Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: gravitational

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"I heard you noticed abnormal gravity on your way?"

Hearing Ai Changyuan's question, Wang Qi nodded: "Well, indeed."

"How to say? I didn't feel it at all." Ai Changyuan sat across from Wang Qi, and he didn't sleep well. "And speaking of it, we will face the monster of Yuan infantry tomorrow, now ... … "

"Now that the anomaly of gravity is here, maybe it will be more helpful for tomorrow's battle?" Wang Qidao said: "If you can use the piercing escape method, I won't be able to do it in every childhood period."

Ai Changyuan nodded reluctantly, "Yes, you are right-what is it?"

"The direction of gravity." Wang Qidao said: "I have noticed it all along. Although the gravity coefficient has not changed along the way, the direction of gravity has been changing. This change is continuous and does not obvious."

Ai Changyuan wondered: "How are you sure?"

"Oh, the first person I was with was a disciple of Shanhecheng." Wang Qi turned his head and greeted: "Zong Lutuo, come here."

"What? I have just finished the isolation formation. According to your idea, there are two stable formation formations." Zong Lutuo came running and complained: " The time is not enough! We have to face tomorrow! "

"Just answer a question." Wang Qi raised a finger: "Just one-talk about the results of your mapping."

Zong Lutuo nodded and said, "At the beginning, I just thought this was the illusion of this guy. But after surveying the cliffs between the two areas and the two areas themselves ..."

"Stop ..." Ai Changyuan raised his hand: "What is the cliff face?"

Ai Changyuan has not been close to the connection between the two regions before, and it is not clear what is happening there. Zong Lutuo also had to stop and explain the ins and outs.

"... All in all, under the paranoid idea of ​​this guy, I had to risk my life to return to the first area, and then gradually survey." Zong Lutuo cleared his throat: "All in all, the direction of gravity did change Also, the first area, the second area and the cliff are not absolutely perpendicular, and the area and the area, the cliff and the cliff are not absolutely parallel. "

"And, don't you feel any abnormality in the speed of the water?" Wang Qi pointed to the "ditch-like stream" not far away: "In our subjective feelings, this ground is almost completely Flat. In terms of the flow of this stream, this flow rate is incredible. However, the speed of this flow is actually very fast. "

Ai Changyuan thought for a moment: "Considering that we are very close to the center of the earth ... maybe the direction of gravity of the center of gravity is indeed not completely parallel? It's like ... 'Our feet are a sphere, all directions of gravity are toward that The center of the sphere is like this? "

In fact, the gravity of the ground is not absolutely parallel. But China is really too big. In the subjective feelings of the human race, the earth is not spherical. So under normal circumstances, the default gravitational direction is parallel-of course, for Poseidon or large beast species, the ground is indeed a spherical surface.

Wang Qi shook his head: "Then we should be closer to the center of the earth. The gravity factor here should be lower, so that we can feel the obvious weightlessness-not one third of the mainland of China."

"And ... if all these gravitational forces are set to be perpendicular to a plane, then this surface is not a spherical surface." Zong Lutuo took out a handwritten information: "It is a hyperboloid ..."

"What?" Ai Changyuan was stunned.

If these vertical gravitational planes finally show a sphere with the center of the ball directly below, then he can also be understood as "close to the earth's center"; if the vertical gravitational plane finally shows a sphere with the center of the ball directly above, it can also be understood as "Closed warped space" or "hole sky" interferes with normal gravity.


"Hyperboloid?" Ai Changyuan stood up and said, "This is ... this is ..."

"I haven't heard of it." Wang Qi said: "Obviously, in this place, 'something' affects time and space-perhaps this spiritual field itself, or maybe something else in this relic. In short, You must find a way to find it. "

Ai Changyuan frowned, but the corners of her mouth were raised upwards: "Hey ... hey, this challenging task really suits me ..."

"Maybe when you have studied thoroughly, we can leave here." Wang Qi nodded and said, "Well ... that's all for now. In addition ..."

Wang Qi took out another piece of jade and a piece of manuscript paper: "In addition, this thing will be placed with you. If one day, you go back and I don't have it, then please take this thing to Wanfamen For Chen Youjia or Zhao Qingtan, of course, I can also give it to my teacher Feng Luoyi directly-in short, trouble. "

Ai Changyuan was stunned for a moment: "Lao Wang, are you ... is this bad?"

