated the erosive nature of heterogeneous spiritual powers—here, there is no “absorbable aura” at all, and all auras belong to “alien spiritual powers” ​​and must not be absorbed.

Anti-psychotics can only resist erosion, but cannot transform and absorb. They only succeeded in resisting erosion, but cannot restore mana.

Ai Changyuan could draw a little spiritual power from the gravity of the celestial body, but the recovery speed is really too slow. Rao is so, he also carried out the task of "hunting" alone, as much as possible to reduce the consumption of three mana.

Of course, for the three people, this is a "backward" past.

There are traces of spiritual power from the royal organ in the stomach. The flesh of the three of them on the verge is like dry land, fully absorbing those spiritual forces. The three of them seemed to be soaking in hot water, and the whole person was comfortable and lazy, and they didn't want to talk about these miscellaneous things for a while.

"It seems that you can recover." Wang Qi shrugged. "In short, I will deal with things here ..."

Under his command, the fighters also began to reprogram. They were neatly arranged in several square arrays and began to move in sync.

He is still unable to use spiritual knowledge or spell communication. But he can also command these combatants only by things like slogans. Infected combatants began to operate mana. Their special mana energy diffuses and connects with each other in the space. This connected spirit has also become a "data cable" between them, allowing them to "cross-infect" constantly. Even if there is any change in the Divine Plague, it will probably be covered in an instant.

"Shen Plague Mantra?" Chen Feng frowned.

Wang Qi turned his head and smiled: "I said, buddy, wouldn't you not be used to it by this time?" He pointed to the combatants: "If you have studied these guys, you should probably understand that 'S brain was destroyed, the soul was washed, there is no memory or self at all, and it is not a' human '. "

Chen Feng nodded and smiled bitterly: "No ... I didn't change my thinking for a while-speaking, I was saved for the second time by this thing."

Wang Qi turned around. He was really worried that this one-strength law enforcer would be disturbed by this taboo method. However, since Chen Feng can accept, then there is no problem.

Ten minutes later, the combatants screamed together. After a few more minutes, another monk came over.

Ai Qinglan "huh", she actually knew one of those two monks.

"That is……"

One of the two who followed him also exclaimed: "Sister Ai? Brother Chenfeng?"

Wang Qi looked up: "You know? It would be better. This is Zong Lutuo, a disciple of Shanhe City, and this is Zhu Jiamei, a disciple of Xuanxingguan. If you know it, you can save your tongue."

It was Zhu Jiamei, a disciple of Xuan Xing Guan, who followed Zong Lutuo. Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan once participated in the same large-scale project with her on the planet "Tian Yu".

Chen Feng struggled: "Are you ... are you here too? Have you also been caught?"

Zhu Jiamei nodded and smiled bitterly: "Yeah ..."

"I found her in the previous area. At that time, there was another monk of the Liuyun Sect who was with her. He will be introduced later. Zong Lutuo and I are in an area. Now I'm in. People, it is estimated that there are two of my fellow students, as well as a sister of Zong Lutuo and a brother of Zhu Jiamei. "Wang Qidao said:" All in all, our team has grown again! "

"It's ... a little more protection." Ai Qinglan sighed.

"Sister Zhu, please run back. Bring the people behind. In addition ..." Wang Qi glanced at the three of them again: "Have you ever drawn a map? We have just arrived at this place and we haven't yet An hour. "

"One hour, it's hard for you to find us ..." Ai Changyuan smiled and threw a piece of paper to Zhu Jiamei: "Use it."

Zhu Jiamei nodded and left immediately.

Chen Feng was puzzled: "Are there many people behind you?"

"It's hard to say a word." Wang Qi said: "Will explain it carefully when someone comes. In short ... Zong Lutuo, you help me get an isolation formation first, let's build a position first."

"OK, OK, whatever you say!" Zong Lutuo began to survey the surrounding area. He used means to make fine cracks on the ground, and used consumables to outline the array.

Wang Qi commanded the large group of combatants to run the formation. Gradually, there was a long and narrow figure swimming and swaying among the group of combatants.

It seems that Wang Qi is condensing the spirit body with the help of formation method.

Chen Feng watched for a while, then stood up suddenly, walked to Wang Qi, and asked, "Is this your way?"

Wang Qi was shocked: "What do you mean?"

"This formation ... and this spirit body." Chen Feng said seriously: "Is this also your original creation?"

"You said this? It was originally a set of low-level revisions that I collected a few days ago. It is the highest, and it has serious flaws. I am currently thinking about how to modify it."

"Hurry up, this is not a way out of trouble at all!" Chen Feng said seriously: "You are capitalizing on the enemy! This is making the enemy extremely powerful!"

"what happened?"

Wang Qi is still puzzled. Chen Feng quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

The source structure of the living spirit becomes a symbol, mutation and evolution, anti-psychic element, the strengthening of the enemy, the substance of the blood ...

"That guy didn't find the next layer of exercises, but he used our research to make all the miscellaneous soldiers improve." Chen Feng said seriously: "The enemy knows how to use our results ... … As we become stronger, will he only become stronger? "

Wang Qi pondered for a moment: "No wonder ..."

He noticed in the second "copy" that the new combatant mana has risen to the point of being the foundation period, but the "combatant skills" he obtained through the Divine Plague spell did not have an essential breakthrough, just Made some fine-tuning. And these "fine-tuning" is to adapt to another set of means.

He had never understood the purpose of these "fine-tuning" before. But now he understood.

It was an adjustment made to incorporate the spiritual power circulating in the blood into one's own circulation.

After this adjustment, the combatant's life essence has not been substantially improved, but he has mastered a more powerful "power".

The characteristics of this practice also reminded Wang Qi of Mei Gemu.

At that time, Mei Gemu, who was still "the goddess of beautiful plum blossoms".

At that time, he was using some kind of alien Taoism, accepting the blood of the demon in his body, and without directly enhancing the essence of life, he directly mastered the demon power equivalent to the knotty stage.

"Similar means ..."

Wang Qi nodded and said, "This information is very important. Thank you. It just solved some doubts in my heart. Also, I have been looking for disciples in Tianlingling for almost a month. I have some precious things in my hands. The sample hopes to be able to dissect and analyze for you, and then there are some data, see who will help me take a look ... "

"Wang Qi, I'm not kidding." Chen Feng frowned: "That guy has the ability to monitor us. Even if he can't understand our theory, we will repeat the same after we cast the spell, which is not for the guy. It's difficult. "

"So, according to your thoughts, shall we just slap and catch?" Wang Qi asked back.

Chen Feng was speechless for a while.

"I understand the truth. In fact, I also thought about why the guy had to grab us. If your statement is true, then everything will be explained. He wants to use our brains to help him unlock what Puzzle. What purpose was achieved. "Wang Qi smiled:" Our life and death are not his ultimate goal. As long as we play this game, he can get benefits, right? "

——I have done the same thing ...

Chen Feng sighed: "If you understand this, will you continue to study?"

Wang Qi nodded: "Because I understand that if you do nothing, it is impossible to resist."

"However, this beginning was an unfair battle ..." Chen Feng said: "He can know everything about us, but we can't know his ..."

"No, you have to think like this, friend-the reason why we can start to resist is because he took the initiative to send the 'data' to me." Wang Qi laughed: "And I have exactly one person in my hand. It ca n’t be imitated, and the means that Daxian did n’t dare to imitate. As long as this means is the core, complete a series of techniques ... ”

"We still hope to win."

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