Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 2 Chapter 1500: Suo Jia, the enemy

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Wang Qi walked all the way and found that Mei Gemu really had the style to make this underground field into a large RPG game. The earth shattered by the Dragon Emperor 200 million years ago naturally divided the "world view" into "maps". And he set villagers and monsters on these countless "maps" and placed "rewards".

This is true of the seven or eight areas they have traveled along.

However, this area is different.

"Huh, what's the feeling of the final villain?" Wang Qi mumbled: "According to the current plot process, shouldn't it just start the plot? At least there are more than thirty episodes or more than three hundred episodes. Zhang Keshui feeling? "

Wang Qi even has a feeling. The enemy of the "destination" may not be so powerful, but it will definitely cause a heavy "strike" on his side.

Wang Qi, who had broken away from the big army, breathed. Under the blood turbulence, the **** spiritual force filled his muscles, allowing him to move in a superhuman trajectory. Before deeper learning and running, simply using this blood to refine the demon power can only honestly borrow the reaction force to get on the road.

If you are outside, the foot strength of the Tandan period is simply a big pit.

At this time, Wang Qi even had an illusion. What runs in his blood vessels is not blood, but some kind of "solid", even the endless "glaciers". And he is digging out the "power" in it.

And this "power" is compared to the different kinds of spiritual power that he can gradually perceive.

Soon, he saw the light in the distance. According to previous experience, this should be "a well-preserved dragon family building" or "uncooled lava". The presence of this light means that it is not far from the enemy's stronghold.

Wang Qi folded his body and lay prone on the ground, like a kind of beast, crawling proficiently. The ground here is still igneous rock. It can be seen that this piece of magma solidified very quickly, and the lava was still rolling on the ground. This is like a natural trench, giving Wang Qi room to hide.

Soon, Wang Qi discovered the previous batch of monks here, a total of ten people.

Not all monks are like Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan. They discovered the "anti-psychic element" early and retained their fighting power. Along the way, Wang Qi also found several corpses of this method. Half of them are completely unrecognizable and no one knows. Ai Qinglan also took only a little blood and flesh as a sample, and left the Xianji 珮, so that he can build a tomb in the future-it is also a consolation.

They used to have great ambitions, and they all wanted to smell it. It's a pity that all this has become a bubble.

Together with Wu Anjie and Duan Xiaochuan who were unable to participate in the battle because of the damage, there were only 13 monks gathered here on Wang Qi ’s side.

Wang Qi leaned over and asked, "How is it going?"

"We are preparing to try a bit and are discussing the method." Ai Changyuan's face is not very good-looking: "However, the method has not been discussed yet ..."

"What's wrong?" Wang Qi strangely took out his two lenses. Before waiting for him to see it, Zong Lutuo shouted: "How do I fight this? This can't ... Um!"

Before he finished, Chen Feng and Ai Qinglan shot from the left and right, strangling his neck. Wang Qi found out that these two are probably the strongest fighting forces except himself, and they are vaguely suppressing Zong Lutuo.

"How did it happen?" Wang Qi frowned: "Even if you don't want to fight, wouldn't it be like this? Would it be like this?"

Zong Lutuo blushed. Chen Feng sighed, "Look at it yourself."

Wang Qi adjusted the two lenses several times and looked at the "base" over there.

This time, the building that supported the two pieces of land debris from collision was a wall.

Yes, it's weird, a section of the remaining wall. It is dozens of feet tall, if it is under it, it is difficult to see the top of the wall. However, such a huge wall is obviously part of a "large building complex".

Wang Qi thought about the natural size of Yueluo Liuli, and then shook his head. "Flying" is almost an instinct for the dragons, so for them, the "enclosure" is similar to the line drawn on the ground. Even the "Great Wall" type buildings have no meaning to them. The dragon architecture is either open or closed, and there is no "enclosure".

But this is clearly part of the "enclosure".

"Isn't it always like the transportation plan of the Dragons?" Wang Qi is not malicious speculation.

But in an instant, he paused.

Because he saw an unexpected person.

Suo Manchen, owner of Erweizhuang.

The night before Er Weizhuang discussed the sword, Wang Qi met Suo Manchen at the "Family Banquet". At that time, Suo Manchen was a middle-aged woman with two temples, and the impression left on Wang Qi was about "a gloomy man". Now, his hair is white, and a few wrinkles are added to his face, like an old man. The original gloomy temperament seems to have disappeared completely. At this time, Suo Manchen was wearing a purple purple robe with big sleeves and a disheveled hair, with a bit of fanaticism and piety on his face, just like the Buddha for many years, ready to sacrifice the martyrdom of pious monks.