"The most reluctant things in my life are these." Wang Qi smiled: "I can't bear them to be here with me."

Ai Changyuan said seriously: "Why me?"

"Do n’t be passionate, I ’m going to give everyone a copy, but that jade is a true inheritance, recording some of my thoughts on mathematics, most of which have not yet fallen on the paper. I have the abdominal draft but have not completed all the work, only the overall idea. "Wang Qi pointed to what Ai Changyuan said:" The former needs time to make, the latter ... my current physical condition does not allow I transcribed it myself, someone has to help me. "

Ai Changyuan remembered that Wang Qi was actually suffering from "Yuan Shenhua" like Ai Qinglan. This particular problem of the half-step Yuanshen monk almost killed Ai Qinglan's life a few days ago. In fact, Ai Qinglan is the hardest one among the three.

Wang Qi is facing a similar problem-even worse.

Ai Changyuan smiled: "Very good."

Wang Qi spread his hand: "If you have any results that are not willing to be buried here, write it down to others."

"Only at this time do I envy you ..." Ai Changyuan sighed: "Now it's a generation of masters, bastard. I was still able to make five or five openings with you."

Wang Qi blinked: "Five-five open? You lost both times? Only one win is called five-five open. Thank you."

"Oh, huh." Ai Changyuan laughed: "Yes, I'm a complete loser-this time I really envy you guys. If I die here, thousands of years later, the history books only I would say it like this-'This man is the strongest opponent before the young genius Wang Qi entered the fairy yard' and 'the two of them died in the same accident'. Among peers, only you **** Come out. "

Most of the monks of Wang Qi's generation spent a lot of time on cultivation, but they were able to learn "the most cutting-edge", but they did not really start their own research and did not qualify for sufficient resources. According to their original trajectory, they can truly master resources and manpower and bloom their brilliance after they become Yuanshen monks.

At present, there is only Wang Qi, who has truly achieved the words "Unparalleled in the World". From the initial "complete theorem" to the later "incomplete theorem" and "undecidable theorem", he almost penetrated the most complicated field of "logic" with his own strength, directly rewriting the distribution of the power of Wan Famen. Afterwards, the achievements of arithmetic such as kinks and clumps, Gao Ling's environmental empirical criteria, the discovery of the fourth generation of neutrinos, etc., are all enough to make him a celebrity.

After hearing Ai Changyuan's sigh, Wang Qi also smiled: "Why, by default, neither of us can go out alive? Maybe only you die?"

"Haha, if you die here, but the biggest loss for the human race in recent centuries, don't die." Ai Changyuan waved his hands and changed places, planning to take a closer look at the data himself.

Wang Qi can't do such a purely theoretical speculation-especially the part related to time and space.

Zong Lutuo sighed: "Do you have to have such a" dead "and" dead "dialogue? Listening is uncomfortable."

Wang Qi smiled and patted Zong Lutuo on the shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"It's nothing. I saw you like this, I just remembered, this should actually be the first time I really fell into a dying situation, right?" Wang Qi laughed.

If you think about it, Feng Luoyi has been paying attention to him since the loss of control. Although Tianjian Lincheng was dangerous, it was only "apparently" dangerous. Everything is within the plan. And Xihai and Linghuang Island, he can borrow the power of Feng Luoyi at any time and break out of the situation instantly.

Only this time, he was helpless.

As if I just came out of the fairy yard-no, just as I just came out of my own village.

It's just more dangerous.

"It's just more dangerous ..." Wang Qi sent Zong Lutuo and cheered: "There are more important things to do."

He took out a piece of paper again and started writing silently with his eyes closed.

Ignore the meaning of the statement itself, only as "silent writing."

"Theoretical Explanation of Superconductor Flux Quantization."

This should have been a paper made by Yang Zhenning during his visit to Stanford University in the summer of 1961. This paper proved that electronic pairing can lead to observed phenomena, clarified the need to introduce new fundamental principles of electromagnetic fields, and corrected Some of Landau ’s reasoning errors.

This paper can be said to be one of the most important early papers in the field of condensed matter, and its results and methods have been widely used in the research of superconductivity and superfluidity.

"This kind of thinking, I really can't bear to let it be here with me ..."

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