This temperament should not have the most temperament.

He is dressed up with several men and women with similar outfits. Wang Qi vaguely remembered that these guys were all Suojia children who appeared in that "family banquet".

"Traitor?" Wang Qi grinned broadly: "Ha ha, ha ha ha-isn't this an accomplice that brought Uncle Ben to such a situation? Ha ha ha-the opportunity to hand edge the enemy!" He put down the lens and asked Tao: "Aren't you traitors? Why don't you shoot?"

"Suo Zhuangzhu ... The old thief Suo Manchen is the master of Yuanshen period after all." Zhu Jiamei expressed his concerns. But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Wang Qi: "Yeah, if you don't enter the emptiness, you won't be able to directly draw the spirit of the void, and you will become a system without relying on the heavens and earth. It is impossible to expand the Yuanshen domain. Similarly, he does not have the normal means of supplementing mana-the Yuanshen monks without the Yuanshen domain have no much difference in fighting methods from the Tandan period, let ’s talk about our side There are two other monks who are also in Yuanshen period! Do you dare to fight? "

Half-step Yuanshen, knocking on the sky and not stepping on it, but the realm is indeed equivalent to Yuanshen.

Wang Qi doesn't think that in this situation, he will lose.

Chen Feng sighed: "If you look closely, those guys who look like guards."

Wang Qi looked at it again. He just instinctively regarded the black figure standing around as a combatant during the Qi training period. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was wrong.

Those guys, even though they were all black, their heads were not wrapped by exoskeletons. Something with a metallic texture is inserted into their bodies in a mess, and even covers half of their faces, but these people will at least show half of their faces.

There were confusion, numbness, hatred, fear, and subtleties in the half of the face. It didn't look like a script changer at all.

Wang Qi had a bad hunch in his mind: "No!"

Although he didn't say it, everyone knew what he was asking.

——Those who would n’t be… our people?

——Wouldn’t those who participated in Erweizhuang ’s discussion of swords?

"I saw my fellow brothers ..." someone said. Wang Qi remembered that this guy belonged to the Alliance of Lei Lei Pavilion. Although the current Erweizhuang Onjian is purely a commemorative event, the palace and Guiyi League are still the most popular sect.

Zhu Jiamei finally couldn't hold back, sobbing, "Brother Liu also ..."

Wang Qi looked at Chen Feng. The guy nodded slowly.

There is the same gate of Tianlingling.

Although they are not acquaintances, they are acquaintances.

"So? What do you ... how?" Wang Qi asked.

"No ... I can't fight them-they are the same!" Zong Lutuo lowered his voice: "They are the same, yes ..."

"According to the law we found all the way-weird people's consciousness has been erased. No one can guarantee that these are not." Wang Qi hugged his arm: "Even if I can help you to wash it back with the God Plague spell -Seriously, can you accept it? Can they accept it? "

"But they may not be saved." Chen Feng's expression was calm, as if he was just saying the fact: "And they are not necessarily voluntary."

"You really like to think of people for their benefit." Wang Qi tweeted, "However, we are not likely to have traitors here?"

"Wang Qi!" Zong Lutuo growled: "I'm begging you-let's not fight them! I can find other ways. The map we have is enough, I can guess the way. This Once we do n’t fight, let ’s not fight, can we? Just this time ... I ... ”

Wang Qi looked at Zong Lutuo and looked at him for a while: "No, you won't ..."

——Aren’t you so unlucky?

Looking at Zong Lutuo's painful expression, Wang Qi couldn't say anything later.

Zong Lutuo was able to cheer up because he wanted to find his sister and sister. If……

Wang Qi sighed: "I'll go over there and if I can avoid fighting, I will try to avoid fighting as much as possible."

...................................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................

At the same time, on the other side of the wall, another figure was slowly approaching.

"I really hope there is a spirit stone here ..." The man hidden in the dark laughed at himself: "Is this the beat that everyone robbed the spirit stone and other resources before returning to 10,000 years ago, if I knew I would give birth to a murder one year ago The idea of ​​grabbing the treasure and robbing the spirit stone may be ashamed and dead. "

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